Wednesday, August 12, 2015

We Must Turn, All

What will it take? What will it take for us to come back to Him?

It has gone as this, again and again, and again. Everyone going off to do what's right in their own eyes, seeing no wrong in doing so--forsaking God, entirely, for the sake of believing in ourselves and our own efforts and what appear to be good fruits of those efforts...short term good, yet destruction on the whole.

Again and again. We do this.

From the beginning.

Ever turning to see...what it would be like to be God. And beginning to think it okay to wonder such a thing. Then, in so wondering, having wholly turned from Him. Into blindness.

Looking to self, looking into self...leads to deception. It is a deception to even do so.

There are no answers there, ultimately. None except of a need to turn elsewhere, there evidenced.

Contrivance against contrivance, ever unto more, and none ultimately suffice. If ever they had, there would never have come a need to continually press onward unto greater heights, deeper lows, broader expanses of attempt to comprehend and grasp at something just beyond our reach, yet which every part of us longs for, feeling it as though a need only attainable through that bit.. more..

...and a moment of satisfaction. Self-satisfaction.

Then the hollowness comes again.

Something else, something more.

Another goal, another charity, another business, another movie, another game, another mate, another meditation, another lecture, another life, another dream... unto the next, never ending.

To what end?

There is no fulfillment there. There is not. IF there were, it would have been attained already. Rather than always just a step further..

..just one page more..

..just one more beach house..

..just one more Emmy..

..just one more cigarette..

..unto peace?..unto enlightenment?..unto satisfaction?..unto fulfillment?

And woe to those who no longer listen to that still, small voice which yet beckons that There is more!!!

To have become so jaded, so lost, so completely desensitized as to no longer even long for fulfillment... death, indeed.

He gives life.


We work only death, unto ourselves. No matter how high the dream. No matter how deep the desire for good. No matter how lofty or finely tuned the intentions wrought ever onward and upward toward who He is, what good He has wrought.. None of our deeds work good, apart from Him.

Even to look at it logically...

...if you have a system so finely tuned, so intricately designed...

...that even the slightest change in the tension of a spring would cause malfunction of the whole system, within a brief span of time..

..what would it be, for any single gear to attempt to alter its pattern?
...what would it be, for any single spring to attempt to disengage?

..even if those such things, for the sake of consideration, were conscious as to make such decisions...and were empowered as to be able to in any way enact them...

...if the whole of the clockworks were as large of the universe, with billions and billions of such parts...

...and the clockmaker did yet adjust mechanics to thereafter account for errant as their failure doesn't wholly destroy the mechanism at large, yet still initiating a slow and continual disintegration of the all...

...but what if he patiently allowed and awaited all others who would eventually do so to follow suit, that all such parts which would ever refuse their role in such a glorious design--for sake of wanting to attempt to be independent--were allowed to disengage...

...even as He ever graciously adjusted the mechanism, still, so that the all--even while suffering under the weight of such mechanical malfunctions--still continued, not experiencing degradation of the whole, as a sum, but progressive degradation of parts and general functions...

..such and processes, but not the whole mechanism, suffer loss of right function...

...just as...even as the whole suffers until such time as He brings all things into proper alignment according to His good design, once more...

...those errant parts, having become self aware and resentful of dependency...

...when they ever sought independence--no matter how small a good even the most minor tweak in that direction might seem to have wrought...

...yet moreover, effected degradation.


Apart from Christ's direction, that's all we can do. Because we don't know enough to be able to comprehend the extents of the intricacies of everything in process (not only in process now, but as part of the process from the beginning and as unto the end--none being distinct from any other instance which ever has or ever will occur). No one fully understands or knows these things, except Him. Period.

The accuser doesn't know. He only has ever apparently attempted to derail mechanisms, evidencing a limited knowledge of the scope of matters continually, per continually being incapable of ultimately impacting the course of God's will.

And that is even for one who has a spiritual perspective--able to see things from an entirely different angle and according to a different scope than we do. Still not seeing all...very obviously...but seeing more than we can.

Or do, at least.

In those terms, it's absolutely ludicrous to even contemplate being able to do good. Period.

Only God is good. He, alone.

Christ will reconcile us to Himself, whether here or hereafter. Only, the hereafter is a reconciliation unto death, unto torment...even if as of being perpetually submitted to the unmitigated, all-consuming love of One who is utterly despised..

