Finally have feeling in all my extremities again, at present, for the first least 24 hours. I'm almost able to smell, again. Nearly. My back has almost come back into alignment, and what work was required which totally threw it out...Lord willing, is finished for a brief while. Just the head-things and neck stuff, mostly, now.
Someone accidentally aligned my neck, week before this last, and so all manner of madness has attempted an insurrection as a result. No idea whether "vacuum phenomenons" ever heal, really. But whatever. My left foot hasn't come out of joint in a couple days, although the tendency is still there.
But, again...
...all things wrought per insolence, mercifully.
Hands are still trying to go numb, cold.
I don't understand any of these things, and there are some which I don't even begin to have any even loose comprehension of, to be able to remark. All I know is that there's been a lot of difficulty with these sorts of things, lately, and I'm at the mercy of God.
Which is always the case, is good to be reminded...and to bring all members to remembrance of such a thing.
Nothing operates independent of God, is the thing. Not an atom. Not a subatomic particle. Not a cone nor rod. Not a follicle. Not a foot. Nor a hand. Nor an individual, so comprised.
So, then, neither do the parts which comprise the body of Christ operate independently, regardless whatsoever diffidence, indifference, and downright animosity might have begin to creep up in the midst and in between--even as to have various parts outright denouncing one another, rather than reaching out in love, leaving to God His work of atonement and correction, even if given through truth spoken in love wholly per whatsoever speech the Holy Spirit would direct.
The thing about Bible worship, lately mentioned with some amount of consternation...
...the Bible is the work and word of God, revealing Himself and His terms which can be generally grasped on our level. So, in the same sense that God is not His name and yet is His name...the Bible is not God. A miniscule representation, projected unto us for our edification and searching and examination, so as to know Him. On His terms, yet given on our level.
When we quibble over those terms, we are wholly denying Him, is the thing. Still, yet again, in another way...forsaking the truth of God for a lie and worshipping the created rather than the Creator.
...thing is...
...there is so so fine a distinction, though, when it comes to His revealed word...that it does us good, to err on the side of caution, perhaps, but only if it allows us to more deeply seek to know Him rather than as allowed to become something used as a shield against Him.
To say that "my understanding of God is..." and to appeal only to that, even as revealed to be contributory as an aspect of His being, an "attribute" yet still to attempt to look at a part, in such a way as even unintentionally simultaneously denies the whole.
Problem there, though, is that being the creatures we are...we know nothing else. We can know nothing else, except that He leads.
Which is wherein comes the crux.
We must come to Christ, begging He would do what work is necessary to free us even to know Him as revealed in His word--Not merely according to what limited scope of understanding we are capable of, but even as to trust Him that He desires to reveal Himself in truth, in spirit, even as through the revelation given of the Bible... a means by which we can continually return to Him, seeking a deeper, deepening view, as clarified by continued perusal, even unto so high a point of awareness as to discern the distinctions of even what spirits would attempt to waylay the Spirit through which Scripture was initially given, through process of our interpretations.
It does not end and begin with merely reading, in other words.
We are to discern even that which we read, unto the understanding which the Lord intends us.
Which, again...means a death to those things which would exalt themselves against right interpretation--emotional, mental, social, individual prejudices or even perspectives unawares which color connotational comprehension.
We cannot know these things, except He gives them. And He gives to those who ask, and continue those who seek, continuing to seek.
So, even as much as the meaning given is absolutely clarion and simple...just as God, Himself, is evident to all of creation.. ...then, also, there's simultaneously unfathomable depths to the meaning relayed and to the context and comprehension. He gives as we have need.
As He has given.
Of Himself.
Unto us.
So, Scripture isn't to be in any way undermined in terms of absolute necessity and reverence.
But yet, in itself, as it isn't His revelation, it stands steadfast.
So, when and wherever and however He has made and makes possible access to such Words of Life as are thereby more direct consigned, we are bound to seek therein, unto His revealed in and of our terms and manner of general communication. As text. As words. Conscribed.
From what I hear, though, He's been directly saving people, Himself, in outreaches, outposts, "unreached" corners of the earth. Without human intervention. And without benefit of Biblical direction or inception or initiation...except, with some, to then also give a desire to seek out those such "Words of Life" as are contained for direction in all godliness, therein.
Thing is...He will do what He chooses. Period. Regardless whether our understanding of Him, even as relayed within Scripture, meets up to managing to comprehend His works and ways.
Even His self-revelation therein contained many times makes plain that He's so far beyond our ability to comprehend that we're just not even capable of understanding Him or understanding His ways, in full, if He were to have given full revelation.
You can't go and say He's "fully revealed" in Scripture, is the thing, in such a way as then leads to even internal assumption that such a "full revelation" wholly and to sum gives total knowledge unto all which He is. To do say would make Him as us, implicitly, by attempting to bring and contain His glory to a level which can be yielded to a summary assessment. So, then to also say that He's infinite and eternal, while simultaneously claiming that He is fully revealed...?
