There are times when it seems that nothing done is well, nothing attempted is right, and all which proceeds is an abomination.
Fearfully and grievously so.
What, then, but to pray and cry out?
Surrounded on all sides with uncertainty, yet knowing the only hope of salvation is Jesus Christ, Himself crucified unto propitiation for our sins, died, and risen again destroying the works of the devil, taking captivity captive, and making a public mockery of all the works of the accuser. He ascended to the right hand of the Father, glorified, to forever reign.
In Christ alone is salvation. Name above all names. Wonderful. Counselor. Majesty. Truth. Hope. Joy. Strength. Life. Creation. Subsistence. Mediation. Atonement. The Way. Grace and Mercy. Judgment and Justification. Righteousness and Holiness. Love and Correction.
There is nothing else. Nothing.
How, then, to further surrender? How, to further be conformed?
His Will is divine and beyond reckoning.
How, then, to be so transformed?
Oh, so much prayer and reading and study and pursuit in all ways, to all extents as are even barely been realized as possible. And, yet, there's ever more! ...there is never enough time to devote to Him, there is never enough comprehension as to do well what seems ought.
So much more, there always is, so always falling short. Striving so ardently, yet still continually missing the mark--so grievously.
What to do, oh...what to do?
Oh, what pain in knowing one so full of error and shortcoming, as to never even nearly begin to conceive of what ought be justifiable service, let alone to even so endeavor and complete...
...oh, what else is there, what else can be done? Nothing conceived of by man can even approach unto His glory. Nothing wrought of the will of a man can even begin to contrive upon the glory of God, in any way, nor shape, nor form, nor intent. far above, is He.
So far, so very inexpressibly and inconceivably far exceeding our grandest yet wholly restricted He and His ways... He is so far as to be inconceivable, upon attempt.
Incomprehensible, except to remark in awe-struck wonder...trembling and uncertain, for the might and power and majesty and supremacy above all which could even be ever comprehended..
His ways are terrifying in their complete distinction from anything comprehensible of our ways.
So far beyond knowing. So very, very far above our ways. Exceedingly beyond our most grandiose ability to seek to conceive of His sovereignty.
He is as He says He is. He is just. He is righteous. He is love. He is all-knowing. He is omnipresent and omnipotent. He is all in all. And was, and is, and is to come. He is jealous, with a righteous jealousy. He is wrathful, with a just wrath. Mercy and grace abound in His goodness, and all things which were, are, and are to be proceed from Him and consist in Him. He is light. He is holy.
All things, and beyond reckoning. He is good.
He is above all.
Praise be, forever, to His Holy Name.
With all reverence and submission, as He is so merciful to provide further unto what meager lots are to each of us even to be permitted such honor as to seek in all ways to glorify Him, as He is so very worthy. Above all.
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