Tuesday, October 6, 2015

But Love Covers: And, Then, Would You Love?...As You Have Been, You Are: Loved.

The tendency to fall into shades of error persists, yet only restrained by grace. This, something that is a constant in all, even as if it were possible, then the elect would be deceived.

It's not that we're not also assaulted and tempted and momentarily even leaning in directions which see Jesus through lenses which distort...

...Paul even said that, ultimately, now it is just as though we see through a glass darkly...that even the truths we do know are even only somewhat partially clear, as though somewhat obscured by all which surrounds and is entailed of individual and broad circumstance.

If even Paul, then, claimed that truth wouldn't be utmost clearly known until these times pass away and (perhaps just the prior ways of flesh, still coming into subjection to Christ) nothing any longer whatsoever impinges upon or obscures our view--even as our minds are being transformed...and our hearts are being made pure...

...yet, still, we don't presently...as Paul more or less put it...know as we are known.

Our perspective is too limited.

Even considering things as they are, in light of the truth of Christ, as a vast measure of the workings of God...

...still, we don't see the ways in which every single instance cumulatively has compounded up to the present. We don't understand how each and every momentary glance at Christ has cumulatively and comprehensively impacted us, even. We can reason within ourselves and propose what seem to be wholly sound observations, in terms of the reasons for events and in terms of particular evidences of God's intervention. But, yet, we don't clearly see how every single instance comprehensively, expansively has resolved and yet continues to work unto His glory...

...same as we don't clearly see how our positions today are working His will within us, unto who and how He would have us to be in five years, or even in ways...tomorrow.

An unseen work. Unremarked, largely, as generally unrecognized.

Just as with we can know that it's grace, an unmerited, unearnable...expression of His unwarranted favor...which has preserved what sense of hope and peace and love--and even desire for these things--yet persisting in general society, as we haven't wholly decimated all of civilization despite having somewhat the means, just as a matter of unchecked greed, pride, and/or divisiveness.

Except that He does in some very real way...restrain, individually and societally, from that extent of general depravity...

...we could and according to evidence of what yet exists, as resources are available and yet people still starve...people still murder, still hate, still work lust as though without consequence...

...such remarkable, prevalent self-exaltation as permeates and persists in such wickedness, justifying restriction of resources and indulgence of self on grounds of being "natural" for self-preservation and "success"...

...gives just a glimpse into how far gone we would be, except that He does still restrain.

The sun still shines. Seasons turn.

Even as the workings of sin, unto death, disease, suffering, and hatred...and all which come of these...

...yet persist. Increasingly, even, as we turn further and further away from Him, globally.

Turning toward destruction, really. Turning away from love is a turning to hate, in so many ways. Even if largely unremarked, unacknowledged. Turning to self turns away from others, just as much.

Just as turning to individual groups, exalted as wholly right and well established...constitutes a turning away from others.

So, is that turning defined by a turning to love--to Jesus Christ, who is love--or even any ways tainted by an even unconscious turning for sake of self-preservation with any-ways a mind to self-righteous justification, as thus is inherently divisive along unloving lines?

None of us are good, after all. We've all fallen short in some way. Whether as unapparent as unloving thoughts, complaintive internal dialogue, or even sharp tones used when speaking with others. Only God is good, truly good. Never wavering. And yet we turn against Him. Against Christ Jesus, God incarnate.

He's patient, though. And merciful. And delights to forgive those who come to Him, in spirit and truth seeking Him and continuing to seek Him, knocking and continuing to knock...asking and continuing to ask. He gives gifts even to all men, though. Whether asked or not, even life is a gift. Despite that some despise it. Nonetheless, a gift. Precious. Miraculous, in so many ways.

Our tendencies, though, apart from Him...are unto seeking self-gratification or group-solidarity and preservation--in any case, self-preservation no less. Whether a collective or individualistic drive, then still, the matter is a point of quite what is seen as worthy of preservation, according to one's own drives, desires, and sense of right. Without regard for God, moreover.

Which, in itself, is blatant rebellion.

