Saturday, September 29, 2018

Apologetics, aka Giving Reason for the Hope that is in You.

Why do you believe what you believe? Are you able to clearly explain the reasons for the hope that is in you? Are you able to enunciate that hope, itself?

The Lord has helped me to be better equipped to do so through study of His Word, time spent in fellowship with Him, time spent in fellowship with other believers, and through the work and ministry of those whom He has equipped to speak on these matters particularly well and clearly: teachers and evangelists. So grateful for this man's ministry, and for the ministry of others likewise whom the Lord has equipped to speak clearly on the wonder of grace and the marvel of God's word, works, and wisdom.

Every time, though, there's prayer. Every conversation there's longing to speak openly yet held in tension with the weight of fear of knowing the possibility of reviling and rejection. And every time He gives grace to submit to Him and ignore the fear, there's gratitude. All the while as He helps to speak well and clearly.

Because without the Lord's active work in directing speech, my own logic is flawed and faltering, constantly. And when He lets me only rely on my own strength, then words are weak and messages mixed.

Prayer is the largest part of this all. Even as is seeking to know Him better, seeking to understand more clearly who and how He is. Seeking to dwell on His word daily, praise Him continually.

If only sin weren't a part of the mix, requiring ongoing repentance and cries for mercy. Despising to do that which is grievous, yet again and again faltering. I trust Him, though. And will trust Him to help me, to deliver me, to give strength and further deliverance.

All the while seeking to know Him better and walk more closely with Him. Jesus is everything. My Savior, and my God. Friend and Master. The only wise God.

So I trust Him. Even seeing greater depths of my own depravity and insufficiency, but all the more to see greater need of Him while turning all the more to rely on Him for every need.

And in the midst of all that, longing for others to also turn more completely toward Him and surrender to Him wholeheartedly. I haven't the wisdom or the strength to plead with them cogently, except that He gives grace to do so. And I haven't the insight of knowledge or understanding to address heartfelt contentions, except that He likewise gives grace and wisdom so to do.

And through lectures like the ones above linked, He's calmed my heart and prepared me for many conversations. All while still the need to depend on Him in the midst of those conversations is prevalent, then still He does use His word and wisdom to direct.

He uses us wherever He places us. And calls us to be prepared for whatever He would have us put our hand to, as laborers in the field.

And this is a joy, too, though--to plead on His behalf, with those who yet refuse Him. This is an honor, even met by reviling.

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