Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Christ's Call: Counterfeits Crumble

 The last and this, particularly, I am so frustrated: those things which are recognized are beyond ability to adequately convey. 

This is something always the case with the Gospel. Which, now recognizing that's the case, alleviates fear surrounding always considering expressions incomplete. There is always a sense of having faltered from communicating sufficiently the truth of Christ and His word and His work. Moreover, that's submitted to God, seen as a paltry offering laid before Him, as to dare even speak of His truths except that to refrain would be untenable, terrifying, unsettling beyond measure: ever a sense of urgency, but with no relief apart from pleading.

Being here and sharing here is a part of that endeavor, though different: what He has given, of grace, wisdom, insight, deliverance, I am compelled to share. Not unwilling, but of gratitude and in awe. Fear-wearied and grief-stricken, sometimes, to recognize something further of the wretchedness of mankind and my own sin, yeah. But desiring to share, nonetheless. All I can do is still trust the Lord to give grace to others, even as He has to me, in what remains awaiting sanctification and what yet needs conformity to truth, of my own perceptions which are shared: I don't always perceive rightly, as my lens is still so distorted. And there's so much still to learn (for eternity to come, there will be, even once seeing face-to-face). 

Sometimes the inadequacy of ability to convey the severity and extent of a matter is a point of grief, though--wanting to plead more clearly, to relay the significance of what is with greater articulation of point and scope. If we would all just read His Word more continually, and live and breathe in the matters of His presence and faithfulness, we would walk more completely in the light of truth. 

There is a thing happening now, like an inversion. As an outworking of recently prior ideas considered here, this is proliferate. 

And yet, those who know their God will stand firm and do exploits. 

Consider our calling--the people of God. Those who call themselves by the name of Christ are called to love, as He loved. This, in such an encompassing and absolute manner that by nature, the very act seems as though a new commandment: the course has always been to love God and from that position, to love others. The entirety of the Ten Commandments which He codified in written form, writing on stone by His own hand...are an exegesis of those two matters: Love God, and in loving God, love others. 

Seek justice. Love mercy. Walk humbly with God. 

There is no partiality. There is no partisanship, in serving God, even as there always has been and always will be a distinction according to those who obey God and those who refuse Him still--nonetheless, the call is to love Him, and from that position of deference, love others as He ordains. 

According to all truth and righteousness, in other words. 

Departure from the first, greatest commandment inherently signifies departure from the second, which is like it: we cannot fundamentally reject God, which is to reject truth and righteousness, and synchronously pursue and accomplish truth and righteousness--this is not merely a matter of such matters being inherently contradictory, but of such notions constituting ontological opposition: what "is not," simply "is not;" whereas, what "is," therefore "is." What "is" may not "not be," just as much as what "is not" can not "be." Why these matters have taken up so much time and thought may never make sense to me. 

On which note, it's worth mentioning--as I've heard it more-or-less presented, somewhere along the lines of the past few years' of study: when discussing matters such as these, if someone attempts to argue against the very existence of reality (and/or truth), they're actually blatantly insisting their argument has no merit toward credence from the outset: if nothing "is," or if truth didn't exist, there would be no valid position from which any argument could be made. Put another way: if someone tells you nothing is true or nothing is real, they're telling you not to take them seriously. So, don't. Just share the Gospel, if the Lord wills.

Creation attests God exists as our Creator, and attests He is all-wise, all-powerful, and righteous, and as being so--as Creator and sustainer (we still exist, after all)--it follows that He requires accord with His nature, of His creation. Our consciences attest to this very fact. 

So, central to the commandments is deference to God. Our calling, for all who are called by His name, is to walk in love. Even as Jesus walked. He gave Himself up for us, an offering for sin. 

He calls us to love as He loved. We are to esteem others more highly than ourselves, moreover. For wherever is envy, so is all manner of horror and destruction, in community. 

All's topsy-turvy now. All the more we must submit to God for all guidance, to truly walk in love, while reviled, while despised, while spurned, mocked, castigated, berated, and even when and were assaulted. We must take up our cross, daily. He has borne, and He will carry. Our sins. Now us, even in this walk. 

Righteous zeal is passionate, yet not unchecked. Righteous zeal is subject to God, knowledgeable, rooted in love of Christ. The spirits of the prophets have indeed been subject to the prophets. And so, we must be temperate in all things, letting not our anger give way to sin. For vengeance is the Lord's, in all cases. 

