Thursday, March 30, 2017

Recalibration: Subjection to Christ

Totes wrong about who needed protection. Although, realistically, we all do. From ourselves, from temptation, from one another, from all the things/being which want to just totally wreck us out of spite and loathing. 

Everything at this point is so utterly confusing. All the more grateful and glad that God is in control. For real. And that it's written that His will prevails, no matter what anyone plans in their heart. All of the things are very strange. 

And was reminded earlier about a conversation--one of the last very long-ish ones which involved dialogue with the enemy, of his threats being given in broad form to attempt to dissuade (rather than in very brief and specific form as when coming through other particular people). Whole attempt to threaten me that he'll know the thoughts and plans I have and will destroy and absolutely derail anything using whatever I'm aware of against me and against God, as such. Which, again, isn't's just about hatred of God and I just happen to be someone who is His and the attacks are just this direct because it's possible. If I refused to acknowledge their existence and were in denial about spiritual reality, there'd be no reason for wasting time. Even bothering to draw my attention to themselves would actually be counterproductive if I were the least doubtful of the substantial reality of spiritual matters, given that would make such a one exceedingly aware of what had been theretofore at least consciously uncertain (at the cost of even deeper relationship with God, Himself). But, anyway. Whatever. 

The threats were regarding God's will and His leading. That they would know what He reveals and would do everything in their power, using my own knowledge of His immediate will against Him. Interjecting. Interposing madness. Sideswiping. Whatever. No holds barred. Saying they would absolutely crush, basically, and devastate whatever His plans were. Devastating me in the process. Using whatever He'd revealed to me of His will to plot counter-attacks. 

But the thing is...He knows what they're going to attempt before they do. Same of me, same of everyone. Every thought, every impulse, every word, every action. He is wholly aware of it all. So even if and when He does let me know what His will is of particular matters, whatever the enemy attempts to do to sideline them isn't sufficient to overcome the force of His will. Period. 

It's not as though He reveals something and then realizes too late that it's going to be attacked. Look at what Herod did to the infants and toddlers of Bethlehem. God revealed His will in ages prior, then when He revealed it to others more locally...the enemy sought to overwhelm and destroy God's plan. And failed. Because God also knew what the enemy was going to attempt, before the enemy did so. And He moved His own out of the way of the blade just before it fell.

Again and again. So, not a concern. He does the same with us all, just most don't necessarily become aware of the matter this side of eternity, perhaps. Or not very aware of it, maybe. 

But, yeah. God's will will be done. Nothing can countermand nor oust His will. Just not a thing. Doesn't matter who knows what or who does what or however. He has always known and will always know everything before it becomes a Thing. The One who reveals the end from the beginning, remember? And in such a way that it cannot even be understood until after the things have come to pass, yet each and every lines up precisely with His predictions.

So, yeah. All the more glad to know nothing, want nothing, and surrender all. Because I love the Lord and I love others, all by His grace. So far be it from me to grasp onto knowing anything if it would only tend to be abused by the enemy in attempt to torment or do harm to God's elect or anyone. All the more to cling to the simplicity of Christ and be well with knowing nothing else. Pain and grief don't overwhelm to detract from joy, in that context. They aren't undermined, but neither are they permitted whatsoever to overwhelm and cripple. 

I will, by the grace of God, strive to know nothing but Christ, then. For the sake of loving Him and for the sake of all else, whomever. Because there's nothing else, really. Details, just so many details. Love is the whole of the law, in essence. And it's far beyond me to fulfill. But He did, and I live in Him. So...that's all. 

If this is what Paul meant, then, of seeking to know nothing except Christ whilst among some...then howsoever. But, in as much as there's anything in me to give to the efforts, I will not be a tool or a means by which the enemy will work madness and destruction and chaos. Sin has no dominion and neither does Satan. He tried to get me to call on him for any help I might ever need. He tried to scare me. And he tried to get me to take pity on him, have sympathy for him, have him as a friend. But God is my witness I refuse to have sympathy for those who actively and intentionally hate my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. And I will not cower or run from attack, because even as of given to say then...God is superior in all ways, the Creator and Sovereign Ruler of all. And He is my Father, and He is my guide and my keeper. My fortress and even as my husband, as it were. So neither will I call upon anyone else. Because Jesus protects, provides for, disciples, instructs, leads, and cares for me in all ways necessary to life and good and prosperity and happiness and purpose. He is my constant companion. 

So whatever is attempted, it's only as Jesus permits. And only to the extent He will allow--and He always restrains so much. And He always turns to good whatever comes against and upon those who love Him. Even if it's unto and regarding their deaths, then He does use it to good

Just as the Son of God's death was turned to the good of all who come to Him in faith, repenting and knowing their need of redemption, forgiveness, deliverance, and sanctification. Then same, each of His saints. The death of the saints led to a current apologetic for the proof of the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, one which has led to the conversion of many through all the time since their martyrdoms. 

Even so, then, for each since. And for each grief, pain, heartache, and whatever the like of any who are His. 

What the enemy intends for evil, He truly turns to good. Period. There's no middle ground there. No deliberation. No answer against that truth. Because it holds true. Because He is omnipotent and good and all-knowing and faithful. Because He is.

So whatever, of the enemies machinations. Whatever. May the Lord, Himself, rebuke you all for what you have attempted and what is still being attempted, whatever madness it is. The all rests in His hands. Period. So, that's all. End of every single fight on these fronts, and as always, I refer each and every power that be, as ever attempting to oust His dominion and peace, to Christ Himself. Because He is the One to whom must refer for all things. And so all else who would come to me seeking anything will ultimately always be referred to Him. 

So after multiple weeks of surrendering again, there is nothing left except ongoing redirection to Christ. And I hope and pray He continue on this manner. Because He does intervene, even as such. Gladly. 

I will enter any darkness as He leads. Knowing always that He goes with me. Leading. That is everything. There would be no other reason to live. 

And as He is the One who does lead me, then He always and also directs my steps even unawares. So I rest secure in knowing that whatever the enemy attempts, even if at the very last moment the Lord will move me as He would deem wisest to either only receive passing blow or none at all. And if He so chooses that I would endure the brunt of any, even unto death from this world, then I have been and will continue by His grace to rest securely in the knowledge that it is for good and will be used for good and it is by His will. So I don't care, apart from that. Whatever His will. 

Facing death all day on the daily makes it a lot easier to remain surrendered, for sure. I would never in my life have expected to be so grateful for such a thing as that. To be hounded by death? Yeah. Whatever. My life is in Christ's hands. Same as everyone. So there's nothing to fear, because I trust Him. And if I am not going to fear death, then why in all of creation would I fear anything else? Except God, Himself. Whom I do fear and love supremely. By His grace, longing for both to increase, all the more. 

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