Contemplating the beauty of holiness.
God, alone, is truly holy. All else which approaches unto holiness merely approaches unto Him.
Pristine, unapproachable light.
So many things, lately, in terms of worldliness.
And the thing of of the heart, and not mere action. Any dependence upon self is a usurpation of God's authority of that realm.
This is very difficult to consider, as words don't really well convey. Because it's not a matter of despondency which lingers in abysmal despair, but rather a forsaking of preference and consideration, in favor of something which is an often wordless rejoicing to seek His will.
As best can presently be regarded, this seems to apply in all directs. Giving thanks, always. Giving Him glory for all ability and for all opportunities to spiritually overcome circumstances which might otherwise discourage or derail.
The part of all this which is most confounding, though, is something of how there's need for an encompassing desire for such things, even as to begin to approach unto embodiment. Whereby, even that such desire is a progressive revelation by the Holy Spirit of Christ.
He works these things in us, in other words, as we seek Him. As we draw nearer to Him, He changes us--from image to image, glory to glory. As we see Him, then so as we transformed to be like Him, to His glory.
He could do these things in an instant, and yet He takes time. The process is seemingly gradual, incremental, even as there are points of vast change within brief spans of time. Spurts of growth.
There's so much blindness, though, in general. We are, so many, so very blind. Seeing only circumstances, seeing only what seems logical according to precepts and philosophies of long study. Mercifully, He hasn't completely given us over to sin, or there'd be no salvation, no proclamation of the Gospel. But for His name's sake, for the sake of gathering His sheep which He purchased with His own blood...for the sake of His steadfast love...He hasn't completely given us over to our own devices.
Though we're so far distant, on so many fronts. Each to each, we each one need to seek Him, is the thing. In prayer, through Scripture, through fasting and fellowship. Through study and contemplation of the Word. Always testing all things. And praising Him, all the while.
But we are each called to this. All who are called by His name are called to a life of self-denial, of putting to death the desires of the flesh, of casting off the cares and concerns of the world. Being about the Father's business, forsaking self.
We're all called to be holy, as He is holy.
We're called to be pure, as He is pure.
We're called to walk in the same manner that Jesus walked, as a matter of lifestyle and inclination.
We are called.
He does the work, we walk it out. He calls, He draws. We seek, we approach. He opens our eyes to the truth of who He is, He gives us faith, He regenerates our spirit. We repent of our sin, we cry out to Him for salvation, we rejoice in coming to know Him. Personally. Individually. Or not at all.
Not everyone seems to be as consciously aware of a knowledge of Him, a relationship with Him. But He mercifully, apparently doesn't require that so long as we respond to Him.
Step by step, He leads. Even us being unaware of the process, unaware of the progress, unaware of His abiding presence...then, still, He leads. Grace, manifest.
He said that in the end times, even the elect would be deceived, if it were possible. Many would fall away from a true knowledge of Him. Many would be deceived.
And affections--true, genuine, sincere, legitimate grow cold. Offenses would abound. Even amongst brethren.
And, because of Him, because of the truth of who He is...even households would be split against themselves. Over truth. Division, because of truth.
Truth does divide, merely per contrast against anything which doesn't align. And while there are many things that take only shades of difference, altering only minor points, but to such an extent as to constitute deviation from absolute truth...
...while there are those, then we're called to be all the more dependent upon Him and grateful to Him, that He would give us sight. Guiding through the valley of the shadow of death, as it were.
His rod and His staff are a comfort. Even being completely uncertain of all matters, proceeding...then, His guidance is always sure.
One interpretation that recurs, regarding those who are His, is as the wind. You know it for what it is, you feel its influence as it comes. But no one really can say where its utmost origin is, being a convergence of so many influences, even unto so many others...that no one truly can know where that specific breeze goes thereafter. You don't see it, but you can witness the evidence of presence in numerous ways.
His guidance is oft like that: Tested, to ensure. Prayer, constant, to seek after His will. Reading and rereading Scripture, again and again, to better discern His voice and ways--always to test and to seek for further revelation and adoption of His ways, His will.
Yet, He moves us each step by step, even with the barest of an urge to step right or left, as to ever remain on the path. Always, to walk in His will. Seeking this, foremost. Desiring it, foremost. And knowing He is faithful. And He will forgive confessed sin, and cleanse, and sanctify progressively, all along the while.
Ever leading in a way which is according to His will. Sidestepping pitfalls, even unawares, as He guides steps so gently yet securely--largely unconsciously enacted. Guiding into His will, guiding away from sin.
Ever, though, nearer to Himself. We walk, He directs. He gives the strength even to walk, though.
As we seek Him for that. And continue seeking Him for it. Just, never to cease asking, knowing He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. He is.
It's not by our will, though. Nor by our might or ability, though He will utilize these to His glory.
Still, He's most glorified when we are most dependent.
Being absolutely unworthy, being absolutely incapable, being the least qualified to speak on any such things, as being so utterly wretched and broken and inconsistent and disloyal and undependable and depraved...the only good that there is, is of Him. And any which does shine through, that is of loyalty, tenderness, righteousness, and all the more evident as solely of Him.
In weakness is His strength most manifest.
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