Monday, May 24, 2021

Mockery: Divine Judgments

 There are so many things, lately. God will not be mocked. 

If we choose to worship anything other than our Creator, who sustains all of creation...He gives us over to delusion. It was explained to me once in terms which were so poignant, of His wisdom in giving us to quite a fitting judgment: we give glory which is His due to objects of our own creation or even to those other creatures which He has made, rather than to honor and worship and obey the One who gives and takes life, and He thus also allows our minds to be convoluted in a like fashion. Analogous to worship of what is made, what is creaturely, versus the Almighty Giver of Life, then also do we destroy ourselves increasingly in a fashion directly correspondent. 

Our primary purpose is to worship Him. And we were also tasked with taking dominion over the earth. As were were to fill the earth, and subdue it (in a positive fashion, all, as to God's glory--increasing the yield, restoring from the curse's distortions...sowing and reaping that which is good). Our thoughts become futile, empty, void of our first purpose: we cease to recognize our calling as creatures created to worship our Creator, created to serve and enjoy Him as His created being, so we falter even from the ability to discern rightly. Our hearts being darkened--we cease to walk in understanding, we can no longer recognize truth for having forsaken it at the most fundamental level. We have forsaken that which is the most vital and integral truth of all: Our God reigns in the heavens and He does as He pleases, and He is to be praised and honored as God. 

So, our minds are void of fundamental understanding--bearing in mind that fear of God is the beginning of knowledge and of understanding; See: Proverbs 1:7, Proverbs 9:10, and all of creation{Romans 1:20}. And being blind to the truth, foolish of mind, our hearts falter from rightful purpose, and having defiled our very being by faltering from what is rightful and pure, we have made a mockery of the high calling which was given to man as image-bearers of God. And in doing so, we are given over to those beliefs, desires, and activities which present an increasingly severe caricature of our purpose and calling. Ultimately, as we increasingly revile our Maker, we are given over to defile and destroy what we were given to use to honor and glorify Him: our intellect, our hearts, our bodies, our lives.

Everything is destroyed in an increasing, somewhat proportionate correlation to our faltering.

We are mocked by our mockery of truth, which is really, actually very appropriate. 

Ultimately, it's as unto death. Increasingly, even, there are those who are so given over to this judgment that they maim themselves intentionally, to fulfill what they believe is appropriate. Unto eradication of all ability, bit by bit. 

Even as the greatest proponents of "liberation" from God now celebrate and attempt to propagate self-genocide, itself eroding reproductive odds,, too, does implementation of self-induced sterilization gain traction for all ages. We had chosen to make a mockery of ourselves, and increasingly we choose to deepen and broaden the manifest methods of our self-destruction. If we refuse to choose life, we actively choose death, by design. There is no alternate paradigm, no matter how clever we believe ourselves to have become--rather, the point is that in our attempts at cleverness we make ourselves increasingly to be fools. And this is manifest along all lines.

Will we repent and seek God, and submit to Him? Will we choose life? 

Globally, death is the new drug: heady, it is. And it seems we can't get enough. 

The things which go on behind closed doors, with those in power--what bits I know, I have not recounted. Really, beyond mentioning--to even speak of such things is sin. 

And it's not as though there haven't been similar atrocities. Yet, how much will God permit? How far will He allow this to go?

Have you ever wondered what it would be, for the land to vomit up a nation? (Leviticus 18:25, Leviticus 18:28, Leviticus 20:22) ...that the very land, itself, would rise up against mankind? There's something very unsettling at the idea of that, and yet what is it for there to be famines and earthquakes in diverse places, and the tossing of the sea become a terror? (Luke 21:25-32, Matthew 24:6-8) 

We don't know the day nor the hour when Jesus Christ will return. But we know He will. 

So many things. 

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