So, how often do even those who are His act without any but a side-note to perhaps hoping it's according to His will. Because this, that, or the other would seem to ascribe rightness, even without having sought Him in prayer and Scripture to reveal what He would have of a particular instance of decision. Or even, moment by moment, if we truly are to bring even every thought into subjection to Christ, and not merely only actions.

Appending what seems right, just because superficial survey of details appears to accord with particular preliminary thoughts on a matter...

...doesn't necessarily indicate obedience is being maintained.

...doesn't necessarily mean implicitly that His will is being pursued, in a matter.

Again, look to Job's friends. By all they knew, they were speaking truth in apt circumstance, in seeking to obtain Job's confession and repentance. Completely oblivious to the need for rightly dividing and handling and teaching truth; Not arguing nor mincing words, but speaking patiently, kindly, and with God's own love...rightly applying truth: Not haphazardly, according to preliminary, precursory assessment.

There's a point of coming to realize that...as we don't see fully, now, then this means we cannot fully know precisely as would moreover be required, so as to be able to always rightly apply truth, then, if we are left with only our own understanding of even Scripture by which to proceed--and, this, no matter how extensive or exhaustive may it seem, still is ever limited even as Job's friends found themselves, to making superficial judgments according to what we see.

Which they did. Really.

And, again, think about it. Given who and how Job was, even to be noted by God, Himself...then, wouldn't you expect that his nearest and dearest friends--whom these men were--would in some capacity have attained unto some bit of wisdom and knowledge of God, for being so near to Job, as to have warranted their close, continued association as closest friends? These were not ignorant men, in other words, but were most likely (I mean, even the younger guy was hanging out with them as a contemporary in some capacity, if only as a means of learning from them)...they were most likely similarly esteemed as Job had been, in their community, as particularly wise and godly men. Who knew and walked right, even if not to such an extent as to have been noted by God as so doing.

Still, and nonetheless, they were learned men. To even have such gall as to attempt to instruct Job evidences they had well and long believed themselves wise, according to the ways of truth, the ways of God. Otherwise, they likely would have done as all the rest of society had done him, and just completely walked away.

They did not rightly speak of God, though. Even with whatsoever how-many decades of lifelong devotion to seeking to know truth and establish wisdom...no matter how blatantly their lives had been devoted to this, they still didn't rightly speak of God. Because the wisdom they possessed was still applied only according to looking to their own understanding, according to the "evidence" before them.

Haven't we all done this, though?

Just...if Job's best friends were even as that, how much more are any of us prone to that same error, except that the Lord would guide us and keep us?

Job, on the other hand...suffered greatly...even despising his own life, really..

...but expressing all the more his lack of understanding of God's ways, even going so far as to direly call God to explain, and moreover to either condemn or justify him...but just not to remain silent.

And his friends, who came speaking truths...even came as Job's accusers, all the more to his pain and woe of life.

But what happened, ultimately? God sorely humbled Job. Yet did reveal Himself.

And justified Job, for speaking rightly, at the end. Even chastising his friends, though, for falsely accusing, falsely applying truth...maligning God.

It's a cautionary tale in so many ways. His ways are far beyond us. We cannot know them, except for what He, Himself, would reveal...and not merely according to our own understanding, which is still so far beneath His own that it merely fashions images of itself in attempting to comprehend God according to mere words, no matter how diligently studied, if not accompanied by diligent seeking of the Holy One, Himself, in truth...alongside.

One not apart from the other, most notably as given.

Those lines are there in each of us, though--to seek to attempt to understand and apply God's revealed truths according to our own understanding, having made vast studies, systematically, so as to attempt to decipher pattern, mode, intent...as to methodically then apply such an understanding, as it "matches up" with events, as perceived.

But that's utterly short-sighted, apart from a simultaneous subjugation to God, Himself, in ever continually seeking He would make the way plain.

We cannot know Him, except He reveal Himself. So we must seek Him, that He would do so. Evermore.

So, the tendency to error is constantly pronounced, to any extent understanding apart from a conscious subjection to God, Himself, is prevalent--whether blatant or so subtle as nearly unnotable.
We can't save ourselves, as it goes, so how could we understand Him, even, except that He make Himself and His will and ways plain?

