Monday, September 12, 2016

Precious Gifts

Not sure what to do, blog-wise., I was posting multiple places for a while--same content, though. Maybe again. It's just weird having a blog here and elsewhere, but I'm glad of it at the moment.

This world is so strange. We have a God who loves us, who manifests love in such gracious ways to us even while we're snarling at Him and beating our chests in defiance.
And not only that, but so many of us who are in some way seeking Him...we're still really divided, in terms of thinking we have anything to add to His work in or through us. It's easy to get lost in the wording of Scripture, rather than the intent, for instance.
He doesn't leave us as passive bystanders, if we trust and rely upon Him to lead and give speech, though. Not at all. The work of our hands comes out entirely messy and destructive if we attempt independence from His direct guidance. But He intervenes so often, so graciously, to effect His good will despite our willful resistance to being wholly led by Him.
But who of us is fully led by Him?
Jesus walked His whole life in obedience--total, loving obedience. And yet we all end up getting distracted by what we think we need to do. Rather than waiting. Rather than listening. Rather than just loving and trusting Him to be the God He is and intervene through our hands, without our will impeding.
He can. And He will do this in us. 
He shows me in little ways, sometimes, examples of how He works even on a larger scale. Humbles and thrills and overwhelms with such love and gratitude and awe. 
I want to tell of them, the moments, but they are so utterly precious, and so sacred, too. Enough so as to want to hold them close to my heart as a private memory between me and my Lord, my Shepherd, my Friend. My Father.
He gives gifts that defy expectation. Sometimes, and just now again today, something I've been quietly longing for but without ever even hoping to have--quietly and gently already resolved into satisfaction and sincere gratitude regardless not having access and not being capable of that which was wanted--then, lo and behold...the thing which wasn't even dare considered for request, as so trivial in context of all comes about. It's present.
He does that, without warning.
His love is...amazing.

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