Saturday, November 29, 2014

How does it even happen?

Such strange things, these past couple days. Found a family member who has been discerned a member of the body of Christ. Not local, though.

Then, had a discussion which ended with someone effectively asking me "you and what army?" in regard to there being any effect made by the Church in these days. I was told that the Church has no power, basically. That things in the world are too bad, too far gone, for the Church to have any effect and that it's as it should be. That there'll be no move of the Church. That those who are condemned are just condemned and will remain so until "the tribulation period" begins, and then the 144,000 begin to testify...that there's nothing else to be done, aside of that. Because Christ is returning.

When I said no, that I didn't read it that way...that we're still to pursue the cause and seek to save as many as possible, as the Lord leads and as is given--that it's by grace that any of us had been saved, and only as the Father draws anyone that they can come to know Christ and to know the Spirit of Truth, at all. For the world cannot know truth, except that the Father draws... ...but that we must continue. We must continue to do as much as possible...

...when I said all that, and some shades more...I was mocked. With the question, initially, of who is even doing such a thing, go and tell people about Christ, knowing that the world has rejected Him and will reject Him...sharply told there's no purpose in doing so, given that the world had been given the law and the prophets and rejected them, and that there's nothing more to be sent (specifically citing the parable about the rich and poor men who died)...

...I said that there WAS hope...that there IS hope...Christ is our hope, and we must tell as many as possible. Or some such, and was again mocked, as asked who's even doing that. I said I was. And was mocked with a sneer and a statement as to how pointless it is, that the world will never accept Him...and basically told there's nothing I can do, by myself alone... which I responded that there are others. At least one in New York. Many in Radford. One in Cincinnati, now known. Another in Tazewell. One, a few?, in Seattle... And others. There are others. I know there are.

...there are many.

I was so very unexpected. So very unexpected. Just...per a response to witnessing glee regarding the condemnation of people. There's no joy there, for me. There's grief in noting their rejection of the Lord. There's grief in knowing the futility of their causes. There's ardent desire to see them come to know the Lord....even as there's such ardent desire to ever move into a deeper relationship with Him, myself, and see all my brothers and sisters in Christ move into a deeper relationship with Him.

There's anguish in knowing their condemnation.

And ALL the grief is directly tied into an ardent desire to see as many come into the direct knowledge of the Lord as possible. All the grief always constantly directs to an ardent desire to witness to them of His might and majesty and power and love and their abject need for Him to be delivered from the wages of their depravity.

So to hear someone who is a pastor say that...the time for all that is past? I can't comprehend it. I can't even begin to fathom it, and it's left a rather painful yearning for their deliverance from that mentality. Even as there are so many things within me which are still of such dire need for deliverance...which I am striving toward holiness, toward further sanctification...further revelation and repentance... ...still, I yearn for that also for others.

Please pray with me for this pastor's deliverance from whatsoever has led to a renunciation of the Great Commission.

Just...I was being told how things were just going to keep getting worse, and getting worse, and getting society, in business, in the medical profession, in politics. I was being given a lecture on how it was all falling apart and how bad it all was and how much worse it'll be soon.

I had responded to the effect that it was so because the Church had ceased to act, the Church had ceased to be in her proper place...that it's all spiritual, ultimately. And that the Church just needs to step up and start reinstating Her presence. By grace, as to do. By grace, that the Lord would bring her back into that place where she can even do so.

I was told that it was not to happen. That it would not, could not happen.

...but, as I asserted--it must, because there are so many who are condemned. So, so many who stand condemned. And that they must be reached, they must receive hope...Christ is the only Hope, and we have to bring in as many as possible. As many as the Lord wills to save.

He said no.

I just...I don't understand. But...there've been so many completely absurd things I've believed. So many horrendous things I've believed in. So many abominable ideas I've exalted. To have been delivered...I know Christ can and does deliver.

I know He does.

Please pray with me that He will.

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