Friday, September 23, 2016

Striving After the Simplicity of Christ

Been contemplating allusions, metaphors, and allegory.

Someone I'd listened to, some point in the past year...said Scripture includes use of every literary device known to man. Maybe it was Missler.

Paul chastised the church at one point (such that the Lord did, moreover) for departing from the simplicity of Christ. Not simplistic...actual simplicity.

He's God. He loves us. He sacrificed Himself, to make us His own. He's alive, He's in control, and He will return for us, someday. And in the meantime, He's going to keep us and direct us through storm and through battle. And we can rest in knowing that whatever comes is through Him, and working a weight of glory which eclipses any potential for comparison against the light afflictions we endure.

And...yeah. I struggle with simplicity. Long for it, but's not usual, for me.

Which might be part of the reason people have feared me, too. I really don't know, but do remember than certain aspects of general nature of being have apparently been very intimidating. In general.

Talked with someone I work with, earlier in the week, about that. He has people who just flat out walk away from him, when he speaks the truth as he knows it without apology (not harshly, for sure--just without filter).

Whereas, they back away slowly from me--as though it were a bad idea to turn their backs, even? Very strange.

My friend in Canada did tell me she believes that people are very much distressed by the light of truth, if they've imbibed and are taking sustenance from any darkness. Truth causes them to flee.

I'm not bold, though.

Or, at least...if the Lord has done that in me, through me, then He's blessedly kept me ignorant. Usually. For a time.

I love the simplicity of Christ, though. And even the way He presents Himself to us--there are layers and layers of meaning which can be pursued, given desire. But there's the potential for finding meaning, blatant meaning, in even a very superficial survey of what He's shared of Himself.

I am absolutely awestruck, when reading with an open mind and heart.
And especially with how His words speak to me in different ways at different time, despite not having changed.

Simplicity is amazing that way. Absolutely amazing. And I've longed for it, but it's beyond me. So, well enough just to be however I am--even nearly needing an interpreter just to translate my version of "Good morning."

All the more call to seek the Lord, is all. And to trust Him.

Anyway. Time to go do all the things the Lord has lined out, today.

Much love to all of you.
May the Lord smile upon you today, as you abide in His love.
May the blessed peace and wonder of His presence guard your hearts and minds.
May He keep thoughts fixed on Him, rejoicing to know Him who loves you best.
May His grace and peace abound to you.
And may the love of Christ keep you, drawing you ever nearer His heart.

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