Friday, December 25, 2015

Birth of the King

Oh, bless His holy name!

Tonight, today, the remembrance of Christ's incarnation is celebrated.

Regardless prior customs of the season or any subsequent--all which preceded or which have followed only foreshadowed or mimic the truth of who He is and what He has done.

God, Himself, took on flesh. God came to walk amongst us.

Robed in flesh. Incarnate, humbled, walking meekly amongst His own creation, as one of us.
Fully God, come even as fully man.

We would not refrain from sin--from acting against Him, again and again. We would not turn from it, and still haven't. We have continually turned away from Him--from His love, from His provision...or, worse--toward those things which were given as provision, while turning simultaneously away from Him. By refusing to seek to know Him on His own terms, which is wholly right and due one who Created, we walked into darkness, even from childhood. We chose to turn away from truth, by refusing to seek to know and pursue His ways. Choosing not to walk according to His ways, we walk ever more deeply into whatsoever delusions we prefer. Choosing self over God, again and again, maims and mars and destroys us and everything around us.

But He saw this. Saw our sorry state. Our wretchedness, moreover--ever turning away from Him: Away from life. Away from truth. Away from love.

He set out to reconcile us to Himself--to make way that our hearts could come to love life again, to seek and desire truth again, and to find the only fulfillment possible...being turned to Him.

He robed Himself in flesh. He came down.

He walked amongst us.

Christ, Messiah, Ha-Mashiach. "The Anointed." The Chosen Servant of God. He who would redeem God's people from sin.

Called Immanuel--God with us.

He would be called also Comforter, Counselor, The Mighty God, Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

Beloved. Son of God. Son of Man.

"God will save, God will deliver His people."

He came.

God, in flesh. Even as a babe.
God, a babe.

Held in the arms of a young mother, with shepherds come as the first to kneel to this newborn King.

King of all Creation.

Creator of all which is.

Held in the arms of one whom He had created.

Born to save us.
Born to die for us.
And unto resurrection.

Now, eternally reigning.
Our kinsman redeemer.

He intercedes for us, ceaselessly, enthroned in Heaven. At the right hand of power, of His Father. Our Father, who art in Heaven. Whose Spirit dwells still among us, working salvation still, even as through His gospel...truly as through Christ, Himself.

He saves, He sanctifies.
He delivers.

And a celebration of Jesus's birth. We celebrate His coming to dwell with us, to save us.

Peace on earth, indeed, through Him.
Goodwill to men--such grace had never been known!

Oh, praise Him!

The blessed King and Savior of all creation, eternal.
He reigns.

And He will return, at a day appointed.
There will be a day. And soon, though none know when.

So for now, we celebrate His incarnation. His birth.
Regardless what day it actually happened to be, His birth is commemorated and celebrated today.

So, all praises to Him!

Happy birthday, oh, most glorious King!

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