..eternal torment..

..or, alternately, being reconciled while still of flesh, then eventually unto eternal praise of His glory. Unending, unmitigated. Eternal.

He made the way. According to His will.
According to His plan.

And someday...someday, we'll no longer have questions as to why, because we'll be in the very presence of the Answer.

He Is. And He is a rewarder of all those who diligently seek Him.

Seek Him while He may be found.
While there's time yet to get oil for your lamp.

The spiritual darkness is no trifling matter. And it's so thick right now, there's no light to be had except it comes direct from Him.

There are so many camps of extremes. But only one true Way.

Being utterly frayed, absolutely anxious and filled with...any extreme emotion, really.. a fair sign of being off-key.

Even as there are some things which are a matter of due course in coming nearer to Him, emotionally charged per having come to comprehend the weightiness of certain matters, even in brief.

But not of a tense sense of foreboding nor of gleefully wringing one's hands at the idea of impending chaos..

..especially not of grimly relishing the thought of others perishing..

..not of fearfully despairing over the unknown.

Just of knowing Him...and seeing what is, what has been, what's to come. Knowing, only for knowing Him. Not needing specifics. Just knowing Him.

Mourning and weeping between the porch and the alter. Begging mercy. Imploring forgiveness and help.

For there is nothing else.

There is absolutely nothing else.

And we're so deluded, at present, that the arm of the flesh no longer even recognizes itself for being so, rather but thinking itself humbled and unadorned for being solely a matter of conceived goodwill.

How wretched!

Oh, we call ourselves good. We think ourselves kind. We believe ourselves loving, for calling for equal rights for all, when there are no thoughts given to God, whatsoever.

The creature is worshipped, without thought for the Creator. Not even just to say "more than," but...without thought for...the Creator.

Even so far as to denounce Him utterly, say that He doesn't exist. It doesn't change the fact of His existence. Merely, it further mars us.

And what have we done? ...what do we yet do, my dear brothers and sisters?

We litigate. We negotiate. We compromise, by even engaging the world on its own terms.

And then...




...if that doesn't help...


...we might go to prayer as an ardent recourse.

In other words...

we are

and have been

doing what we know how to do

Not in "much the same way" that the world ever has done what's right in its own eyes,
but in exactly that same way.

We want methodologies rather than the Holy Spirit.

We want proven truths rather than Christ's fellowship and direction.

We want plans and goals rather than to be led by the very Spirit of God.

Because it's not convenient, it's not certain, it's not something which can be finitely comprehended and boiled down to a scientific truth.

Which, if you want to have an argument about the Bible, in terms of that...

..then, yes, it is the inspired word of God...

...yes, it is given for all direction, instruction, correction, edification, reproof, and guidance... is sufficient...

...and it is only to be interpreted according to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Period.

Not individually, according to mental acuity and comprehension.


But according to the guidance and leadership and direction of the Holy Spirit, period.

If you want a second witness on that, ask the Holy Spirit. Or, are you testing the spirits, at all?

Are we all blind?
Because, if not, there's no hope we'll receive sight.

Seek Him. Ask Him.
Talk to Him.

If your attitude is wrong, He'll fix it.
Your heart is definitely wrong, but He's the only one who can fix it--that's the very same case for all of us.

Just talk to Him.
We seriously have to just get over ourselves, get over the idea we know anything...
...and just talk to Him.

He ever asked, again and again, just to reason with Him.
Our sins, which are as scarlet, will be made white as snow.

Through Christ, our redeemer.

Talk to Him.

He will meet each of us where we are, but He will not leave us where He found us.
...otherwise, we've never met Him, at all.

Get over your idea of what's right, what's wrong, what needs to be done, what shouldn't be done...and just talk to Him. And dive into the Scriptures. Headfirst...and stay there. Remain submerged in those waters, otherwise there will be no life, no hope, no means by which to breathe.

Test all things according to Scripture.
There is no contradiction there. If something seems odd, pray. If something doesn't make sense, pray.
If something is disturbing, pray.

Just pray. And read.

...oh, but what will it take!
This is not a game. It's not a light matter.
People are dying, second by second, and the hours pass, each to the next...

...when will we come awake to the urgency?
...awaken to the need?
...awaken to Him?

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