Saturday, October 18, 2014

End Transmission

The word acolyte has been crossing my mind for the past 24 hours. As the word disciple had been crossing my mind repeatedly without prompting, a couple/few weeks ago.

I couldn't remember what it means, but perceived it as an office.

I'd been wondering, for the past month and some, what to have considered my prior ungodly pursuits, especially given the extent to which they'd run and the course by which they'd run.

I was an adept.

That's been wholeheartedly renounced. Wholeheartedly, by the grace of God. And it's wholly by grace, because prior to renunciation, I'd been so deluded that I didn't even realize it NEEDED to be renounced, for the sake of salvation and sanctification. And it wasn't given me as a necessary course by way of the teachings found in any one sermon, nor by any one particular reading of scripture, nor even by a single moment in prayer, but by a cumulative unveiling of quite how much an abomination such a state of being is, before God.

And since having even more fully realized how much of an atrocity it is to traffic with spirits and to wield one's own will, a site I'd wandered across along the course has come back to mind.

Something wandered across in the course of learning made total distinction between spirituality, mysticism, and occultism in such a way that it made complete sense, and yet was far beyond anything I'd ever heard.

Spirituality superficially would seem the least offensive, but it willfully refuses the TOTAL sovereignty of the Most High God. AND it COMPLETELY ignores Christ's sacrifice and resurrection as the ONLY means for salvation and fellowship with God.

Because there are a lot of spirits out there which would seek to deceive and which seek to hold captive, there are those which purport to fellowship. This, I know. I speak from experience, y'all, but as delivered by the grace of God.

There is a false peace, there. The fruits of the Holy Spirit, as described in Galatians are NOT wholly manifested. So, it's false religion. The doctrine of demons, and their work.

Mysticism is moreso a system of barter. Believing a certain thing to get a certain result. Acting in a certain way to get a certain result. The order of the thing is such that there's a systematic belief system instated wherein adherents propose to reach deeper levels of understanding by their own self-directed and self-willed and self- enacted adherence and continuation. Again--speaking from experience, as delivered by the grace of God.

Demons are more than willing to engage in barter for trifles, if it means they'll ensure your ultimate destruction. And, as far as that goes...the more which can be pulled into destruction by those means, the more they "benefit."

They hate us, y'all. They view us as less than dirt, and the fact that salvation is attainable through Christ to us...such that we become JOINT-HEIRS with Christ? The mere fact that such a status is attainable to utterly enraging, to them.

So, if they can believe it's within their power to "cull a few converts" by keeping them wrapped up in the "power" accessible to them through mysticism...? Yeah.

It's beyond dirty business, but doesn't that put more perspective on why such a thing as palm reading and tarot cards are an abomination before God? (And horoscopes, yo--it's a gateway drug to the occult, is all) He is the all consuming fire, He is the Almighty God, HE is THE Most High God. The ONLY God. The ONLY.

So, to traffic with other stuff, as such?
It's unholy. It's not of Him, so it's of the devil. And as being of the devil, it is an abomination.

Think about it this way, for a very brief bit of example: Your puppy has been outside playing, found a few-week old deer carcass and rolled around in it. Are you going to be able to immediately snuggle that dog? You love it, yeah, but it's got bits of decayed flesh all over it and rotten blood streaked in its fur.

Wouldn't you clean it up before letting it back into the house? How about before letting it near a baby?

God is pure--he is holy. He created the light and the darkness, yet there is no darkness in him.

As to the occult (and maybe I'm mixing up occult and mysticism, but not sure--either way, they equate to the same difference)'s man instituting his own will. Man implementing his own authority. Outside of God. In defiance of God, then. Because to exercise authority outside of God is to be in defiance of Him, as all authority ultimately resides in God.

To put that in perspective, consider Lucifer. He attempted the same thing, and now he's not only lost his position and his name before God, evermore to be the accuser "Satan," but he condemned himself to eternal damnation through his prideful disobedience and obstinacy. God is just and will not tolerate the unjust, nor the unrighteous. Love requires that lack of tolerance, in ways which stand as acknowledged yet still mysterious to me. As such from which His jealousy is justified.

The Lord wants us reconciled to Himself. Jesus sacrificed that we might be saved from our sinful natures and from the darkness which we dwelt in, once bound by the shackles of the law of sin and death, until He went Himself and took back the keys to death, hell, and the grave--resurrected unto Life, He ascended to the Father's right hand. As our intercessor, high priest, counselor...

And, today, I heard of Him sitting on the mercy seat. Which it is. The seat of judgment.

So, those who would so errantly place themselves in a position where they mock God by exercising authority in attempt to be outside His will (truly, it can only ever be an attempt...the truth of the matter is that God is in control, no matter what we do)...? Yeah, salvation exists for them, too. (Speaking from experience--praise the Lord, who is so good and merciful and loving!)

But not with any attempt to remain outside of God.

And the only way to be conformed to His will is to live in Christ.

So, all those things MUST BE wholeheartedly renounced. They simply MUST be.

No questions. No qualms. No bartering. No partial surrender.

People want to compromise. They want to give a certain portion, and keep the rest for themselves.

Salvation doesn't work that way.

ANYTHING outside of salvation will fall into one of the three above categories. And EACH is as much an abomination, as the rest.

Whether it's reading horoscopes, trying to predict the future using some means, "communing with nature," seeking peace for humanity, or even just ...well, you fill in the blank.

If it's not done IN Christ, by leading of the Holy Spirit, to the glory of the Most High God--our Father in Heaven...

...then it's not of God.

So, there's no middle ground. There's just not. You're either in or you're out. And, woe unto you who would refuse to choose!

For, even so doing is to make that latter choice.

Those who are drawn by the will of the Father, who are led by the Holy Spirit unto salvation...
...will be saved.

Those who are not, they would be as to refuse, for the Lord knows our hearts better even than we. He knows them.

And those who are drawn, and who do surrender wholly to the Lord, in repentance, renouncing all else?

The fertile ground will yield.

And NOTHING can stop that. NOTHING.

Jesus said so. Nothing could snatch from His hand those who were given Him by the Father.

I just pray that there are many who are yet awakening to His love and grace and mercy, and that there are many whose bonds are being broken--set free from the law of sin and death by the law of life in Christ--even this very moment, and every one hence, even unto that last day which comes so quickly.

Renounce all else.

Jesus HAS overcome. And so to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, all things else will be added unto us. Even as to the very meals we need, should it be His desire as to so loving place us in a position where we are so blessed as to be able to depend upon Him for our every meal.

Whatever is in His will. He is Jehovah Jireh. And all things good.

Never doubt. Even in our doubting, we must remain faithful to the one Truth--to our Lord above, who is yet coming to receive us unto Himself, that we may be where He is.

Praise the Lord Jesus! He is so worthy! He is so good! He is so loving!
Oh, thank you, Jesus!

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