We need have discernment. If you believe you have it, and yet don't continually refer to Scripture to test even that sense of certainty...there's a good chance it lacks truth.
Thank of it in terms of flavor.
(granted, not the absolute best of all means of considering supernatural reality, and yet...)
If you cook using various seasonings you will develop a familiarity which what each particular seasoning adds, how each complements others, and you may even come to a point of being able to recognize a particular note of flavor yet lacking in a dish, then being able to identify what need be added per a deep familiarity with its individual bouquet and flourish.
Alternately, you can also...quite similarly...tell when something is just a tad off. When there's too much garlic, or when someone used mint instead of oregano. And it just tastes wrong. The flavors don't completely meld together. Something is just...off.
And even if you can't quite "put your finger" on what that flavor is...the one which disrupts the composition of the all...
...still, you can taste that something isn't right.
And the more familiar you become with each individual herb and spice...the more familiar you become with the way different herbs and spices complement and accentuate one another, even--coming together into various harmonies and layers of complexity..
...the more readily and easily you can identify what's right and what's wrong, and in what measure.
Discernment is like that.
Constantly developing, even.
The deeper the familiarity with Christ, with the Holy Spirit, with the recorded word as Scripture (given so as to have a physical means of discerning and rightly judging, amongst so many things)...the more readily a wrong, sour note with be recognized and understood for what it is.
To put it slightly differently...
Spiritually speaking, you might not know what malice "tastes" like. But...if you hear someone speaking even Scripture with a certain edge to their voice which makes you shudder in revulsion as a cold chill runs down your spine at the pointed edge and vitriol with which they're speaking...then, still, not recognizing that distinct "flavor," you would recognize that response as being completely different to the warmth and gladness evoked within by anything spoken truly in love.
Not good examples, not very precise...especially as I would imagine these things are experienced slightly differently, person-to-person, even according to that which the Holy Spirit impresses and clarifies...
...but just to have something as somewhat a point of reference.
We're to test every spirit, after all. Every spirit does not exclude the Holy Spirit, given that John's epistle makes it plain by further stating that we test to see if it is from God. Meaning, even that which is from God...is being tested.
That's not done lightly, though.
Look to Galatians 5 for a decent overview of some commonly understood terms which are laced with "flavors" which constitute (in any way, as any part of composition) an "off"-note:
19 Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality,
20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
...in other words, if you know what it is to experience something regarding sexual immorality (lustful covetousness having incited such, especially), impurity (conceit being a large factor, as self-idolatry made evident as reality), and all the rest...
...if you have ever experienced any of these, which you have in this world, then you will know what it "feels" like to act in such a way, to act according to such a spirit.
Mockery is of the same, even, in large part...as divisive, discordant, selfish/self-centered.
...and so are many other things, not mentioned.
But, yeah.
Further, it seems there can also be division between the spirit in which something was given/intended and that according to which it is received. Something can be done in love and received jealously and with hatred. Something can be done with an undertone of covetousness and yet still received (even filtered, so to speak) in a spirit of love.
Love is of God. But not love as the world gives. Unconditional love.
Peace is of God.
True joy is of God...
...and really, just again, look to Galatians.
And if there's something you're not sure about, press further into Scripture. Continue to pray for clarity. He will reveal the truth.
Just...it seemed right and good to share something to this effect, given recent messages.
I have to test myself, constantly. I have to test the spirit in which I operate, constantly, and constantly seek that I could less and less obstructively give heed to the Holy Spirit, alone.
But I am yet human, and being at all self-conscious means that there is an off-note which may persist too much, making it possible for reception to be set off-kilter. Moreso than it otherwise might.
And the whole deal of progressing too, it seems, is that there's an ongoing increase in clarity which makes apparent that certain things which once seemed clear were rather skewed and contorted, compared to that which is realized and understood and known as truth, even know.
Through a glass, darkly, after all.
All things must be done in love, though, and of matters which are so very urgent and concerning as those of late, I know part of my passage has been colored by frustration, meaning that there's definitely an off-note, already. So, some persistent obscuring of truth is possible, in other words. Otherwise, personal frustration wouldn't be part of the composition.
Hatred isn't of God. Frustration...well, really...it depends upon its source and object. And there...there is where the need for discernment comes in.
Because things which are right and good, in instance, are wholly wrong in other instance, dependent entirely upon the spirit from whence inspiration has come and per which action has been wrought.
Where is it sourced from and what is the foundation upon which it rests, in other words.
And even in terms of frustration...
...read Isaiah. There's a deeper layer than mere frustration, but superficial assessment of certain chapters evidences a frustration of sorts. And yet, it's not same as the frustration which we experience. But how can you know that, except for discernment?
All is sourced from love, a deep abiding love for those whose faithlessness is lamented.
Even unto grief, lamented.
Even as expressed, at time, as frustration...even per sarcasm..
