, though, the day you wholly comprehend the entirety of the universe and everything in it, from a truly subjective--not merely empirically objective--position...
...then, question God?
He is completely beyond the broadest limits of our most well-developed, objectified comprehensions: we are constrained to comprehensions which ever develop within scope of the finite moments simply entailed by a subjective inability to escape the fourth dimension of time and space--the definite, extant constraint of our physical experience (i.e., "life"). This is a matter of complete divergence from, even as unto direct opposition to, the genuine and sincere (truly subjective) comprehension of the nature of the infinite--as, even attempted culminations of merit unto "cumulative" and "comprehensive" understandings...unto "knowledge" of the "all"...are yet limited within self-same frame of mere moments in time, as the only course by which further realizations can even be attained to composite. Our attempts at objectivity are forever innately lacking an -experiential- comprehension of the whole of -everything-, as would necessarily persist from a simultaneous moment of infinity (authentically implied by the very idea of an "everything"). Objectivity sufficient to comprehension would require experiential knowledge from beyond the realm of time and space, at the very least--yet we are not wholly capable, from our own stance...by our very, dimensionally restrained, nature.
Thus, theories of everything will always fall short. Attempts to deride any subjectively -known- experiences of God--those through Christ Jesus--ultimately fall within the realm of that sort of argument...
We are incapable of comprehending God on our own terms, as He exists so far beyond them. Yet, somehow He will allow (even desires!) us to ever begin to know Him on His own.
And Jesus is the Truth of God--as His only begotten son come to sacrifice that we might be saved. That we might be reconciled unto the Truth.
Just what it is, dude.
Many peace, much love to y'all. ^_^
Ended up posting that early today. In process of taking in some Word from the Lord through a brother in Christ.
Which... ...segued into reading Romans 9.
Which... ...somehow segued back into G+.
And the original post which incited that such above response, as a response in response to a response to my original response (which there's no need to share here) to the post...beckoned a need to distinguish between spreading the Gospel outright and utilizing fear as a means to attempt to entice folks unto salvation.
Which...Jude says was...the impression I got was [paraphrased:] "acceptable but by no means the preferable method" for bringing people into the Truth of Jesus. Whatever works to win souls to the grace and almighty love of the Lord, our righteous and holy God Almighty, through His precious Holy Spirit's leading.
But, yeah. Whatever works.
Just--as God Himself must even be that which draws one to a revelation of Jesus Christ so to then accept Him as Lord... ...it does make sense that, given salvation is entirely an individual experience, as much so will be the initial expression of the Holy Spirit. Yeah.
So, why would a person expect that there's only one way to share the Gospel?
There's something somewhere about the leading of the Holy Spirit being done in ways which confound comprehension, even as unto the revelation of Christ, Himself.
So, it was given me to respond to a posted question of whether telling children they'll be condemned to hell unless they accept Christ as Savior constitutes child abuse.
Cause, seriously? Why assume that children require being handed a fear of damnation as to convince them to submit to Christ?
My six year old niece didn't need that, to accept His sacrifice on the cross as to make it possible for us to be close to God (given our sins, which made it so God just couldn't talk to us or get near us--He sent His son, Jesus to be a sacrifice and die on a cross, so that when He did...like a long, long time ago when people used to have a bit altar and they'd do sacrifices to God to try to make up for the bad stuff--but it was just never enough...
...when Jesus was the sacrifice, though, it made it so we could have our sins really just forgiven, and so we could talk to God again, and be close to Him. Because Jesus came back to life three days after he was sacrificed, and He's with our Father God up in Heaven, now.
Because He did all that...because God gave Jesus--His son--up on the cross, to die...and then come back to life...and He's now in Heaven with Father God...because He did all that, we can talk to Jesus, too--we can be close to God.
It didn't take all the sorts of fearfulness about hell, for her to want to talk to Jesus. So, for her to even tell me...when stuff with her mom started getting utterly chaotic...?
When I went to try to explain to her what was going on in a way which was faithful to Truth, yet didn't discount the things she was seeing--she cut me off and let me know her mom was lying about stuff...which she claimed to know because her "mom keeps talking to God, but she won't listen to Jesus. She won't talk to Jesus, and that's wrong."
