Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Careful Speech and Listening.

Once more, since there's time.

There's a fine line between invoking and decrying, when it comes to speaking of certain things. And, honestly, I don't entirely know where that line is...which is why writing has to be a very prayerful exercise. And why listening has to be such a prayerful exercise--whether listening consists of reading or hearing, both equate to the same process of imbibing words into oneself.

It all has to be done very prayerfully. Even as mention is made of how certain things come as response to questions, and how certain things catch attention inexplicably for consideration, then becoming cumulative in nature of comprehending prior unknown concepts. The Holy Spirit leads into all truth, as the Lord said He would.

When I read of how He said there were things we need to know...things He wanted to tell us which we weren't capable of hearing, yet...then immediately talks about how the Holy Spirit will guide into all truth, when He comes to us, and how the Holy Spirit will bring to remembrance all things the Lord had said...

...every time I read of all that, it's made me wonder about all those things He wanted to tell us--what they were and how we're to hear them. But hearing the assurance in what follows regarding the Holy Spirit seems the proper resolution...and it always implies to me that He'll continue speaking to us. Nothing which contradicts anything He'd ever said, of course--He would never contradict Himself, so it's sound practice to ensure that all things agree with Scripture. Even as it's become increasingly apparent that the depth of meaning in the Scripture is something which we've barely begun to unravel the surface of...to the extent that certain things which seem like they may be contradictory never are, it's just that comprehension of the whole is completely superficial in regard to those things. Missler is right, on that count, for sure...and those sorts of revelations are always awesome (leaving one awe-stricken, yes).

Just...yeah. there's so much to everything

And every bit as much as certain things are true in certain directions, they don't necessarily contradict things which are come from a seemingly different direction. There are just so many layers.


Yeah, that totally makes sense.

It's just a furtherance of the bit about how different members of the body of Christ have different purposes, different ministries, different gifts from the same Spirit. Same Spirit. Same Scripture. Slight differences in interpretation, because each will have different needs as to what edification is required to further their particular purposes in the Lord.

Same goes in all counts, though. As we each have individual discipleship in the Lord, we'll each encounter points of progress at different rates and in different ways. So, we're given interpretation which suits our needs. He leads that way.

Along this line, the layers of meaning are only begun to unfold as we each progress in our walk with the Lord. Experiential understanding of one concept leads to a point wherein He can then reveal to us a deeper level of meaning which we couldn't bear prior to that point of progress.

And even as that's individual, it still holds for a group, too.

One thing I had been asking Him about for the past few months is why...with certain things read, there's just a level of depth which unfolds automatically, in light of experience and my walk with Him and in such a way that truth just jumps out in ways wholly unexpected, bringing life to words in new ways every time. And, yet, there are other particular concepts which...I know there's similar truth contained therein, but the superficial reading invokes such anxiety as given preconceived notions about the passages...that I can't get beyond that superficial anxiety. Like, consciously, I know there's deeper truth therein...but I can't get at it, for being trapped in the superficial considerations.

 Just because of the anxiety invoked in regard to the off-putting interpretations which have always occluded consideration, as they yet persist in discomfort.

But people will only ever see what they're willing to accept. The Lord has allowed for it, so many, many times over the course of all history--people who only want to see a little bit can stay in that place.

I'm just not good with that sort of restraint. Never have been, probably never will be. Only, thankfully...every bit as much as that sort of tendency was a complete curse when given to context of the world, it's just as much a blessing, now. The Lord has delivered even that major shortcoming unto good.

Although it does mean I'll end up wandering into some really "solitary" terrain. As always, really.
Yet, there'll still be those who will be points of contact in the physical realm. And, now, though...rather than those being the only companionship...the Lord is my companion, always.

I just can't comprehend why folks don't want that. Everyone can have it. He wants for that. And it's such an absolute blessing to hear folks talk about their walk with Him and testify to the grace and mercy and love He shows them. It's always so very edifying to hear about the things He's doing in the lives of others who know Him well. I long for that, from those others also humbled by His presence. Paul only ever boasted in Christ, boasting in His sufferings. And...even then, consider how much a boast it is, to boast of the Lord to the world--it gives them all the more reason to reject us outright.
Even amongst those who are religious, amongst those who know Christ sometimes.

Which is disheartening. Because the sort of boast when incurs persecution is one which isn't done in arrogance. Nope. It's one done in humility, yet with enthusiasm and hope and gratitude and exuberance and joy...always with a hope, such a hope, that there'll be likewise response or provide incitation of similar pursuit unto knowing His glory in greater capacity.

Jealousy is a frequent response. Completely perplexing, given the nature of the all. Why be envious of something that's every bit as much yours as mine? Seriously. Just...grasp it. Ask Him for it, and let Him lead you into deeper fellowship. Period.

Derision is the other frequent response. And it's one I've experienced myself in regard to others--it's worse than jealousy, given that it's a perversion of jealousy. Jealousy taking on an offensive tactic. ...wherein, not only is there jealousy over someone else's position, but that jealousy takes on a form of attack on their person since nothing can be done with immediacy to take from them what's theirs.

In regard to spiritual matters, it's all the worse, though. And, again--I'd been guilty of these things, myself, so definitely recognize them. Deliverance has wrought understanding, by grace. Compassion.

Just...there's also a fine line between ardently seeking to never knowingly offend and with proclaiming things which must be proclaimed despite their inherent offensiveness. part of which, too, in the latter...in certain instances only...has entailed prayerfully going through with saying the things which feel necessary and right. Then seeing the offense arise. And, then doing whatever can be made as to make peace, abasing self so to do without detracting from what's been said. Kind of humiliating.

But that's the thing. It's supposed to be humiliating.

The sermon yesterday was about that, in a very specific way. And it's something that I had to come to terms with over all the course of the week prior.

