Thursday, October 1, 2015

Operating at a Loss

A couple of things have been mentioned from different sources, recurrently, lately.

First off, that there doesn't seem to be much going on, in terms of God regenerating Reformed churches.

And now the other thing has already slipped my grasp, again, so perhaps it'll return. Perhaps not, again.

Regardless, there's been mention of this regarding the power of God not being manifest under what folks consider "sound doctrine," but under that which is considered "unsound."

Just, same as with me, people are saved under the ministry of those who preach Prosperity Gospel or Pentecostal Gospel or howsoever else there is, and then leave the churches seeking "sound teaching."

Think about that for a moment, though. God is moving and saving people...but not at the same rate under sound teaching as under false teaching. Hazard any thoughts on that?

Who would be considered responsible?

And perhaps...oh, there are just so many things!

Salvation is a miracle--point blank, period. No two ways about it. There's no way to talk around that being the case, without making salvation out to be something completely other than what it is.

So, for cessationists who believe God no longer manifests His power in the same capacities, as blatantly even in healing and casting out demons and evidence of other general miracles...

...then, is salvation occurring less frequently under such teaching than under teaching which, while perhaps failing to test all the spirits manifesting unto or as teaching and in other ways...otherwise yet yields greater instance of regeneration by the Holy Spirit, in truth and fact?

I've heard multiple mention of this, as referenced from pastors of such churches, in the past month and some. That regeneration occurs in those other churches, and then people leave those churches seeking more soundness.

That seems a bit off, to me. Considering there are unregenerate members of the congregation, nonetheless. Flitting to and fro, even, perhaps...between churches, maybe. Or howsoever else.

Who is given the honor, though?

All of the church is not walking in power. Except perhaps (from what whisperings come by way of unintentional research, blindly wandered upon) those in outlying regions not wholly capable of interacting intimately with other bodies, as "overseers."

Outpots. In areas which are largely ungoverned, even by man, in general.

I hear the Lord is doing a lot in such places.

He doesn't change, though--sometimes, He's done and does new things, but without changing...incorporating, perhaps. So, if that's the case in those areas--primal areas, then what's the deal with all the rest of us?

If we are not being ruled by Him in such a way as to walk that blatantly in truth and power of who He is, then what are we walking according to?, as evidenced by the lack of power...

And not a false power, human-contrived and referential...

...but such power as once even turned Corinth to the true God, in awe and wonder...and even now is drawing people in droves, in the far reaches of the world. Places, even, where journalists don't tread. But word travels. Especially amongst circles which are concerned for His glory.


...something even happened, quite irregular, in church last night. But...oh, to pray!

Why do we think we have to "handle" God?

He allows us to remain distant. He allows us to refrain from submitting to Him, to His will, to His Spirit, to His direction. He beckons, nonetheless. But He allows us to retain what we perceive as a position of sound solidarity, even in resistance of His urgings.

Have mercy, Father.
Have we ever known what we're doing, except for grace and the gift of sight, so to then follow?

And even then, we don't know. We just follow. Knowing Him who leads.
Trusting Him to lead.

Second .. by .. second.

Word .. by .. Word

Not even as an impulse in full, but as a proceeding event--each and every breath is given, and so is each moment's guidance.

How fearful, then, to tremble in such an uncertainty in self, as that wholly implies?
Where be the only preparation is to seek to more deeply know, more desperately cling, more completely whole unto the One who guides and spoke the very world into being.

Soon, I hope.

Continue to pray for all the church.

We're in some very odd state, right now, with those who seem to know Him most deeply being those furthest removed from what the entire world considers "civilization," whereas those who have been "civilized" are so mired in one series of thought or another to somehow have refrained from desiring a total surrender, complete discernment, continual to know Him, in spirit as in truth, regardless what preconceptions and uncertainties He would master along such a course, in tearing from us each and all our idols which would otherwise exalt against knowledge of Him, worship of Him, obedience to Him.

He said that even to love one's parents more than Him made one unworthy. So, then, same goes unto spouses, children, jobs, titles, security, society, and all which is.

Even as to love one's life more than Him is to forsake Him.

Turning back from the plow.

Same as with the "rich, young ruler," though...He didn't attempt to cajole him, didn't try to persuade him, didn't attempt to reason with him, but just let him know truth and let him decide. Jesus remarked his parting in lamentation, though, evidence of the sorrow of such a decision.

Are there any in the civilized world who say we follow Christ, yet don't have divided loyalties?

