Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Inherent Goodness of God's Glory

The Lord is so good. So, so good.

There are people now with whom I can fairly regularly fellowship who faithfully admonish, rebuke,  correct, exhort, edify, and encourage me, by the Spirit and through the Word. An increasing number of people, by the grace of God.

After hearing for months of a need to have folks to whom I'm accountable, then praying for guidance on the matter and beginning to long for increased fellowship, the Lord has made a way. Regardless that there are considerations which make the whole scenario a bit distended, seemingly, the whole has been very prayerfully approached and acknowledged as His will. So, nothing doing regarding anxiety.

All will be as He wills, and that's just all there is to it.

There remains an increasing burden for further deliverance and, as experiencing the joy of deliverance unto greater revelation of the Lord's love, faithfulness, and goodness...there's increasing yearning for others to experience the absolute glory of His fellowship in greater measures.

I ache for others to know Him. I yearn for those of our brothers and sisters in the Lord who remain in bondage to fear and anxiety and confusion and worry. Heart-rending, as there's such freedom...such liberty in dwelling continually in His Presence, in resting in His incomprehensible love, in fellowshipping perpetually with the Holy Spirit through. It IS possible, and He is faithful to provide all which is necessary...just, there is need to ask...there is need to begin to desire such an experience, ongoing. And it takes increasing desperation for Him. Wholehearted devotion, pursuit in all ways which He opens--through Scripture, prayer, devotional readings, listening to sermons by those anointed of the Lord, and whatsoever else He leads.

The Scriptures help so much, as to come to know Him and recognize His voice. Yes, there's the internal witness of the same, yet with all the many voices in this world which are perpetually whispering to us...being able to hear that same tone, that same timbre, that same cadence and vivre...being able to continually return to that external witness which holds ever true to the internal witness, and vice versa, does utterly well to drive out attempted interlopers and imposters. His sheep know His voice.

So, it's heartbreaking to hear and see and come into stilted contact with those who so very obviously utterly yearn for His companionship, in varied degrees, yet who seem to be somehow adrift at a means to come to better know Him and more closely walk with Him. I'm praying. So praying. He'll make some way, for them. He'll reveal Himself in greater degrees to us each, who seek, dispelling delusions further and further and increasing our peace and understanding of His love and adherence to His commandments and knowledge of His ways and law...increase our awareness and direct experience of Him.

We need Him so, there's no other course. Whatever it takes, so to all require Him as an absolute necessity in all things, in all ways, at all times, to ever-increasing degrees. Because we need Him, as such, regardless...merely, we're so very short-sighted as lacking such an awareness. So, to know Him, then, and to become increasingly aware of His goodness and what a blessing it is to be so utterly dependent upon One who is so faithful and so glorious in all ways.

Started listening to a Youtube series by brother Paul Washer on God's Glory and the Creature's Good, a little over a month ago, and it's been perpetually on my mind since having begun. Just the preliminary concepts have utterly transfixed thought for over a month, so whether the series will ever be finished (or the book read...wow, yeah)...no idea. Just, the preliminary thoughts are so absolutely mind-shatteringly powerful, I can't yet bring myself to consider moving beyond them.

To consider His goodness. God's goodness--so absolute. So utterly glorious and wholly good, beyond all reckoning, that the highest blessing for one of His created beings is to receive a revelation of Him. He is so innately wonderful and majestically glorious that receiving an increased awareness of Him utterly uplifts, transforms, and...just BLESSES...the created one who is so graced as to receive. Our highest good is found in KNOWING God. Our lives are made whole, made complete, made full, made joyous, made peaceful...our lives are wholly fulfilled, in a relationship with our Creator. His very essence is so gloriously, transcendently good... ...that, to worship Him, to praise His name...delivers us from bondage. We are made free, by praising Him. He has created things in such a way, with such love for us and such goodness manifested unto all creation...that, as glorious as He is, as worthy of all worship and praise and honor and reverence and awe...as worthy of all as He is, and yet He has made creation so that we are wholly benefitted by praising Him as He is due. When He is glorified in us, it always benefits us. He is just that GOOD. His glorification does good to us, and that's how He has made things. That what glorifies Him benefits His creation.

I just...it's so frustrating to try to put into words. A month later, and my mind is still utterly blown by that realization of the fathomless wonder of His absolute, total, infinite goodness.

Do yourself good, go listen to the first two videos in this teaching series--they're less than 10 minutes each, so it won't take much time, and the blessing is exceedingly beyond comprehension. HERE IS A LINK. Because, yeah, I bookmarked it for further review and future completion.

Here's the blurb-thing under the video: "It is extremely important to understand that God does not seek His own glory apart from His creatures greatest good. In fact, the greatest good that God could ever accomplish for His creatures and the greatest kindness He could ever show them is to glorify Himself - to direct all things and work in all things so that the fullness of all that He is might be displayed before them. If God is of infinite value, splendor, and beauty, then it follows that the most valuable, most splendid, and most beautiful gift He could ever give to His creatures is the fullest revelation of Himself."

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