I knew the things she said were true, because I'd already witnessed them. For her to know it, likewise, though? At six years old?
Praise the Lord!
So, it was given me to be able to respond to the woman sparking discussion over whether it was child abuse to tell kids they're going to hell unless they accept Jesus as Savior.
Because it doesn't have to be that way. To know Jesus is to love Him. For He loved us first.
And their hearts aren't so hardened--most children, by the grace of God aren't so jaded...their conscience has not yet been so seared by disobedience and willful malfeasance (always fun to use words I don't recall the meaning of: "define:malfeasance" Google search rocks!...truly apt word, though, and as usual the archaic is most precise). Okay...yeah.
Outlining the process along the way, is all.
But...their conscience isn't so seared, nor their heart hardened, nor their neck so stiffened, that it absolutely requires an shock to the entire system as to even begin to get through.
To do so would be somewhat an offense, actually. Fear God, but is fearing hell fearing God, or fearing his creation?
Is fearing hellfire fearing God, or is it fearing for oneself?
That...is a VERY, VERY, VERY fine line. Which the Spirit can totally take advantage of, as the Lord wills.
But to walk others along that line arbitrarily, as though there is no other way to effectively share the Gospel?
There MUST be discernment. MUST. That's all.
As a reference to the bit about introducing children to Jesus, though--Proverbs 9:10 seems most apt, as always:
The reverent and worshipful fear of the Lord is the beginning (the chief and choice part) of Wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight and understanding.
Knowledge is required to beget wisdom and understanding.
Okay, there's some weird stuff going on right now which is ...
Outright warfare, today.
Grace has provided deliverance, today.
And the unwise which had sought to block it are merely attempting to express their rage. Condemned, and have been. Once condemned is EVER condemned, as to those outside salvation.
Abominations are not eligible. And they rage, sometimes, when they're subjected to the authority of the Almighty God. El Shaddai.
Abba, Father!
Truly. ^_^
But, yeah...they're not eligible, and in their prideful envy and wrath for being so subjected to ultimate authority without being able to resist, they sometimes rage. To no effect, unto God's elect.
None but that which He allows. And that's an entirely different matter than what they would want.
To God's elect... A hedge of protection. As with Job.
If I have to go outside and deal with some of this, it's on. Seek God, resist temptation, and the devil must flee. Give him no place.
Tell ya what, though--it's such a good thing to sit under sound teaching. Praise God Almighty for access to such of His glory, online!
I love that verse in Isaiah...
Just reread through the thing about theories of everything, and thinking about it, because a lot of/some folks would come against that in a way as, "Well, what then? If you're saying we aren't capable of knowing everything (oh, that was an absolutely devastating revelation--it actually led up to the initial suicide attempt, in ways).. Just don't do anything? Just give up on everything?
You're basically saying that no matter how far we go, we're not capable of knowing. So, you're saying the stuff we've done is useless? Or to no effect?"
And after that realization crossed my mind, I remembered that, no...
...that's NOT the message. The message is that, while everything we do in our own ways, by our own methods, OF OUR OWN VOLITION...amounts to much of nothing... >>>God is above all, as we can ever begin to know Him.
So, just think of the things...
...oh, all the glory! He deserves it all. ALL of it.
So for the entirety of those pursuing science as a religion to have a revelation that God is the center of it all, and to seek Him first, with all due ardor, as the center of their pursuits? Oh, my goodness...at the wonder.
With the single-minded devotion folks pursue scientific understanding (*raises hand*--once guilty, but saved by grace!)--can you IMAGINE, for just a moment...a world full of people who are THAT devoted to pursuit of God, to an ever increasing knowledge of God, thus an increasing love for Jesus, and as such an abiding and increasing love for one another...
Oh, goodness.
I keep getting glimpses of that. For the first time, it happened the day of procuring a study Bible. In the Christian bookstore, just wandering a bit, listening to the worship songs...not coveting things, but just enjoying being immersed in an atmosphere where Christ was the center..
...and for just a moment, back in the music section, it crossed my mind that someday it will be like that everywhere.
