Saturday, October 15, 2016

Farther Along, Indeed

Continued prayer, today, for strength and direction. And death has not visited my family, it turns out. Just...for some reason, days' worth of concerted anxiety directed toward me.

Conversations are forthcoming, though, regarding very difficult matters. Just, however. One occurred today, already, and prayer will continue that the Lord will clarify, help, and heal.

So confused, still. And wanting for a conversation with one family member to be a means to deliverance from continued shame and fear, when truth is that the Lord has delivered from these already. But to bring things in the light may help?

I don't know. Will continue seeking guidance, prayerfully, and awaiting His direction. No idea how or when or even what to say. There only seems need to acknowledge past events as a means of eradicating ongoing bits of continuation...that in being acknowledged for what has occurred and is going on, then it may end--either per distance or per being brought into the open as unhealthy and not permissible.

Or however.

Something of a migraine.

Blessedly, not quickly onset...such that things need done have been.

Work today was interesting. Opportunity to share music with someone who is much into "diversity." Songs received become songs shared, and this one has been much of a blessing on both counts.

Perhaps to be remembered and sought out, hopefully, as something different. 

Sleep, though. Oh yes. Today has been such a blessing, in so many ways--even difficult ones.

I hope for a day when the day's events don't determine my state of wellness, for having come to rest in the Lord more completely. As He wills. And, then,'ll be so for all eternity.

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