Wednesday, September 16, 2015

He will do what He does

So, the surrender-thing which is part of coming to Christ, of drawing near to Him, abiding in His presence eternal... whole.

To ever any end He would give, of a soul.

Some to varying degrees than others.

He's made each of us, even to a particular working of His glory. Just as gifts given unto men, from He from whom all gifts go.

What is mine isn't as another's. What is another's isn't as mine.

Even if only by degrees, then. In context of His glory, each and every is minute, and yet from our so limited and frail a perspective, these such differences can constitute worlds of difference. Continents, complete.

Such that with these things of body, there's a surrender come and coming which is more complete, as conscious, than may be of many. I don't know.

I really don't know.

Truly, the surrender is complete, as according to His will, regardless how consciously noted. He works, ever, to will and to do His good pleasure in and through us.

So, in light of that, some of the exhortations to wholehearted, conscious surrender may be slight amiss for what's given some as to do. Done, then, even without knowing.

No less complete, for lack of regard and referral and rumination.


He works, complete, in all His ways.

Just, there is possibility which isn't sought, so often. For lack of wanting, for lack of asking, for lack of acknowledgment, for lack of desire.

Yet, if He hasn't given that desire, then should it otherwise be sought?


Only as He wills and decrees...ordained.

How amiss, though, not to speak of what's given?

We are given whatsoever we receive, then so to speak.


To witness. To proclaim His glory, His goodness, His majesty, His might and wonder and fulness and capacity--endless!--from the hilltops! And even from the pits.

He is no less here than there.

Just to seek.

Whatever would be His will.

As He would give. Just know, still, that all things are possible for Him, alone.

We could no more dictate His actions than we could truly bottle the tide. Understand it, in ways, we may. Even so to part..

..but not from the beginning.

..nor unto the end.

We are given to seek Him, is all. Just to seek Him.
Each and every, according to the faith and grace bestowed upon us all.

And He will perfect His creation.

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