Sunday, April 27, 2014

Almost ready...

Still in the process of setting the stage--disclaimers, backstory, and thematic overview are always important to establishing a story. And there's still a little left to explain before jumping into anything haphazardly. Which...very how I'll proceed once all this is fleshed out.

Either which. This is my space, I can do what I want. *grin+minor happy dance*

Some of what I'd posted earlier might seem to tend toward indication that I intend to offer proof(?) or an overt explanation for my experiences and beliefs. That would be absurd. I can't hand, on a screen, all the thoughts and experiences I've cumulatively had in such a way as to entirely recreate the scenario. At best, it would be a reflection of a different time-space which might give shadow glimpses into momentary insight as pruned through cumulative observation and interpretation.

You still wouldn't see it as I do, as you can only interpret per your own perspective. Even as overlaps may certainly which case, you would intuit what's necessarily prudent for understanding explicit context per implicit content. ...which, I'm not breaking down nor elaborating any further, as to refrain from utter redundancy.

What proceeds will be a reflection, stated in whichever way I tend to choose. For the sake of sharing. There's a lot of strange truth in the uncanniest of places, in this world.

Just, I'd rather this all preliminary be out now, so as not to feel the pressing need to continually go back and forth with explaining the how's and why's and what's of my observations. Which, if the point of writing were to prove or explain, I would be obligated as a conscientious author to provide. But no.

That's not the thing.

Just as with my Christian friend who had open fellowship/communication with me, while I was on my own detour, I just want to share my observations and perspectives freely as they exist in real-time. Without the burden of proof on either of us. Just to share and remark upon the experience in ways which are meaningful, without attempting to force collaboration. Just to share. To connect in a vital way, as living, breathing, conscious beings on this strange rock orbiting in the vastness of space.

And if connection isn't possible or forthcoming...if no one comes along...then I'll still have had a meaningful experience in simply doing what feels necessary. While knowing the possibility of company has been somewhat prepared for, at the very least, given the setting.

But, yeah... I see it, testimonies isn't about gaining recognition or convicting others. It's an opportunity to thank God, publicly, hopefully with some prevalent degree of humility and a vast appreciation for grace.
Similar to how friends excitedly disclose good news amongst one another, expressing a genuine pleasure in and appreciation for beneficial developments in one another's lives, the whole can be a mutually uplifting experience, raising spirits and reinforcing hope. Rather than focusing on difficulties and contention, ongoing interaction which focuses more wholly on these sorts of positive exchanges can continually suspend one's outlook to a more positive perspective.

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