Yet, sourced wholly from and resting soundly upon a foundation of abiding, unwavering, unconditional love.
Whereas...our frustration?...if it's not sourced in and from Him, even as such..
...then it's sourced from self, and some sense of self-sufficiency which can only be wholly wrong given there's no such thing as self-sufficiency, in truth.
So, sourced from the Spirit of God, or from that of pride?
How can you know, except for discernment?
We must learn to love.
The author of it is the only Teacher.
Seek Him.
He will show you. He will teach you, if you seek Him.
With all your heart.
...even having no idea what that means, then begin to seek to know what it means, so as to know how to do what is required and necessary.
For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Thursday, August 27, 2015
Confusion Amongst the Masses
We act in such blatant opposition to God, so very often, even claiming it as service, as seeking Him. Rigidity, a hallmark.
His ministers, those who are led by the Spirit, were in passing referred to as being like the wind, and like fire. Think on these things. Neither of them can be readily grasped, cemented as known. Amongst many things, of one common is the fluidity of movement evident of each, even as the paths taken might be comprehended as understandable...making sense, given the nature of each, that they would act in particular ways or move in particular directions, according to their general, overarching nature and tendencies.
But is it the path which defines their course, or that which compels them?
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
Love, Death, and Delusion
Moments of clarity come, sometimes, in the midst of seemingly mundane circumstance. Seeing clearly...or, rather, more clearly...for just a moment.. ..is such a blessing.
All anxiety falls completely away, as though it were never there. Fear of being rejected by others, fear of being misinterpreted, fear of being misrepresented, fear of being attacked..
..all fall away.
Concern falls away.
No sense of worry remains.
And it's as though the sky has cleared, and the sun shines so brightly through...illuminating the beauty all around, warming the heart to love all which surrounds, without regard for what might, could, or will come of any given moment. But just to be there, in the moment, experiencing a depth of the Lord's love in such a way as makes all life precious and brothers and sisters in Christ absolutely beloved.
Precious, so precious.
Those moments serve as reminders, serve as echoes, serve as a glimmer...of the depths of God's love for us.
All anxiety falls completely away, as though it were never there. Fear of being rejected by others, fear of being misinterpreted, fear of being misrepresented, fear of being attacked..
..all fall away.
Concern falls away.
No sense of worry remains.
And it's as though the sky has cleared, and the sun shines so brightly through...illuminating the beauty all around, warming the heart to love all which surrounds, without regard for what might, could, or will come of any given moment. But just to be there, in the moment, experiencing a depth of the Lord's love in such a way as makes all life precious and brothers and sisters in Christ absolutely beloved.
Precious, so precious.
Those moments serve as reminders, serve as echoes, serve as a glimmer...of the depths of God's love for us.
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Post-Sustenance Self-Consumption
Principles of efficiency, conservation, and the like...have been revolving, as points of consideration, these past few months.
In terms of two particular matters.
First of all, as goes evolutionary psychology's/anthrolopological/sociological/philosophical explanations of the "origin of religion"...whence comes God, lest He predated our existence?
If the normative expectation of philosophical, ideological origin is that of efficiency of terms, efficiency of idea, then why would so complex and intricate and expansive an idea as God represents even within the most minute bit of our ponderings have sprung to fore?
...there's a baseline premise in process of considering the "idea" of God as something which would "spring naturally" out of man's conscience which is absolutely and totally erroneous, in terms of expecting that such an idea would be the least complicated solution for unexplained phenomena. Put it this way:
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
We Must Turn, All
What will it take? What will it take for us to come back to Him?
It has gone as this, again and again, and again. Everyone going off to do what's right in their own eyes, seeing no wrong in doing so--forsaking God, entirely, for the sake of believing in ourselves and our own efforts and what appear to be good fruits of those efforts...short term good, yet destruction on the whole.
Again and again. We do this.
From the beginning.
Ever turning to see...what it would be like to be God. And beginning to think it okay to wonder such a thing. Then, in so wondering, having wholly turned from Him. Into blindness.
Looking to self, looking into self...leads to deception. It is a deception to even do so.
There are no answers there, ultimately. None except of a need to turn elsewhere, there evidenced.
Contrivance against contrivance, ever unto more, and none ultimately suffice. If ever they had, there would never have come a need to continually press onward unto greater heights, deeper lows, broader expanses of attempt to comprehend and grasp at something just beyond our reach, yet which every part of us longs for, feeling it as though a need only attainable through that ..one.. bit.. more..
It has gone as this, again and again, and again. Everyone going off to do what's right in their own eyes, seeing no wrong in doing so--forsaking God, entirely, for the sake of believing in ourselves and our own efforts and what appear to be good fruits of those efforts...short term good, yet destruction on the whole.
Again and again. We do this.
From the beginning.
