Ah. I keep wondering what in the world is happening, today. It seems like everything has gone completely haywire, for some reason. Just tried to check on a few things on Facebook, even, to see if there was anything to be done today. Nope. Nope. Nope.
It's that day.
The one which used to be lauded above ALL others.
Nope. No go. And no going forth with the whole pansying up to whatever meet seems acceptable. Nope.
Isaiah 59:19.
Church, this morning. Church, tonight, Lord willing.
There was already reason presented, external, this morning for a justification against attending. Doesn't matter. If it's the Lord's will that attendance occur, it will. End of story.
First off, an apology is necessary on my part for having responded too boldly against something attempted as advice. Regardless that I still can't take the advice, or the directive as it were. I can't, because it's not up to me. But apology is required. Lord willing that the opening is presented, this week.
Secondarily, I want to get past this whole vision thing, whatever it was. To be able to begin praying over it, as the pastor said he had to speak with me in regard to it. Sounded potentially ominous, or possibly just... I don't know.
I have no idea. Just to do whatever, as led.
Above and beyond all, praise Jesus for another day alive and awake! That, in itself, is reason for praise. And, further...praise to Him for another opportunity to serve through worship and intercession! And for the opportunity to serve through obedience, even as unto matters of which there's absolutely no understanding.
Isaiah has been the thing, so far.
And Psalms.
Psalms began the day, then unto the latter chapters of Isaiah.
Had no idea Isaiah chapter 60 reveals bits about the coming of the Lord, as to the "New Jerusalem," or how-so it's called. But, yeah--was awesome to read.
And to know the Lord read Isaiah 61 aloud in temple, at the beginning of His ministry?
Just mind-blowing.
It always just completely confounds me, going and reading, to read certain things over and over and sometimes it just feels as though it's been read for the very first time.
All of a sudden, it's just alive and vital in some way it never was before.
Argh! There's just so much I haven't read, yet! And I want to, and I start, and I start again, and I start again. And then something else catches my attention, going into another area already tread, and it's so captivating that it just derails any plan I'd had to read a greater breadth. It's all like a patchwork quilt, so approached. And there's such a large part of me that wants to study every single stitch. Every single stitch. Every thread. But then, I get caught up looking at the squares. And I'll gaze at the pattern on even just a portion of one single square.
And that pattern will just utterly transfix, and another bit will catch my eye which is somehow so very alike and yet unique on another square. 66 Squares. And the colors woven through the older portion are still yet and remain vibrant in the newer 27 squares, and all inextricably interwoven in such a wondrous tapestry that it defies comprehension when I try.
So, I keep trying to find some means of methodical approach to taking in the all, when it's even been beyond me to keep the names of each wholly in mind. They come and go, unbidden, and it's all I can do just to go and read the names for each again, praying this time to maintain grasp.
...and, just now heard mention to consult Robert Murray M'Cheyne's Bible reading calendar, in the sermon being taken in simultaneous.
Oh, praise the Lord!
Because I so want to read it all, and RETAIN it all. In some meaningful capacity wherein it truly lives in me.
I want it to be more real and relevant than anything else.
More ready to mind than anything else.
If it were possible just to sit and stay there, and still to be in the will of the Father.
Which, maybe it'll be His will to be able to do so.
There's just always something, and even this...is an unknown sort of venture.
I pray about it all the while as doing. And prior to.
And sometimes, there are times when I think to do so and can't, but rather need to read or pray.
Or listen.
Nothing comes, those times.
Every day, the Lord's prayer.
Every day.
It's been on my heart, for the past couple weeks...to go before Him every day through that perfect form as given by the Lord.
And every time I forget, I end up hearing it. Which is what reminded me, just now--it was just being read.
Same as in church on Sunday. The pastor was led to pray in that form, precisely, at the end of service during ...benediction, would that be?
Oh, dude is giving a line by line study of the prayer! Oh, yay! Praise the Lord!
So very necessary.
I'm going to share this sermon, too. Here and Facebook, as sometimes is permitted.
Oh, yay! A study of the Lord's prayer!
Thank you, Lord!
Ooooh!!! Glorify God...and...seek first the Kingdom!
And all things else will be added unto you.
...what are we willing to believe Him for?
As, brother Washer related, so saith the Lord: "How far do you want to go?"
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