When you're set on a course to care for others...it seems there will always come a point wherein you have to chose between self-preservation and maintenance of perceived rights to "dignity"...and choosing to care for the other person/people in the ways which are most vital and necessary and caring. You'll come to a point where you have to make a decision between indulging your own sense of self and doing absolutely anything necessary to help the other person, no matter how degrading (as within the will of God--don't mistake that part, for sure, and only).

Whatever it takes. And, for me at least, there was a moment of self-pity which was extreme enough to yield tears...at the realization that either I give up on the idea of what I was capable of dealing with, give up on the idea of things which would surely bother me deeply and just deal with them and give it to God to help me through... ...and all this just stuff which required that pride be obliterated. Humiliating, hand-dirtying work. For the sake of someone else's comfort and well-being, without them ever being aware of the sacrifice required...and without it being something which can ever be made known.

But I had to give it to God, because it wasn't within me to be able to go through with things that would be so humiliating. He walked me through, step by step. And He's kept me through it all, and actually turned it all into something which has yielded further deliverance, rather than something which further bound me.

I'd still been off and on over it all week, though. And then the message on Sunday. About how the Lord emptied Himself to take on flesh. He was fully God and became fully man, too. Emptying Himself, as to do so. Emptying Himself of His rights. Emptying Himself of His supremacy--He humbled Himself completely, into the form of a homeless servant who was even mocked, loathed, and crucified...God, Himself, endured all of that. Emptied Himself of His rights, becoming as we are, because He loves us so much and it was how He could save us and reconcile us to Himself. Dying as a curse, even in His innocence taking on our sin, suffering the wrath which we were due, unto death...then dying, overcoming death, hell, and the grave so that we can be overcomers also, through Him...resurrected to reign eternal. Our eternal life is in Him.

But He humbled Himself so completely. God emptied Himself of divine supremacy by taking on flesh--becoming so humbled that He was a vulnerable babe, who even we could have held in our arms had we been alive them...He humbled Himself so.. ..seeking nothing for Himself.

Seeking nothing of His own will, only of the Father's...loving us that completely.

And so it's only right that we should do likewise. We don't even have anywhere near so far as to be humbled--we are infinitely lower than divinity, in ourselves. Yet, why is it so difficult? Why is there still such an urge to be self-seeking, to seek self-preservation, and to seek after what we perceive as necessities?

It's why the flesh has to forever be crucified. It always wants to step up, but it's not well to do so.
Maybe someday it won't be that way...but, if nothing else, then when He has completed His work in us for sure.

The all has to be so prayerfully pursued. All things. Only through the Lord is any of it possible--humility is something which runs entirely counter to everything in the flesh, so it has to come from the Lord. Otherwise, it ends up becoming something else which is convoluted and still self-seeking.

Always, always to be further humbled. Always. By the grace of God, I pray. For each of us.

Still, the desire to be able to truly comprehend how to always discern the difference between decrying a thing and invoking it. There are so many things which are rampant oppression in the lives of folks, unawares. There are signifying characteristics of oppression which are apparent in manners of speech, manners of comportment, and so many things.

I have no idea what there is which still exists in need of deliverance, myself, even--no idea what dark corners yet are in need of illumination in my own heart. He's faithfully revealing and delivering. There's just so much, so, so much...and with as fierce as the world is now, in its oppression and constant attack...the need for deliverance will likely persist as long as life in the physical remains. So, there's humility involved in talking about these things, knowing that I've been just as much captive and yet don't know what else the Lord will work in me to further freedom. Yet, I'm given to speak. And so I must, in humility.

The constant attack notwithstanding, the work must continue.

Seeing the depth of oppression, though, in regard to the things which deliverance has been received...and feeling how the witness within then responds to certain things said, receiving notification of how certain things are tied together and how they can yield bondage if left unchecked...having it gradually explained that even exposure can yield to vast oppression and even possession...

...having been shown all that, it's given now to speak to some extent. To whatever end, but definitely not my own purposes--I wouldn't know of a reason to talk about all this stuff, regardless.

Just...it has become increasingly apparent that merely speaking certain words can have deep spiritual effect. To the good or to the ill, really. So, all the more care always has to be taken when attempting to decry certain pitfalls, temptations, bondages, adversaries, and practices. Because...and maybe it's just dependent upon the spirit in which it's given and through which it's received?...using certain words invokes the spirit of the matter involved.

The only example I'm willing to give is in regard to the Lord. If I talk about Jesus, it brings Him to the fore of consciousness for anyone involved in giving and/or receiving the mention of His name. And there may be certain things which are built up in a person which oppose Christ, and those things will come to the fore. Even as, for one who walks with the Lord, mentioning the name of Jesus will bring up His peace and love and joy and will just further invoke the ongoing fellowship which persists in those who are His (whether consciously done or no, still it's the case given the gift of the Holy Spirit's indwelling as received upon conversion). It's that way for many things, is all.

So, decrying stuff has to be done very carefully.

Just as, the last few atheists I'd been given to speak to...a couple of them, I was given to warn them that if they continue to spend time around Christians, on Christian pages, interacting with Christians...they're very likely to be changed by God. Of course, it's all dependent upon His will in the matter. But there's certainty that if they continue, they'll be changed--either further hardened or saved, as the Lord wills. But affected, nonetheless.

Same goes to all of us, in regard to anything which has overt spiritual tones. So, all the more reason to very carefully, prayerfully hear and consider anything encountered. And all the more reason to always be very prayerful in anything said or written--because we're not capable of fully comprehending quite what all might come by way of what's said. Just, it's possible to bring things out which have no need nor good.

It all has to be centered around Christ, most of all. That. Yes.

Sleep, now.

God bless you all.

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