And the thought was in terms akin to what presently exists, although it won't be the same exactly. Just...as to make it possible to conceive of...think about what it would be to be in Wal-Mart without a spirit of covetousness pervading the atmosphere. There, in a public place of exchange, with Christ as the pervading presence. The Holy Spirit absolutely permeating the atmosphere. And praise being the very air, songs so thick--from loudspeakers?, or just...just the atmosphere? And everyone so filled with His love that we're all just...absolutely overcome with joy just to see one another as to -share- a moment of praise to our Lord and King! Just to be so able to praise Him, everywhere, so openly, and to share in it wholeheartedly with others who are thus same-spirited, wholly?
It was utterly surreal. And yet so wholly right.
The focus wasn't on obtaining things, or even the place itself.. ..the focus was on Christ. It just happened to be a place, as all places.
Oh, it's such a happy thing. =)
I long for the ability to praise Him adequately. There's just NO way. I don't have words. And it's so frustrating, because...my ability to praise Him is so very limited that ever if I were to have spoken nothing aside of gratitude to Him, from the moment of my birth straight through unto the moment of eventual end to this experience of the physical...still, it would be as -nothing- said, before how worthy He truly is.
The sheerest realization of so great an insufficiency!, by even so very finite as mine own glimpse unto the infinite reality of His righteousness and goodness!...is enough to make one weep from outright awe and longing to further bear capacity for praise.
So, yeah. I'm totally looking forward to Heaven. So to be able to praise Him more adequately (still, could only ever be "adequate" AT BEST in any relation to the ABSOLUTE glory of His majesty). I would yet hope that there IS hope as to praise in some way that it could somehow be a justifiable sacrifice unto Your wondrous might, though.
Somehow. Someday.
Romans 14:17 ..."the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."
Is there a difference between Heaven and the kingdom of God, though?
...first time that's been wondered.
Okay, that's for another day.
That's enough.
MUST FINISH THIS VIDEO. HAVE LISTENED TO THE MIDDLE PORTION AT LEAST...OH, I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW MANY TIMES...because every time attention goes elsewhere from the teaching, then to be drawn back...taken back to the place where it wandered. WooHoo! 30 minutes in, finally!
<<edit #1:>>
So, yes
not to just exclude a solitary verse from a passage quoted:
Isaiah 59:20
He shall come as a Redeemer to Zion and to those in Jacob (Israel) who turn from transgression, says the Lord
<<edit #2>>
Never heard of this, before. Trippy. Eschatology, I'd been looking into, but didn't realize the "-ology" was really appended onto a theological term. Seriously trippy.
The Eschaton
...ah, this site's bound to be 'interesting.'- <<Edit #3>>
- Okay. So, I'll get past minute 32, eventually. Apparently, I've restarted this video every time It's gotten just past minute 32, for the past 24 hours. Seriously. I am so caught by that bit--my mind just starts to wander about the things within it. argh Eventually. So many pieces!
Will get past minute 32...! Just as soon as I check out that bibliotrippiness site about "the escaton." - <<Edit #4>>
- I just... ...what???
- Did they intend to consider themselves followers of Aquarianism, and just happened to misplay the term?
And even for THAT matter...The Aquarian Gospel is still Christ-centered, from what seemed.
Wasn't it? - I mean, yeah--it was totally false doctrine. But...yeah--I need to get rid of that book. It is occult.
- I've had to struggle through that. STILL having to submit to Christ, constantly, to avoid the temptation to do my own thing, rather than being wholly led. It's just better not to think about things. Just to do them, full of prayers and praise rather than of thought and contemplation. Never giving in to the consideration of consequences, when it comes to doing things which the Spirit directs.
I can't, anyway. The thought of public mortification utterly terrifies me. So, it has to be surrendered to Him. Calmly face physical death, yet for some reason become utterly petrified at the merest true consideration of public mortification. Good times. Because I'm doing things anyway, because I trust Jesus. He's always shielded me from fear of physical death (Isaiah 59:19, for real)...and from death itself...so whom shall I fear? It's ridiculous to be terrified of people. So, I renounce that. Fear is unto God, alone. He is my shield and my strength, my comfort in times of need, and my ever-present help. So, whom shall I fear? None but God.
Praise the Lord! - Oh goodness, I just made it to minute 44, and then it threw me off track. Trippy.
- <<Edit 3 million>>
Okay, so I had finished listening to, but not watching it, last night.
There were some things to review still, though.
Minor shocks which need to be grasped.
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