As delusion goes, try this one on for size (in other words, see if you're already "wearing it"):
Serving God, seeking Him, praising the Lord, knowing Christ Jesus as savior and master...
...and yet experiencing a disconnect, in such a way that it shocks you to hear of people acting in such ways as this:
...acting as though, you know...God is real and the Bible is legitimately His word.WASHINGTON – A legal brief recently submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court warns that forcing states to recognize same-sex “marriage” could bring God’s judgment upon the nation.As previously reported, in January, in light of contrasting appeals court decisions, the nine justices agreed to take up a case that would determine whether or not the U.S.Constitution provides states the right to ban same-sex nuptials. The case is set to for oral argument this month with a decision in June.“This case before this Court is this nation’s tower of Babel. At issue is whether we as a people are going to continue to conform the institution of marriage to the one created and established by God, or instead will reform the most sacred of human institutions into something else chosen by an elite set of jurists,” reads the amicus brief, filed by the U.S. Justice Foundation of Ramona, Calif. and the law offices of William Olsen of Vienna, Va.
To be honest, I'm still living under enough delusion to experience a sharp, biting jolt of awakening at reading that article. Being confronted with the fact that knowing Christ as savior doesn't exempt a person from being open about who He is, regardless what the world's response will be... such a way as to take His law before the judges and officials of the nation?
That is a necessary awakening.
All too often, faith becomes insular: keeping one safe from the outside world, but not necessary being boldly expressed in accord with the Lord's will. Honestly, even writing here, to a certain degree...affords a certain amount of insulation against the world. There is a computer, however many gads of internet, and time and space to separate me from anyone who may read these words and take them to heart, to whatever end.
I am accountable to the Lord, for whatever is here, and there is a vast amount of prayer which continues along that realization.
Merely, how can it go, to not do anything, when the world is falling apart all around us?
God bless you, whoever you are. May you come to know Him in spirit and in truth.
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