Thursday, December 1, 2016

A Prayer Request

Presently struck by the tragedy of what befell a passing acquaintance--a saint, she seemed.

How utterly horrific to be abandoned at the altar: That much worse, to be cast aside immediately after, then. At least the mercy of being abandoned prior to vows is that covenant hadn't yet been committed in the eyes of God and man.
But to be abandoned, within months?

My neighbors were going to throw away the wedding favors--decor, actually--Scripture made posters: too "disturbed" to continue to see them.
But, if looking, why not pray? Especially if disturbed. Rather than to toss reminders aside with household rubbish. Set aside even as she was, put quite crudely, is what's so tragic: Absolutely enraging, to contemplate.

So: Salvaged. Prayerfully and decisively. Not as though every single thing always is to be picked up, continually. But, this?: Yes. Pleading the Lord would show pity on her, greatly. That He would have exceeding mercy, in this suffering. And keep her nearer, drawing ever nearer His own heart--that she wouldn't see Jesus' relation to her contorted through the pain of this, but see all this travesty through the light of His love for her, increasingly.

I don't know where she is, now.
But no one knows where he is.

Just pray, please, however the Lord leads.
I don't care for being even this open about things, usually, but...she is out there hurting, even the more in prayer, the better.

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