Monday, October 17, 2016

Song: No Longer Slaves - Jonathan David & Melissa Helser & In Over My Head - Jenn Johnson

Wondering if these videos have had any influence on desire to be in the woods.

Was given another impossible thing to do, today. Couldn't have endured this afternoon a month prior, for lovelessness and lack of patience on my part. Still impossible, though.

Was one of those deals crying out with, "Lord, I can't do this."

For the first time, there seemed almost a quiet, resolute, "I know," in response.

He can, is the thing.
And it will kill me to continue--not physically, mind you.
But that seems to be the point.

Ongoing process. Whatever He wills. =)
Dying, to live, then. Well enough.

And I get to explore new, safe woods on my birthday. And be with people whom I love--family in Christ. Still a scary prospect, with the above song.. And prayer, and reading, and whatever else the Lord has in store tomorrow. Probably chores...but that means sermons, too, so is good. ^_^

Sometime in the future there will very likely have to be an extremely difficult conversation with my dad. Been praying since early in the year, on that account. Been confirmed on the need for the bringing dark things into the light, as a Thing in some capacity.

No idea when or even if it'll happen, actually. Still praying.

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