...even as to ask anything selfishly, as failing to realize that God cares far more for us and on our behalf that we could ever begin to comprehend? As evidenced in Christ' own coming!

Yet, we don't trust Him. And think we have to ask selfishly for anything which might be seen as a personal concern...apart from, distinct as private, rather than concerning the body of Christ as a whole.

This just isn't so!

 Even as we may not be able to know what tomorrow will bring, and just as He may not sovereignly preserve us from experiencing even dire circumstances unto loss and abject suffering...

...then, still, these things are not an evidence of lack of love, but part of the sin-wrought machinations loosed in the world...and of His sovereignly deciding there are more dire needs than even of physical, emotional, mental, familial, social, or how-so-ever else might come as preservation, in this realm, as our truer need will always be met in Him, alone.

He does not leave us to suffer alone, is the thing. Yet, would we have Him in those moments?

I've heard reference again and again..He doesn't always calm the storm but the one who must endure it.

Yet, never for lack of love.

Perhaps alike as any parent would most prefer to shield their child from all ills, except that to do so would leave them all the more vulnerable, eventual, as responsibilities become their own and adulthood requires ability to discern and navigate even troubled water...and without having received instruction along course of prior circumstance--correction and discipline, as even in the midst of abject difficulty receiving reassurance and comfort--then, what have they to look to, as reference?

Books may speak volumes, but experience ultimately cannot be supplanted by mere extrapolation.
No matter how fine the mind or rigorously thorough the extrapolation. No matter how precisely terms might describe what is...yet still, understanding cannot be fully reached, without the wealth of sensory information provided by actual process, experienced. Akin as that a "picture is worth a thousand words," then experience is culminatively, comprehensively invaluable.

Even as, after the fact of having experienced something, then words might do so very much to expand understanding! And even to allow for a breadth and wealth of sharing--empathetically and sympathetically--with others who have experienced aught of like kind.

There's particular concern along that line, regarding tendency to go for either, to extreme...whether experience alone, or book knowledge alone.

One without the other is yet incomplete.

As evidenced by that the regenerate are most commonly being yielded in the so-considered "uncivilized" branches of the western church...but then abandoning ship, to turn to the "civilized" assemblies.

Meaning both operate at a remarkably apparent loss, in other words.

Then God, alone, can reconcile.
Each to each, and all to all.
Even as He is all, in all.

So, would we seek Him?
...regardless the cost.

Just for sake of who He is.
Even if as only to know Him.
...on His terms--even if not our own...

Thing is...He's the only one who can do these things--even to draw us nearer.

Even as there are "known" and "established" means of drawing nearer to Him, then one thing that He's definitely made plain to me, over the past year...

...I'm neither in control of nor capable of maintaining whatever, most specifically and individually apt would serve to help me at any given moment seek Him in spirit and truth, overcoming the will of the flesh to wander.

Sometimes fasting has helped.
Sometimes constant, conscious, concerted prayer.
Sometimes continual Scripture reading.
Sometimes listening unceasingly to sermons.
Sometimes talking to or with Him.
Sometimes writing even as to Him.
And other bits of things, even including witnessing and fellowship and church and worship and so many other activities.

But it's not been because of effort, nor because of intent, nor because of inherent goodness, but because of His goodness...that anything has allowed more nearness.

And, even still, no one particular devotion, series of devotion, or any such...has proven utmost consistently well, in that my own mind would wander unchecked, at times, given attempted continuation of even oft-uplifting, reverential study.

So, if it's as that, with me...where He shows me again and again that it's not even my own ability which keeps me diligent, devoted, and continuing to press on...but His grace...then, to repent and pray and praise again!...

...but if it's that for me, then I would imagine much of the same for all of us. Rote practice tends toward distraction and an emptying from desire for Him, has been my experience, even...

...but, yet, we would each need ask, individually, that He would lead us into whatever He would have us, and that He would keep us ever nearer Him, and that He would draw us ever nearer--by whatever means and route possible and necessary.

Whatever it ends up meaning.

Not self-directed, in other words.

But continually seeking direction from Him, individually and privately.


I can't conceive of any other way, given all the distractions which abound and seek to undermine trust in and desire for Him.

He, alone, did overcome.
And, even as we are overcomers in Him...

...through Him...

...yet, if we aren't that constantly abiding in Him, wholeheartedly...

...are we overcoming?

Just questions.
But He has the answers.

All I have are questions.
And Him.

He is the answer

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