Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Briefly: Mercies in the Midst of Trial

Grief upon grief, once more. Yet the Lord carries me. Because I can't right now: one onslaught after another, wave upon wave.

And yet, by His grace, then don't cover my head to drowning. Rather, they do, as Spurgeon attested, throw me up against the Rock of Ages. 

Seeing God's kindnesses in so many ways, in the midst of all this, has indeed been such a blessing. I wish I could recount them all here. I've shared bits and pieces with those nearest me, as such have become apparent.

He has answered so many prayers, recently. Not least of which, and of which I've spoken to absolutely no one apart from the Lord, prior to typing this...is asking that people in my church will go to evangelize the trailer parks. I have been pleading with Him for that for the past year. 

It is happening, Saturday. for the first (to my knowledge, and hopefully not the last) time since I've resumed worshipping with this blessed family of believers. I cannot tell you what this means to me. 

And at this particular moment, especially. I keep daring to ask Him for particular mercies on that front, as well, though with much trembling...knowing my unworthiness to even ask this of Him, and particularly given my wretchedness at times past. 

As He wills, though. Out into the highways and byways, calling them to come in...we need to beckon..

I need sleep, but hopefully there will be time given toward writing again soon. So much has happened. The Lord has been so gracious.

I continue to be amazed at the reality of having died with Christ--that truly, who I am now is according to the unity of life I have with Him in His resurrection. As the person I was, united with Jesus in His crucifixion, death, and burial...is dead and gone. 

That...is unfathomable. 

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