Those are two entirely disparate beings given consideration, if that is such the case.
But the God I serve is infinite and He cannot, thus will not be contained merely within scope of any mere mortal's ability to fully conceive His ways, comprehend His being, understand His purposes. No matter the height, nor depth, nor breadth, nor length of study given to such a pursuit... God...
...He always exceeds comprehension. He is as far beyond anyone's mastery as is the height of all the galaxies beyond my present ability to scale in an instant's breath. Incomprehensibly and vastly so, to a degree which is immeasurable.
Because, even as we can speak of eternity and of infinity...there are concepts which we cannot contain. Period. Two different states of being. Wholly. Creature and Creator.
Same as a child cannot give birth to its mother. No matter by what manner of technicality science might ever contrive to do such things, or man conceive to breach such heights of logistic philosophies...
...apart from what and who we are.
The created.
So, how much sense does it make for various parts which comprise a whole, then, to attempt independence?...or to even assert some sort of side-rail action, as though there were independence in effect, as perceived in act?
Yeah, no.
All will be fully brought to submission to His will, even as He yet allows what purports to insurrection. What purports to independence. He merely allows that delusion to persist, allowing us to perceive a having of what wretchedness we oft choose, rather than choosing Him. Him.
Just do it. Period.
There's nothing else for it. Period.
I don't care what doctrine you ascribe to, what theological knowings you purport to possess.
If He is not directly speaking to you with regularity, constancy even, then what are you doing?
Given that is an option. He said He would teach us, Himself, in the last days. The days in which we now live.
And He does, otherwise regeneration would not be something going on. That is the beginning of instruction!
That He, His very own spirit! Comes to dwell.
So, why would we not seek to understand and to know His voice, even as having a tangible means of learning to discern?
How many references are there, in what we consider the "New Testament," whereas the apostles mention that the things they are writing are already known to the recipients because the Holy Spirit has already told them these things.
The thing is...
...if you recognize truth, at all, it's only because HE is giving that recognition direct to you, within your very spirit! Otherwise, you nor I would never be capable of knowing truth! Christ said as much, in so many ways.
He directly reveals truth or we cannot know it. Period.
And His longsuffering, His patience with us is abounding beyond comprehension, that even those who are His would deny Him even while proclaiming His truth!
We walk that line of disbelief, without apology, and rather than cutting us off, He continues to guide and lead and love us! ...despite that we refuse to be open to direct communication, or only one-sided...
We would speak to Him and not listen, in other words, except only to hear anything which He ever once said. Which...He never contradicts Himself, so the revelation as stands does serve and had ought always be looked to for confirmation that we have not erred in interpreting nor hearing.
Because we're so apt to fail, so prone to falter, so tending to stray and listen instead to malingering voices rather than that of Christ. God, Himself.
But...He knew. He knows.
Merely, there's more to Him and of Him than we presently have even begun to desire for, and yet for some reason, there's a wholescale limitation from camp to camp, regarding despondencies and restrictions along which seeking seems stymied by one means or another--self-definition of what had ought, can, and could be known and sought.
According to "established understanding."
Well enough! But find out for yourself, too!
The things I have learned and know can only come to bear upon myself, ultimately. All the day long, I could cry out in the streets, casting dust upon myself and rending clothing, weeping for a generation...or remaining solemnly silent, exhaling a cloud of poisonous vapor into the ether, so like as a statement may be without inciting ever as much note as the other, nor as severe and immediate public retribution...
...but for what???
Only as to lament the state, in way inconsolable, commiserate of what be, as stands, yet longing only for Light to come and Truth to reign, even Love supreme to be welcomed...where hearts are dark and understanding blighted by self-will and desire for all else but only what might seem mastered, or naught at all, for fear of encountering uncertainty in how to proceed! though God, Himself, cannot be trusted to tend His creation! Was Love not born to die, and to redeem?! Did He not come, Himself, and bear the pain and shame and guilt and horrid weight of all our iniquities, even as they were those we have done and do AGAINST HIM?
And He did. Even unto death.
Life less life, for moments. Then overcome.
Arisen. Supreme.
Eternal God, our Savior.
So, why do we not trust Him?!
I am every bit as guilty as everyone! There's such hardness, still, such fear and trembling even that, for months at a time, now, I've feared to hear His voice in those moments once given solely to conversation. And should I be ashamed?
For He bore even that.
So, then, to be ashamed before men, to ask that we might all go to Him, begging conversation? It is a thing, regardless whether we acknowledge or heed His voice. He does speak.
He spoke, He speaks, and He will continue to do so.
Regardless which way we might attempt to conceive to limit His tendencies to do so, then even still the earth will proclaim His message!
The rocks may cry out, for we have been silent far too long.
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