He's not like us. We have no point of reference, ultimately, except for shadows of His goodness and grace and love and mercy...and all things...pointing to Him.

Even as that we are made in His image, but as creatures who are inherently limited by the nature of our being.

He is not likewise limited, though. And yet would be "so much easier to understand" if He were like us...and acted according to the same ways we do, which yet...again...are offshoots from His ways, but according to our creature fashion and, furthermore, corrupted by our tendency to sin.

The only thing to do, then, is trust Him.
If we are not capable of even knowing Him, apart that He reveals Himself, drawing us to Himself...

...how could we rightly divide and apply truth, even?...as He is truth.

We just can't, is the thing that's so utterly debasing and humbling and even would work despair, except that it only means we have no recourse except to seek Him, as He would then lead us in the ways of truth.

Direct our every step, He said, if we acknowledge Him in all our ways. Trusting Him, forsaking attempts at and reliance upon our own understanding.

Because He does lead us in paths of righteousness, for His name's sake. Because He's who and how He is.

That He would even give us the words to speak, when we ought do so.

Thing is, though, these things don't mean we can just sit back, kick our heels up, and not even try to do anything...because we have these promises in Him, not apart from Him...and abiding in Him is an arduous task, with all the world, spiritual powers, and the very flesh which has a nature once having rebelled against Him...continually assaulting and seeking to derail.

The only way to know truth is to seek it, and never cease so doing, otherwise forsaking for attempted imitations and paltry substitutions. Because those imitations and substitutions aren't idle--they are continuous propositions which ever attempt to sway even slightly unto themselves, so as from a minute, incremental, and cumulative deviation away from truth, Himself. Continual assault, from within and without.

One's very own physical nature would even seek to arouse anxiety over matters, in claiming self-preservation as a necessary, continual effort which must be undertaken some ways, any ways independent of God. As though He didn't know our needs. Or, as though He would fail to ensure we were able and providing as they exist. Even as given the ability to work, He thus gives provision. To that end, of provision for needs of self and others. But by grace, none the less.

And working as unto Him.

Even as all this isn't an anxious endeavor, but one which is intended unto peaceful resting in His continual Presence, abiding in His love. Seeking Him first, in all things. Seeking first His kingdom. And He will not let the rest fall into disarray, but give strength, ability, and even inclination to do all which need be done. Not slacking, but not immured in busyness merely as an attempt at expressing or maintaining some internally, independently decided course of pursuit unto "accomplishing" what ends are otherwise perceived as being according to His will.

Look at Jesus, after all. He presumably worked, up till the time He began His ministry. And, even then, it's not as though He wasn't working. He was up before the sun, to have time alone to fellowship with the Father...and seems to have constantly been doing many things during all the day, called upon even into late hours of the night. Constantly. Yet always going to solitary fellowship, with the Father. Slipping away continually, as constantly. While otherwise wholly enmeshed in what was likely continual activity--whether teaching, fellowshipping as interaction, traveling, and discipling. And all else which He must have done, given John's closing words in his gospel.

He was love, is love, incarnate. Peace incarnate. Remaining always in the Father's love. Abiding always in the Father. Living with the will of the Father as so much more vital to His life than even bread and water. Continually serving and praying and seeking solitary time for fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Resting always, though, in the Father's love.

Not in busyness for the sake of attempting to haphazardly "hit on" whatever the Father's will was...but seeking His will always, and proceeding accordingly. Even to spend an entire night in prayer before calling the disciples.

He is our model for behavior, you know.

And He knew Scripture. He was the living Word, no less.
And yet He continually sought the Father's will, in private and public action.

So that He even said that, as recorded by John 5

5:30"I can do nothing on My own initiative. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is just, because I do not seek My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.

God, incarnate, and He said He not only would not but could not do anything of His own initiative. He utterly would have refused to do so, then, because it was not God's will for Him to do otherwise, except only to ever do and act and proceed and even speak only what God, the Father, gave.

