Saturday, July 31, 2021

When It All Caves In

 This won’t be long, likely. A migraine is attempting to settle in—exhaustion, allergies, and dehydration (not sure if crying is a factor). My woes are still far lesser than those of many. But each man knows his own griefs.

These past weeks have presented a rapid-fire assault of fears, griefs, uncertainties, and heartbreaks. Life, no? 

One small explosion to the next, seemingly with no end. What’s next? I’m overwrought and overwhelmed. 

If it were not for Jesus’s faithfulness, interventions on so many fronts and in so many ways—small reminders of His love, continual, I would be wholly consumed.

He is always gracious. Sometimes His grace is more apparent than at others. But particularly when all the world crashes in—sometimes in larger ways, and also for standard measure, in those things which are also just pain and loss: for instance, I hang my hopes too freely. He seems intent to get that to stop.

Lord, I can’t do this. Help, please. I will trust you. Though You slay me, I will praise you…if You will but give me grace to do so. I am wholly at Your mercy. Please help.

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