In case it wasn't apparent from the earlier post, today has been exceedingly strange.
Nothing taken lightly.
Moments when my past tries to jump up to accuse me, after being able to testify of Christ's power of deliverance for even a sinner such as me...I'm reminded of Paul, who called himself the worst of all sinners.
Whether he ever actually took part in a stoning or not, it was by his word that Christians were slain. And Jesus delivered even him, into such a position of servitude as to proclaim the Gospel that it should reach even us, today.
So, who am I to question the Lord's mercy in choosing a sinner such as me, to know Him and be so blessed as to speak His name as Lord. Who am I but a broken vessel, salvaged for such a use?
That nothing in me is good, such that Christ alone could have complete glory in working through me.
It's an abject fear that I might still sin against Him. Oh, how I hope and pray not to!
Yesterday's major revelation, after a couple days' worth of prayerful and suffering consideration...was that He still bears the stripes which He took that we could be healed. He does.
Knowing that the nail scars remain, I'd begun to fear that so did those stripes. And it's difficult to write about. It's just so totally, completely, horrendously unfair...that He should be so marred by our ignorance and rejection of Him. He, who is so holy and beloved and worthy of all praise.
He wears those stripes, still.
Just...I can't even think about it or imagine it right now, only to remark in somewhat a silence as to type.
It's just too much.
The sacrifice. As the recent song says...I'll never know how much it cost to see my sins upon the cross.
The magnitude just overwhelms.
Praise be to God that my Savior sits at the right hand of the Father, even now! He is alive. Oh, Praise the Lord! He is alive!
How much more precious and awesome and wonderful and beloved...?
makes a person want to never sin again
just to know the grief
I fear to sin, knowing what He endured to procure my, by the leading and conviction of the Holy Spirit--just, to move everyday further into that place of freedom, and NOT sin.
There's such grief in any revelation of the suffering one so beloved endured. Such grief. Praise God for His mercy upon us all...and for the resurrection of Christ which offers us new life, in Him!
But to think on how he suffered? To have any realization of what he endured, for such wretches as we all truly are...? that we might be reconciled into a greater fellowship with Him? That we might know Him, each of us...personally???
it's just inconceivable
And, yet it was done. That sort of love...
Oh, it's just so much. So far beyond comprehension. And yet, to love Him, we must know He loved us. So, evermore to be a prayer to have a greater revelation of His love, so as to be able to love Him more and be able to love others as He loves us.
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