Not much, right now. Praying there may be a moment again, later this week. Just a thought. Something which came, earlier...last night, really.
Not a wholly, inerrantly apt metaphor, but...
He is the potter, we are the clay. And even as He makes some for special usage...then we are reshaped, remolded...oft even broken, then mended by His tender hand.
And for each time broken, ever having been fired in the kiln, then each repair is with that much more delicate a tending. As He is that which binds each piece together. For every time broken, the pieces yet smaller and smaller do become.
Until, as dust we were, to dust we return, while He is that which binds each particle yet together.
Broken, shattered, even unto a point of desiring to be totally pulverized, just to be so very enshrouded by Him, entire.
Ever having been so carefully broken by the Master's precise hand, never then fit again for the same purposes as prior--having been repaired to a point of special use, only. Made to be set apart for only special use.
Repaired unto special use.
Just as with kintsugi, the gold fills the seams, then so does Christ. Each and every. So that it's no longer either desirable nor possible to be away from Him, as goes intent or desire. Ever coming to realize more fully the sheer impossibility of being apart from Him, regardless, but decreasingly allowing even thoughts to wander aside...for coming to a place of being all the more consciously aware of how complete is His position as sustainer.
Completely so.
Only all the more notably, in those who are nothing but shards, detritus, dust...apart from His openly acknowledged and directly rejoiced and sought influence.
And it's like that. He is the salve. He is the strength. He is the sustenance. He is the source and the focus of all good. come into a position of realizing that more consciously.
Reality is reality, after all. Regardless whether it's ignored or acknowledged.
That's the thing, as goes the Lord.
He is the Lord of all which exists, regardless whether ignored, refused, refuted, or embraced.
Nothing changes it.
Merely, there are those whom He makes vessels for special use, to His glory. Broken, then shattered, even disintegrated wholly...that He be and become wholly the all which binds, thus being evidenced all the more, in all which comes through.
Nothing apart from Him, in other words.
Not even the concept of nothing can exist, really, except within context of who He is. So, there are those in whom...He is that much more evidenced, is all.
Personally and publicly so.
Just...not at all according to the standards by which the world would understand such a thing.
No cohesion apart from Christ. A total falling apart, apart from Him.
Nothing, and only nothing...apart from Him.
As He has become known as all, in all.
So there's nowhere else to go, then. Except to abide in Him. Nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide. He is all, in all, and is all which is the binding force and creative power behind all which can and has and will be.
The only alternative, then, is delusion.
Which, having ever known truth...
...never lasts. And only becomes all the more destructive, when sought intentional. When knowingly undergone.
No more. Never again. To deny God is death. Spiritually.
To even be able to deny Him indicates that is the state of being.
Just as to know Him is life. As even to have become able...through Christ.
Through His atoning work on the cross, bearing all the wrath due us, for our sins. Dying.
And resurrected. To life.
On the third day.
Alive then, now, forever. Eternal.
He lives, though. And in Him is life. For us.
Which are drawn.
To know.
To love.
Chosen in the fire of our afflictions. Refined.
Made a vessel for His particular use. To the praise of His glory.
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