Sunday, April 27, 2014


I've never really given a traditional, so-called "testimony" before.

Apparently, that's kind of a thing to do, though.

I never know where to start with stories about things which have happened. It's easier to recall reverse-chronological, starting with the most recent. But, by the time I get to the beginning, so much else has been passingly considered as a potential factor in development that there's another bit of story in too many other directions to reasonably consider. Very convoluted--attempting to take into account that correlation doesn't necessarily signify causation and Occam's razor generally applies, while noting the butterfly effect and synchronicity are worth considering.

In other words, at the end of the day, all I can do is take my own subjective experiences and attempt to interpret them in best context of what I know to be true.

And, yeah, I know there are theories which posit that certain "supernatural" experiences can be explained away by neural activity. In extreme cases, even to the extent of physical manifestations of erroneous conscious beliefs.

But we all work with what we have, as far as what we believe. My beliefs are founded upon a lifelong desire to achieve happiness, attain fulfillment, and acquire understanding--upon the experiences and comprehensive realizations which have occurred along that course.

The foundation of my beliefs is riddled with remarkable experiences which range from the seemingly mundane to the miraculous.

I'm hoping to be able to share some of the insight I've gained, no matter that it's personal likely won't readily translate. No way to know, but to try.

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