Monday, November 3, 2014

A moment.

In process of playlist, ordering and aligning, still doing...

...a few moments of prayer, and answer.

First, this morning. Things such as meteorology, in themselves, aren't wicked. Except that, not only do that not revere God as supreme beyond their reckonings, but they leave Him out entirely.

Seeing His work in the ways of it has been utterly beyond comprehension. Knowing and availing of information on how to read satellite vapor and radar imagery has made it possible to gauge the state of matters. All the satellite feeds are available online. The ones which "local meteorologists" use to compile data as to make predictions? ...some have local radar technology, from the way they tell it. But, either way, the ultimate worldly source for the information is within the scope of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's realm. And they provide live access to all their data, as both image capture and "live" feed loops. In addition to satellite imagery of vapor maps and infrared data, they also maintain observation of meteorological data and geographical data which further feeds into what "makes" weather.

The amount of activity in the geothermal data feed has been insane, apparently, for a while.
And meteorological data has just confounded the experts, from what little had been gauged.
So, the infrared and vapor data is just absolutely beyond their comprehension now, too, given that all the rest feeds into what goes on there.

The geothermal data, if the term is even that precisely--it's magnetic interference as played out within the earth's atmosphere, from what present understanding (surely very flawed) so highly affected by meteorological effects that it's largely a bit of a quandry to even attempt to compute, on a long-range scale. The magnetic effects wrought from fluctuations in types and amounts of magnetic interference from space, as things shift and alter in the most immediate portion of the visible universe, are utterly beyond comprehension, given all the new data on what's going on with the sun, itself. They have no idea.

No idea.

It's what's to do with all the weirdness in electrical functions, worldwide, from what they say. All the interference in radiowaves and high frequency broadcasts...cell phones, etc. From what's known, on this end.

But it's all been increasing in magnitude for some while of the past few years, to the extent that a couple weeks ago, there was this really weird buzzing about all the anomalies--wholly inexplicable and unpredictable and unchartable--on readouts, becoming more and more frequent.

They don't know. And that website offers free educational materials, for those who want.

Just...remember--God is FIRST, above and beyond anything. And we CANNOT rely on our own understanding, no matter what is ever considered or "studied" or "learned." Because He's sovereign, and anything we could even begin to know is completely subject to His will, so as to be alterable and without ultimate explanation within scope of our limited capacity to understand.

Which is why that all is such a dangerous path to attempt to tread, because it too easily goes from being something which is a superficial curiosity as a further evidence of His majesty to something which is an end within itself...thus becoming an idol, another "master."

Seek to know God, first and foremost. Seek the kingdom, first and foremost. Seek ye not other things, for they fall away. What is man, that he should consider himself in any capacity self-contained as to imbibe knowledge of himself and "his" world?

Blasphemous, to do so. Sacrilege.

But, yeah--the whole deal with "weather forecasts," id est meteorological predictions, is that they are entirely subject to God, as well. Which is why people are so lost, right now, in looking to them first. ...and in not looking to God, at all, alongside.

He's doing a new thing with the weather, y'all. Dig it?
Which is why there are now regularly tornadoes in WV/VA/mountainous areas, and storm fronts which are capable of manifesting out of "nowhere," then to cover the entire North American continent within 2 and a half hours' time, such as happened a few weeks ago.
And why it can be 80 degree Fahrenheit, in the northern hemisphere's pre-winter stage, then four days later snow, then three days later end up potentially right back where it was. With no meteorologist being able to accurately predict a week's advance of weather, any longer, because it's constantly changing so much as to be beyond their ability to "predict."

They don't know. No one knows, except God. I can only remark upon what's revealed, even lacking understanding.

So, take ALL things into discernment of the Holy Spirit. Because none of us knows our own hearts, even as God does.

As to that...I was shown something else, of the extent of my abominations against God and His Creation, today. Against Jesus, today. And it's been utterly...devastating. Except that it would be utterly idolatrous to reject Jesus and His great sacrifice, the love of God, to do so...I would condemn myself even further to hell, now and for all time. But that's not mine to do, and to even think of it is a very near walk unto blasphemy. So, the whole is very humbling. Beyond ability to express.

His mercy is beyond comprehension. Grace exceeds all ability to comprehend. His love is beyond anything which could ever be considered.

