Thursday, November 24, 2016

Very Briefly... grateful for what He did yesterday, of healing. I have been marveling at what it is to move freely, breathe freely, and without that pain. There's soreness, but not the pain.

Beyond it all, to be able to lift my hands in praise and surrender and supplication to the Lord, without pain. I am completely undone at this mercy.

And beyond that, especially as longing not to have any relief make way for sin, given tendency to become self-congratulatory is so utterly vast...

...I am so grateful for His keeping. He shepherds me so lovingly. And yes, there's pain, but part of the process of being kept and sanctified. Willingly endured, then. Gratefully.

And even in addition, He's granted such sweet fellowship, even particular. i haven't words

May the Lord bless you with His presence and abundant knowledge of the graces manifest through His love, unto You each, on this day of remembrance.

Much love.
Peace and grace.

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