We will plead His truth, plead with our fellow man (which is man and woman, as from Adam), and plead with one another: with all exhortation. We will plead with God, foremost and ever, even as to be fitted to all the rest. 

If we forsake turning to Him and relying upon Him now, foremost and centrally, we will not stand in the day of adversity. And woe is the one whose strength fails him in that day. If we know Him, as to love Him, we will renew our strength. He is with us--His Spirit, living water, overflowing. We must continue to turn to Him, and keep returning to Him, fixing our eyes on Christ. 

Present sufferings will not compare to that day, eternal: knowing we deserve no reward, and then even just to see His face...what will it be, dear friend, to finally look upon the face of that One who loved us, giving Himself up for us? While we yet despised Him. To enter His presence, fully, and be destroyed of all which is unlike Him in an instant...and undone, except to worship, eternal? 

We will overcome. For He has overcome, and it's not now by our might, nor by our strength that we will walk in the light of His truth, but by His Spirit. So, stand firm. Know Him. Love Him. Do that which He ordains and calls, and equips, and gives speech as to do: ever tempered by the grace of His love and peace, to guide and guard your heart. Keep your thoughts fixed on Him. See all in light of His truth, only. Trust Him for deliverance. He will deliver. He will complete the work which He began. 

This current shift is a reiteration of prior days, in ways: legislating "good," enforcing "kindness," requiring "unity," mandating "charity," which is to say--mandating "lovingkindness." The world powers are defining what is good, now, and mandating lovingkindness: mandating self-sacrifice, moreover, as unto new life and liberty. Learn the creeds. Submit to the word from on high. God is not essential, since they now dictate what is true and what worship is desirable and acceptable. 

God's requirements for assembly and His principles for worship have been relegated to a position of being considered option, at best. Death rules, instead, and dictates what to worship, and how and when: according to the new high priest/s. We may only worship as they permit. 

I understand the moment of true concern which inspired many to capitulate last year, conceding that assembly to worship was not essential, conceding God's mandate not to forsake assembly (especially as the day draws near) was contingent on circumstances and what was most considerate to other people in particular circumstance. Yet, I think we were all wrong to do so, for even a moment. Love is not love, apart from submitting to God. And if He has mandated a thing--whether we agree or not, whether we understand or not--we are to strive in the Spirit of God to obey. Whatever the cost. We may grieve as we go, but if we know Him and trust Him, we must follow Him and submit to His righteous demands--as to our loving Father, who knows better than we do what we, and all others, need. 

So, now, a bounty of counterfeits for all the decrees of God and fruits of His Spirit are running amok, and being treated as law. If we don't want to serve and obey Him, we will be subject to those laws which we have erstwhile chose, per refusal to submit to His designs. He allows us to have as we wish, to a point. Some, to discipline and grow in grace, and others to store up wrath for the day of judgment. 

So, then, will we love as He loved? But by grace alone, I assure you it will be so: He will be glorified through His people. 

Father, convict us. Mold us, please, into the image of our Beloved Saviour. Let our love for Him flourish, in the light of a burgeoning realization of the depths of His love for us. Oh, dear Lord, please help us to see you more clearly, that we would long to set aside all hindrances and distractions, and just bask in the light and the joy of your Presence and your glorious hope, in Christ Jesus. 

You are able. You are mighty to save. You set the boundaries of the sea, tell the waves, "This far, and no further," and You cause the sun to rise, life to persist, and our every breath to nourish our bodies. You can cleanse us, that we will walk more serenely in the light of Your love, to Your glory. Father, may we glorify You? Lead us, Father, please--in the way we should God. Turn our eyes continually to Christ. 

Please, Dear Father, have mercy on us, for Christ's sake: cleanse us, all the more, to Your glory. Let us be content in You, and draw many more to Yourself, please. 

These things which are so exalted in opposition to Your truth, to Your Spirit's wondrous work--Oh, Lord, please cast them down, trample them in the dust. I know You will. I know You will be glorified, in all the earth. Father, please glorify Yourself in us, Your people. Let us love as You have called us to love, and speak words of truth and peace, as You have ordained: Father, please give us speech. We know naught to do as we ought, and yet by Your Spirit, may we be ever more pleased and content to be kept and led. 

Lord, please store Your Words in our hearts: Give us temerity and tenacity, to engage your Word openly with all humility and let it sear itself in our minds and our hearts, for every day, henceforth and forever: let us never lack remembrance of Your Words, dear Lord. 

Be honored in our lives, Father. Amen. 

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