Monday, November 28, 2016

That the Light Would Shine In

Just given to ponder the bits where Paul discussed giving individuals over to darkness, so that the flesh might be destroyed--even unto their salvation. That's not a lighthearted matter, by any means.

Obviously, but...yeah..

It was a thing. So, it is.

I was reminded that the Lord allowed me to wander, for a while. And reminded of how near (and far into) death things went, before I turned back to seeking Jesus, away from defiance and despising.

He gives us over to delusion, when we exalt our own desires and understanding above Him.

When there comes a point of such willful defiance that external attempt to restrain from harming oneself is blatantly scorned and despised, what else is there to do?

And, yeah, there's a definite difference between rebellion borne out of neglect, even striving to prompt involvement...and between a rebellion that refuses to acknowledge or heed the constant admonition and continual loving attention of One who never wavers in intimate involvement and concern.

Vast difference, there.

With the former, further retracting from involvement only effectively formalizes the prior neglect.

With the latter, retraction is apparently out of desire to allow the consequences of defiance to have fuller expression unto prompting awakening to truth.

Of the latter, what parent wouldn't grieve to withdraw protection?

But when willful neglect of erstwhile sound and true guidance has even entailed actively and blatantly acting against good will--even harming the dejected, downcast, and oppressed--when part of ever-prior explicit directions require especially protecting and defending the least of these among us?

He allows the choice.
As, "They may have what they will."
Doesn't mean it's not grieved.

I'd never been prevented praying for anyone, before.
A gut-wrenching, grievous, shocking thing.


How much moreso, for Him?

He will guard, shield, and protect those who are His. He loves us. He humbled Himself unto flesh and bore our penalty, to redeem us into His love, even per His love.

But those who actively defy Him, while otherwise proclaiming Him? Hurting and despising and shaming and attacking the ones they were given to protect?
What a fearful thing, then, to fall into the hands of a living God.

Oh, that the truth would come out, undeniably!...beyond all possibility of plausible deniability. Beyond all possibility of discounting or subtle countermanding.
Beyond contradiction, entirely. Entirely undeniable and irreducible.

We so rarely have any idea what we're doing, even gladly pursuing the minutiae given to constitute our involvement in His work--at home, amongst the world, and abroad. But to contradict and despise His heartfelt, express expectations...blatantly, to His face?

Lord, have Your way.
Make Your case.
Deliver us from evil.

Have Your way, Lord.

You don't take lightly the oppression of those who are precious to You.
And You are the ultimate authority.

Spiritual darkness is no small matter. Being given entirely over to the spirit which otherwise has been holding court is even more dire, now.

He had been pleading with them, though. Entreating. Chastising.

Rebuking openly, quite frankly. Matters made formal had ought been sufficient rebuke, given in addition to Scripture as a present, living testament of truth made blatantly manifest regarding circumstances. Even as to correct and admonish from oppression.

Rather, there's been further oppression. Further giving over to evil, per refusal to heed His will.

Such darkness.

So, Lord, Your will be done.
Protect, guard, and guide Your beloved bride very closely, as is Your wont.
Hold back the darkness. Further break its hold. Make it known for what it is.

Break its hold, Lord. Let Your love reign, Father.
In our hearts and minds and souls. Let the light of Your love become so bright even shadows flee in terror.

Secure our steps and guide our speech, Lord.
And provide people to assist who are led by Your will.

Jesus...soothe hearts, heal minds.

You have made it known that You will rescue the needy when they cry for help.
And also the abused and neglected, and those who have no helper.
Jesus, You have compassion on the poor and needy, You save their lives.
You redeem their lives from oppression and fraud and violence. You count their very present lives as utterly precious to You, beloved in Your sight.

So, Help, Lord. To Your glory.

Bring reinforcements, Lord. Send in reinforcements.
Even as You have done, Lord, yet let ordered steps proceed unto deliverance.
Ordered by Your Spirit. Directed by Your good will.

Father, let it be enough. Please. Just let what's been already be enough.
Let this be done. Let it be finished, even in the here and now.

Not my will, though, Lord. Let Yours be done.
I know You are able. The darkness flees at Your Presence. It must.
Nothing can stand against You.

And there is nothing and no one, apart from You, to defend.
So, Jesus, intervene--drive away the waterless clouds, the wild waves foaming up their own shame.

Your Spirit does come in like a flood when the enemy attempts to overwhelm, You do drive out the enemy. So, drive them out, Lord. Please.

The words of the whisperer have been feasted upon like dainty morsels, feeding the darkness. And it's written that although hatred may be cloaked in guile, his wickedness will be revealed before the assembly. And also that the very pit been dug will be fallen into, and the stone rolled uphill will fall upon those who endeavour thusly--destruction intended for others will fall upon the schemers.

It's heartbreaking, all the same.

But...Lord, please, no matter what--Your will be done in the here and now.

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