So, are we better than Christ, then, that we don't need to seek God to direct our every thought and act? Or, would the argument attempt to garb itself as false humility, in saying that it's because we are not as good as Christ...that we aren't able to be obedient as He was obedient

Problem with that argument is that it calls God's word into question by saying that He won't do what He's said He will do. It, moreover, implies that we are somehow beyond His ability to impact, according to His good intent and sovereign will and omnipotent grace. 

Which--I don't know about you, but...personally...

...the more I come to know God, the more I come to realize that my "inabilities" to conform to His will are only all the more opportunity for Him to be glorified in working the miraculous in and through me. 

We were never intended to be able to do these things, in our own strength and according to our own understanding. And there is where the problems in a lot of ways really resolve and find source:

Somehow, there's this weird sort of...largely unstated or unconscious...idea that, if we can't understand how something would or could work--if it's impossible for us to even conceive of being capable of doing a thing, like...say...as John say: walking as Jesus walked, being pure as He is pure...

...then, somehow we just pass that off, as obviously being something we must not be intended to be on the earth, in this life...

...because it's impossible.

It's just not possible.



So is salvation.

So would it be for the elect to refrain from being deceived, except for grace.

But just to say "it's impossible" is only half of what need be considered, remember.

Because, while...yes, it is impossible for all these things to be...

...it's for man that these things are impossible. But for God...with God...all things are possible.

Doesn't mean I have to understand. Just means I can accept Him at His word, and stop exalting myself as though my own understanding of a thing as "patently impossible" means that impossibility and the corruption of my own fleshly nature (yet being sanctified) are somehow not still subject to the omnipotence of our sovereign God. Jesus Christ ransomed me, so I am His, and that means His will has been and will be done in and through me.

Nothing I can take any credit for--any of us, this--because even "my" good deeds...He decided and set those up to be completed by me, in ages past. 

So, it doesn't have to be about me and "my" abilities or even lack thereof. It's never been, and never will be. It's about who He is and what is His ability...and the exceeding riches of His grace unto those who believe.

None of which has anything whatsoever to do with who I am, except in and of that I am His, and He loves...and blesses...and gives grace abundant.

So, where understanding lacks, then trust is all the more pronounced.

Because any understanding can only be limited on this side of infinity. We are incapable of fully qualifying every single observation and statement and glimpse of truth as to be able to describe and proscribe and predict and anticipate and comprehend every single aspect of application, as varied according to His will around depths of circumstance which have conspired from eternity past, as according to His will...and yet as continuing even to culminate unto the very end of time. 

Name every star, according to the names He has and knows for them...

...regenerate your own spirit, without His divine intervention...regenerate the spirits of others, without His divine intervention, singly and individually blessing...

...then tell me about how precisely and adequately you are well capable of all-wise identifying, avoiding, and fully understanding "error" in yourself and others, in all instances, at all times, and for all time.

Do those things, and then explain to me precisely what manner by which He saves those whom He has redeemed, those whom He draws...

...then, I'll listen with utmost rapt attention, questioning nothing except to just trust your understanding, explicitly. 

But we are not as this. We don't have His perspective. We cannot, because we are finite.

So, then, we have nothing left to us except to trust Him to guide and lead and preserve us, even guiding us into all truth.

Into Himself. Knowing Christ.
Not merely by rote, but in truth. 
As Precious above all.

Forsaking all, for sake of having Him. 
For love of Him.

To His will.
Seeking, striving to obey.
Knowing only He can even make these things so, make them fruitful and consistent efforts.

Not by strength or might, moreover--but only by His Spirit.
Then, His temple, built.

Oh, just not to despise the day of small things!
He does delight to take the foolish things of this world, confounding the wise!

None of us are below His notice. 
Every single one of us--regardless whether "elect" or rebellious...He knows every single hair on our head, so deep is His regard. That even as He would love every single sparrow, who were not created in His image...then how much more does He love every single one of us?

That He gave His only begotten Son.
He sacrificed Himself. In love.

Let us not mock Him who so loves us.
Not even as mocking one another, whom He loves.

Love, though.
It covers...
...a multitude...
...of sins.

The Lord bless you and keep you. 

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