Repentance. Knowing there's nothing I can ever do to make up for it, there's nothing I can ever doto make amends, there's nothing I can do to ever right the wrongs of these particular, there's nothing I can do to free myself being bound, and I deserve eternal damnation for having so sinned against God. Knowing, further, that Christ's sacrifice was to atone. A propitiation, beyond any comprehension. Something which I could never do and can never do for myself. He did it, knowing that. He did it. For God so loved the world...

So, the only thing, as to trust in Jesus. To come, humbled and broken, before Him. And I don't like talking about it, given such a very...dire...a thing the whole is. How utterly humiliating and utterly devastating.

But it needs expressed.

Just to trust in Him. To give myself over wholly into His hands, knowing how wretched indeed I am. Or, how wretched I had been. Trusting Him. Trusting Him to deliver me. Trusting Him to keep me close. Trusting wholly and exclusively in Him, alone.

That is my confession. I trust in Him, and Him alone. Jesus is my all. He's the only thing I need, and everything I want. And I'm not even worthy to speak His name, not even worthy to write it...for all I've done. And yet He loves me. Jesus has loved me. And loves me. And will continue to. And it exceeds comprehension. But self-immolation is idolatry, and any course to separate myself from His love...knowing it so wondrous, even as much as I know that I am in way worth even regarding His name from a sidelong glance, let alone as to proclaim it? To refuse His love in any capacity, though...would be self-immolation. So, I am not to punish myself. I shouldn't even admit to being tempted to those thoughts as to punish myself by separating myself from Him, but...that is a vast temptation, under the brunt of the weight of such a vast repentance as He keeps leading unto--oh, Praise Him, all on high and all below! Praise Him! For who can condemn he whom the Lord has justified?

No one.

So, especially not me.

Being free life.

ALL must know! Oh, Lord, please...please, help us all. Have mercy upon us, Father. This is cuh a lost generation, oh my Lord, please. Oh, Jesus. What can be done, Lord? Oh, what be done???
Whatever it takes, Lord, please. Just...please..

They just don't even know... Oh, my Lord...Oh, my Lord...Oh, my Lord....
I have to go outside for a few.

Oh.. Just. We are all so wont to glut ourselves on the poisons of this world, these days. The temptations are so abundant that the world has been entirely corrupted, best as has been given to know. All the more gut-wrenching, heart-rending, soul-breaking so to know. So many are walking down that broad path of destruction, even thinking themselves on the strait and narrow path which is the Lord, Jesus...Jesus, alone.

He IS the Way. The ONLY Way.

He did tell us that the day would come when we would want distractions, when we would want petty illusions rather than truth, and that He would allow it, He would give us as we wanted. A spirit of delusion. So deep.

He is the only hope. He is the only Light in this world. The ONLY Light.

And, yet, even people who think themselves walking in Light are wholly in darkness.

Which is why it is absolutely imperative that we try ALL the spirits and constantly examine ourselves, y'all. Because we're just as likely to have picked up something off-color unintentionally, being surrounded on all sides, as is anyone. I have to constantly, constantly, constantly seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for discernment, all do what you will, but the only means I'd found of ensuring that it's the Holy Spirit is by going back to the Word of God, again and again, as recorded in the Bible.

Which, sad to say, apparently has been tampered with throughout history, so discernment is even required in reading. From what's seemed, at least. But...through all the many versions of translations I've walked through (oh, so many), so long as I'm testing the Spirit throughout and relying solely upon Him for interpretation--lengthy cross-examinations--then, all has been well. And, then to pray, and then to continue to seek the Lord in whatever all ways there are.

Just...even as I've been relating what my course has been, after insisting last night that folks start talking to Jesus, it crossed my mind that different people will have different relationship with Him. Paul's example of the different parts of the Body of Christ, yes. Each, a different function, so maybe different means of relating?

I don't know. Still not sure about that one. And time has been devoted to much other stuff, today. Necessarily.

Praising Jesus is utterly foundational, though. That's been a thing established.
Praying is utterly necessary.
And listening.

Because the Holy Spirit even guides in all things, as to how to go about cross-examination, and if you want to get into some sort of dissemination of that, then go for it. But, as for me--anyone who willing directs in a means of discerning, further by submitting same self unto cross-examination again and again...? Yeah.

Like John said, in 1 John 2--everyone that doeth righteousness is righteous. And only the Holy Spirit will make it possible to TRULY say that Jesus is Lord. To truly say it, and not just speak the words, but to proclaim it in spirit and in all truth.

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