In terms of two particular matters.
First of all, as goes evolutionary psychology's/anthrolopological/sociological/philosophical explanations of the "origin of religion"...whence comes God, lest He predated our existence?
If the normative expectation of philosophical, ideological origin is that of efficiency of terms, efficiency of idea, then why would so complex and intricate and expansive an idea as God represents even within the most minute bit of our ponderings have sprung to fore?
...there's a baseline premise in process of considering the "idea" of God as something which would "spring naturally" out of man's conscience which is absolutely and totally erroneous, in terms of expecting that such an idea would be the least complicated solution for unexplained phenomena. Put it this way:
If everything arises only out of what is observable, then where would the idea come that something unobserved is at cause? There's no simple rationale by which that makes sense, if you're speaking in terms of a people which take all things at face value as being only what they are. Why would there even be a cause to expect some unseen, unseeable mechanism to ever be at play?
...yes, there are/were phenomena which acted and affected all of creation in ways which weren't necessarily comprehensible, but yet...
...if all that was seen was incomprehensible, yet always seen--evidenced visibly in some fashion, such as to be visibly remarkable, not merely observed per deduction or inductive reasoning... exceedingly complicates each and every such incomprehensible circumstance to then attribute the cause to some unseen, thus even less knowable force.
Rather, it would make sense according to a very plain, very unadorned, very unaffected logic as is generally attributed to what anthropologists and the like attribute to our ancestors...
...that they would not "invent" the idea of a god.
And a lot of the impact thereby is lost, in terms of modern society's lack of comprehension of what is entailed and implied just per the fact of God's existence.
He is not a simplification, in any capacity, but rather the opposite--all things complex and simple, both, have their origin and resolution in Him. There is no greater complexity than God, in other words. There is no higher idea. There is no vaster, no broader, no more intricate matter to be considered or pondered or meditated upon or sought out...than even the barest beginnings of an understanding of His being and existence and all which such an awareness entails, both individually and societally.
Which, being the case, means that to invent the idea of a god is to invent the most complicated logical conclusion which can or could even be conceived of, as being that from which all complexity springs and into which all such being resolves.
Rather, if such a thing as Occam's razor does apply in all instance, there would be far simpler ideologies which had ought have been clung to for centuries, rather than that there is or could be gods.
The very idea of God isn't simple. He is not simple.
Again--He is the single most complex idea and being to ever be considered.
So, for some ancient forebear to have wandered across such an idea, at all...without vast mechanical reaches of understanding of all which is...akin to the "pocket watch on the beach"-consideration... absolutely, mind-bendingly absurd.
Literally. Because that inverts the very idea of logic, to consider that someone without mental acuity and vast reaches of comprehension would conceive of so high an idea as a god as a means of simplifying understanding of other, incomprehensible things. In other words, rather than simplifying the incomprehensibly complex, they further complicated it by apparently conceiving of so high an explanation as a god--even going so far as to invent scores of gods, when one at first just didn't seem quite on the mark (for having deviated from the idea of the Biblically-recorded true Creator, yeah).
So, that's a fail.
If it were the case that our forebears were less mentally adept, less aware, less able to conceive of truth and reason and understanding according to the absolute facts of reason (which were indeed off-point on a lot of things, but not all)...then the "idea" of God's existence shouldn't have even come into consideration until the Ages of Reason and/or Enlightenment. Rather than that these periods of self-exaltation should align with Biblical principles in terms of pride exalting self against God, such that self-exaltation through reason ever has sought to dethrone Him.
No, if He were merely an idea, then He would ever still be The Highest Idea, and could only have been attained unto at the height of logical and reasonable enlightenment. Rather than from the beginning of historical record, millenia ago--even as some do deviate from truth, then they are yet perversions of a truth which exists, absolutely.
No, if He were merely an idea, then He would ever still be The Highest Idea, and could only have been attained unto at the height of logical and reasonable enlightenment. Rather than from the beginning of historical record, millenia ago--even as some do deviate from truth, then they are yet perversions of a truth which exists, absolutely.
If you really think on how vast an idea it is, that He'll understand this. Because it's not merely a matter of "oh, the way--there's a God," but a matter of the fact that, "Oh, yeah...there's a God, we're not Him,, since the fact of His existence means we're completely subject to Him, we should probably kinda', sorta' be seriously concerned about who He is, what He wants, and do whatever we must to appease Him...if possible...or to please Him, if possible...but still, since He exists, and that means we're subject to Him, that means everything else is subject to Him, too, so we should definitely be diligent in finding out what He wants and expects of us in everything we do, since there's absolutely nothing we can do about the fact that He totally pwns."
Even outside of sheer desire to know and obey Him for sake of His being God--to worship Him for being God, in other words... ...then for a species so singularly self-concerned, we would have at least adopted the above attitude, in terms of self-preservation (which was/is definitely the case, more often than not, unfortunately).
