Monday, August 10, 2015

Famine and Persecution

Have attempted to start writing a few times within the past many days. There are just so many things right now.

He is answering prayers. Directing them.

I'm not sure how many of you are any way aware of the state of matters, globally, right now. In terms of truth. In terms of rebellion.

In terms of delusion and what sin works in and of and unto us.

In terms of what mercy works, of response.

It comes to mind, the anecdote regarding a Chinese missionary visiting America...being asked after some brief while of visiting a variety of churches what one point about American churches stands out most, to which the foreign missionary responds something of, "It is absolutely amazing how much you have been able to accomplish, and without God."

...a disparaging remark, entirely. In terms of the fact that the church is only the Church as she is in Christ. In God. Not apart from Him, whatsoever. Not one iota.

For, even as there's a concept of that being the case--of independent operation, as apart from's merely delusion allowed, per each his own desire for such rebellion. He allows such things. Even giving a spirit of delusion, yes, that conscience increasingly ceases to plague.

As we desire rebellion, He allows us our sin. He allows us to choose to destroy ourselves. Even as He saves some for Himself, regardless. According to His good pleasure. To His glory. Even as His glory is supreme, even in the working of justice.

Sin, though. We have sinned so grievously. Casting all our thoughts away from Him, then lamenting our powerlessness. Becoming utterly consumed with distractions, then railing against a society which has progressively become bolder in denouncing His sovereignty.

We who are His have made His name a reproach among all the nations, you all. Seriously. All of us. We have made His name a reproach.

Not those who don't claim Him. Nope. Those who DO claim Him and yet walk in their own strength, according to their own understanding, according to their own idea and comprehension of what's right--even as using Scripture to claim authority, which is the most terrifying bit about it, perhaps. Using His word...His name...His revealed justify our own unrighteousness.

We have ALL done this. Even if by not railing against it, then we've yet done it. And railing against it in the prayer closet, even and ever far more than in public.

Period. Seeking His face, not seeking to convince men. Seeking to plead with Him, first and foremost.

...which, even knowing to do wholly grace. Completely.
There'd be absolutely no awareness of a need to do such a thing, except that He implanted that desire...implanting the dawning awareness...implanting the urgency to pray.

He does these things. We don't. We only respond.

There are so many things along this line. So, so many things. There's not time at present to get into them all.

Just...again, consider--we're not battling flesh and blood. We're battling, spiritually.

When you can maneuver some way for litigation to impact God, directly, please allow yourself to be excused from any pretense of sanity...but in the meantime, realize that seeking to alter the present state of depravity which has come proliferate, globally, by any course except per God, Himself... absolute insanity, in total.

We must turn from our wickedness, humble ourselves, and seek Him...cry out to Him! We must. There is nothing else, and all things will come to that point, whether now or later, regardless. This lattermost, just according to His mercies made evident ever over course of prior such circumstances as currently prevail.

Captivity, persecution, slavery, famine, drought, persecution, death. These are what sin works, as a means of drawing attention to the fact of our innate incapacity for self-governance and self-sustenance, in any way opposed to (i.e., so-called "apart from") God.

He is the very force which binds each sub-mollecular particle in existence together. The very air we breathe only remains extant as beneficial and can be drawn, thusly--as according to the goodness of His graces lavished upon the just and the unjust, alike, ever in such manner.

So it's great and incomprehensible mercy, that He would allow us to fall apart so as to see our abject need of Him. The need exists, regardless. All good only comes as He would allow and will, direct. We have nothing to sustain, apart from Him.

So it's gracious that He would direct us back to Himself by allowing all our efforts to come to allowing us to fall completely flat on our faces before the entire world, as we only continue in attempting to live according to our own understandings (whether apart from Him or as esteeming self as akin to Spirit-led understanding and direction).

We must return to Him. There isn't a choice, ultimately. He will have those whom He purchased with His blood...whom He redeemed for the praise of His glory. He will have us, regardless.

And He will be glorified in all the earth. Even as the entire earth proclaims His glory.

Our faithlessness does nothing to mar who He is. He is faithful and He will be praised.

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