Big surprise:
Today was wild. So many things.
Something which came to me during a discussion about the new buses in the area hereabouts--a VERY rural area:
While, superficially, the presence and operation of "city" buses in the area seems like such a good's not. It's a sign of the times. Those same people who are riding buses now, used to have rides from family and neighbors. They used to have families, even a decade ago, and moreso the further back you proceed.
So, while folks are hailing the buses as being a major development, they're actually a blatant sign of absolute decay. ABSOLUTE decay.
Even those who didn't have immediate kin or friends as to obtain rides before, could hitchhike and expect to get a ride from someone friendly. Friendliness, each to the other. For the most part.
Dad used to pick up hitchhikers, so I know.
I still pick them up, but only when permitted and directed to.
It's possible that dad still gives rides, but hard to say.
One thing I've noticed, though--people have stopped even trying to get a ride, a lot. One dude I picked up, was a 45 minute drive. He was gonna walk. In bad shoes, in pain.
But he had no choice. And he wasn't even trying to get a ride. Just walking with his head down, dejected.
What has happened to us, as a society? a world?
I know there are those who know. I know there are those who are a remnant. By the grace of God, as am I. But where are they?
Where are they?
Some are beginning to come around, around here. By the grace of God.
I did get to speak with the pastor for a few minutes, tonight. And, oh my goodness. All will be well.
But just remembered that I found something. And, let me preface by saying that I've seen some REALLY weird activity in kids, these past few months. REALLY weird.
Like with my 3 year old niece waking up screaming 10 minutes after I'd gone to sleep, a couple times that last week before things... ...shrieking. And, she's fine now. Absolutely fine.
But time before last time, seeing my nieces...she didn't even see me. Walked right past me, no less than three times. Did not even see me. Never once looked up.
My 6 year old niece, however, saw me ALMOST, but not quite, the minute she entered the room. A dining room, mind you. Not a busy restaurant. Not a place she'd never been before. And, for a moment, I was the only one in that room (You know what I mean)...and she looked right through me.
But then she saw me. And all the running and the hugging, and the joy. Whereas her sister was in this weird dazed state. It was almost like this of...I don't even know..
It's like she didn't see anyone. And, then, she entered the room where other kids were, and it's like she woke up. Yet it still took well over an hour for her to look at me, to see me.
Three years old.
But, praise the Lord! They BOTH praised the Lord, today. My stepmom told me about it. They wanted to sing about Jesus, and she got them the song about Breaking the Chains. Rosie said they were just praising. Praising the Lord. Without preamble or pretext.
Just doing it because they wanted to.
Hailey told Rosie she'd written a song about Jesus, a couple days ago. Because she didn't know any, so she wrote one, so she could sing about Him.
A six year old. Who's been in church maybe a month's worth of days, in her entire life. And she wrote a song about Jesus, because she didn't know any.
And she wanted to sing either about...or to...Him. Or both.
Last time I saw her, I asked her to have Jordan talk to Jesus. Jordan is 3.
Rosie said she was singing along, closed her eyes, and raised her hand in praise. could say something to the effect of them doing this from having seen it, and thinking it expected. The first time they went to church with me, before the chaos attempt began...both Hailey and Jordan began praising, with absolutely no regard to what anyone else was doing. They didn't look around at anyone. The musicians were praising through song, through music, but had not raised their hands. Amber and I did, but Hailey and Jordan--they were riveted to the music. Neither one of them even glanced at the two of us.
People are beginning to praise, though. It's vital. There's nothing like worshipping the Lord. He is so worthy.
I praise God for that, and for all.
So many folks have this weird notion, nowadays, that kids can't comprehend Christ to a sufficient level as to accept salvation. An age of accountability sort of idea, or whatever.
I remember waiting for it, as a youth. I'd heard so much about it, heard descriptions without understanding what they meant. But knew it was significant, knew it was going to happen at some point, so I tried to figure out when it happened.
I remember the day. I'd gone into my next door neighbor's backyard, without telling anyone, picked one of the poppies which grew at the edge of their hillside, and went home. The moment I got to the gate to enter our yard, I was struck by a sense of guilt for having gone and taken one of their flowers without asking. It was the first time I'd ever felt that. I was eight. Everybody had always talked about the "age of accountability" without ever talking about when it happens, so in my mind that meant that I needed to remember how old I was when it happened, so I could let people know.
Since they didn't seem to know. And they liked planning for things, so it would help to know.
I took the flower back to their backyard. Still feeling bad for having picked it. Then felt bad about entering their backyard without asking.
It was so weird.
This world is so cruel. So violent. So chaotic.
It's nothing except for those things. Even the best of what worldly love is consists of little more than covetousness laced with lust and fringed by partially restrained rage, full of pride and self-interest.
If only there were time to outlay some of the things from today!
Got a book from Walmart by Derek Prince. Not sure of how it is or whether it's ill-advisable to read. Need do more research.
But would rather than than buy something about Isis, as was requested of me. Just--NOPE.
Many hugs, much love to all y'all, my sisters and brothers. I pray that Jesus becomes an ever increasing reality for us all, in love and truth and peace and power. As well as in fellowship.
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