So, yeah...that's not a simple idea, though. As far as what the alternate explanation would be... tell me.
But, quite simply, for a species which purportedly developed reason and explanations in accord with principles of efficiency and conservation and simplicity--start with the most simple explanation, being the most likely...
...the idea of God does not fall into such a category. As complex as the ecosystem may be, the idea of God is far more complex. And again--why give as explanation for something visible something which isn't visible? That just doesn't follow, according to simple logic, unless it's revelatory of a truth of nature as evidenced by such a leap in terms of conclusions.
And all the people who try to throw in various bits about fairies and leprechauns and whatsoever else, in terms of "invisible beings which likewise must also exist, if God exists" know what--whatever. Completely different concepts. Completely. Like comparing the operating principles of the large hadron collider to the operation of the T.A.R.D.I.S.--from a vast distance, they may seem equally unlikely and absurd, but given sufficient comprehension you begin to understand that there are significant differences in the principles underlying, sufficient to demarcate irreconcilable distinctions in terms of practical existence and effect. (Not the utmost best analogy, now..)
The other confounding bit, in terms of absurdist reasoning, relates to the idea of conservation of resources in terms of infinity. I'm not sure there's anything which boggles my mind, at present, more than the idea of that being a possible or reasonable concept, merely in terms of human comprehension of the idea.
God will do what He does. Period. His prerogative is illimitable, regardless what we might think we know or understand, at any given point. He did say, even, that wisdom is justified in all her children, even along those lines.
...either I'm like so much more idiotic than I ever even began to understand (and still am having a difficult time comprehending, honestly, the extent to which my idiocy must extend, for this to be a concept which I struggle with, yet which so many people seem to have absolutely no difficulty with, mind is boggled, though, and until I get nearer to figuring it out, I'm too... ...well, if anyone is to crush me, I'd rather it be the Lord than people...people mock, He just corrects and chastises..)..
..but, yeah, seriously. The idea of how infinity would be limited in terms we might easily understand is something which just absolutely boggles my mind.
How do you limit infinity? I mean...God can do all things. He created a finite universe from His position in eternity. So, yeah--He can totally limit infinity. I understand that??? He did it?
And why?
It's just like...those words: infinity. eternity. finite reality. God
They are words, and yet the concepts they represent are incomprehensibly vast beyond measure. So, even as I can use those words, their use, and the ideas they conjure in the minds of others...isn't something I can absolutely control.
Because the words aren't the concepts. Even as they represent them.
Even some way which is beyond my ability to even begin to grasp...His name is something of Him. HaShem.
The Name/
The I Am.
He transcends all, though.
Not just a single moment. Not just a single thought.
Far greater than anything we could ever even begin to conceive of understanding. And yet, we who are His are heirs to Him.
Our inheritance.
And there's always that line which keeps being thrown up in my face, that we cannot neglect the things before us, in terms of necessity. Which--well and good!, I'll do whatsoever He enables, for the sake of what He would have of me. But it's not within my power nor ability to be able to even begin to do anything in front of me.
Least of which even being just to get out of bed. I have no reason to, except for Him. I have no desire to, except for Him.
And so, He is my desire. And I do get up, and do as He empowers--even doing poorly in things, struggling against the flesh as to be more subject to His will and less subject to desires for self-gratification and self-preservation.
One thing which is perhaps greater a struggle than all else is fear of others, which means I've made an idol of people...and of self, in terms of the fear being a sign of desire for self-preservation. Natural, yes, but aberrant nonetheless.
Praying for deliverance, still, however He would be so kind as to bring it.
Because I can't. It's just beyond me.
All things.
We're all the same in these things. We need Him. Desperately. Cling to Him. Desperately.
And if you don't believe you need Him, desperately, then you're in all that much greater need for even being wholly deluded and self-consumed. A hard truth, but true nonetheless. Same for each of us, as ever sin makes our hearts grow colder or less impassioned and inflamed for His love.
Pray. Just pray.
Judgment isn't coming, so much as it's already here..
..the things which are happening aren't necessarily so much a matter of what will bring judgment, but a sign of His judgment enacted.
And yet we continue along, blithely blind, wholly consumed with daily concerns as though He yet weren't a part of each passing phrase and day that flashes past our eyes. We live in lies. We dine on death, in seeking and seeing ourselves apart from Him.
Blindingly wandering the aisles of what constitutes a seeming endless array of options borne to suit our every desire, borne apart from Him. Thus empty, cancerous, ever making more of drought and famine in us. Never satisfied.
Always longing for more, just as soon as any near-craving seems slight sated, then it birthes a greater flame for self-consumption, self-gratification, endless, endless craving.
A sure sign of His judgment enacted.
And we have only even barely begun to awaken.
Please plead with Him. He is our only hope. The only which ever has been, the only which ever will be, the only which is.
Seek Him.
There is no other answer.
Do what He requires.
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