Ever turning to see...what it would be like to be God. And beginning to think it okay to wonder such a thing. Then, in so wondering, having wholly turned from Him. Into blindness.
Looking to self, looking into self...leads to deception. It is a deception to even do so.
There are no answers there, ultimately. None except of a need to turn elsewhere, there evidenced.
Contrivance against contrivance, ever unto more, and none ultimately suffice. If ever they had, there would never have come a need to continually press onward unto greater heights, deeper lows, broader expanses of attempt to comprehend and grasp at something just beyond our reach, yet which every part of us longs for, feeling it as though a need only attainable through that ..one.. bit.. more..
Monday, August 10, 2015
Famine and Persecution
Have attempted to start writing a few times within the past many days. There are just so many things right now.
He is answering prayers. Directing them.
I'm not sure how many of you are any way aware of the state of matters, globally, right now. In terms of truth. In terms of rebellion.
In terms of delusion and what sin works in and of and unto us.
In terms of what mercy works, of response.
It comes to mind, the anecdote regarding a Chinese missionary visiting America...being asked after some brief while of visiting a variety of churches what one point about American churches stands out most, to which the foreign missionary responds something of, "It is absolutely amazing how much you have been able to accomplish, and without God."
...a disparaging remark, entirely. In terms of the fact that the church is only the Church as she is in Christ. In God. Not apart from Him, whatsoever. Not one iota.
For, even as there's a concept of that being the case--of independent operation, as apart from God...it's merely delusion allowed, per each his own desire for such rebellion. He allows such things. Even giving a spirit of delusion, yes, that conscience increasingly ceases to plague.
As we desire rebellion, He allows us our sin. He allows us to choose to destroy ourselves. Even as He saves some for Himself, regardless. According to His good pleasure. To His glory. Even as His glory is supreme, even in the working of justice.
Sin, though. We have sinned so grievously. Casting all our thoughts away from Him, then lamenting our powerlessness. Becoming utterly consumed with distractions, then railing against a society which has progressively become bolder in denouncing His sovereignty.
We who are His have made His name a reproach among all the nations, you all. Seriously. All of us. We have made His name a reproach.
He is answering prayers. Directing them.
I'm not sure how many of you are any way aware of the state of matters, globally, right now. In terms of truth. In terms of rebellion.
In terms of delusion and what sin works in and of and unto us.
In terms of what mercy works, of response.
It comes to mind, the anecdote regarding a Chinese missionary visiting America...being asked after some brief while of visiting a variety of churches what one point about American churches stands out most, to which the foreign missionary responds something of, "It is absolutely amazing how much you have been able to accomplish, and without God."
...a disparaging remark, entirely. In terms of the fact that the church is only the Church as she is in Christ. In God. Not apart from Him, whatsoever. Not one iota.
For, even as there's a concept of that being the case--of independent operation, as apart from God...it's merely delusion allowed, per each his own desire for such rebellion. He allows such things. Even giving a spirit of delusion, yes, that conscience increasingly ceases to plague.
As we desire rebellion, He allows us our sin. He allows us to choose to destroy ourselves. Even as He saves some for Himself, regardless. According to His good pleasure. To His glory. Even as His glory is supreme, even in the working of justice.
Sin, though. We have sinned so grievously. Casting all our thoughts away from Him, then lamenting our powerlessness. Becoming utterly consumed with distractions, then railing against a society which has progressively become bolder in denouncing His sovereignty.
We who are His have made His name a reproach among all the nations, you all. Seriously. All of us. We have made His name a reproach.
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Humbled in His Wake

So many things going on, right now. (Always, yeah...)
Moving again, day after next. A month in the place I presently am, not having intended to move here (hoping, but not knowing how nor when it might be possible). And in two days, I will have a room of my own. Officially.
And yet every time I begin to get caught in thoughts of what might be enjoyable for accumulation, I'm reminded it's not for me. Not for me, to give in to those cravings as to make plans to accumulate or beautify. Or even to make plans, in terms of tenure.
I can only know, for now, that I'll be moving in on Monday. And I know it's a year's lease, but that doesn't serve as my security in terms of being assured I'll be there for a year. Explicitly because my position, my placement, my location...are wholly dependent upon the Lord's will. Meaning that, were He to have planned that I move, it would be so.
Same as even with the move a month ago, for instance.
Even so recently, still...the movement has been so rapid, there's a struggle to grasp details fully.
I came to church. Spent time talking, after church. Ended up spending the night with a couple friends.
It was fine to stay over. And then there was talk of staying till Tuesday, to celebrate the birthday of one of my sisters in Christ...perhaps even to assist with set-up and planning. But on Monday, I was invited to accompany one friend's mother to Georgia, to assist a move.
The Lord had made circumstances coordinate such that it was possible to go without feeling a burden for having been absent so long. So I went, to assist in whatever way seemed possible. No idea whether that was successful, but it certainly assisted me.
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