Friday, January 1, 2016

Seek Reality in Christ

He has blessed us with another day, the beginning of another year.

Another year in which to seek Him more ardently than before, desire Him more purely, worship Him more securely, and cleave to Him more completely.

We must. There is nothing else. Everything else is false, hollow, leading to delusion and death.

That's just the short of the matter. And does nothing to signify how glorious and absolutely joyful seeking Him and ever drawing nearer to Him happens to be. Increasingly. Incomprehensibly so.

That's the choice, though--our own way, or Him. Seek Him or seek our own way.

The delusion that is involved in even endeavoring one's own path, one's own understanding...compounds really quickly. Even suspecting that one's own understanding is sufficient is a dire course, but must instead turn to realizing how great God is, how utterly limited we each are, and crying for His mercy in giving understanding, direction, and deliverance from self.

The carnal mind is enmity against Him, so we are to walk in the Spirit. This isn't something than can be readily conferred, especially as in terms which would make sense to many--walk by faith, not by sight. Trust in God fully, reject one's own understanding. Live by faith, not by feelings. Every single thought simply must be brought into subjection to Christ, Himself.

We're not capable, though.

But He is.

So, we're to seek Him for these things. To seek, knock, ask...continually.
Because our need is constant.
And He's faithful to answer, always according to His will and mercies.

Trust and obey, there's no other way. And He'll incrementally deliver us to further and greater positions of clarity and submission.

Let us turn from our own ways, turn to Him, and seek that He will deliver us.
We must. There is nothing else. Yet His love and power are far beyond what our needs could ever require. His grace is always sufficient.

Let us turn to Him, submit ourselves to Him, lest He otherwise turn us over to our own ways, unto delusion.

The problem with delusion...

...even though on a deep level, there's still awareness of truth--still a sense of its form and a subconscious awareness that it's not then-presently being pursued nor heeded...

...even though there's deeper awareness of what truth really consists of...

...having once rejected that truth, effectively turning toward and into delusion...

...truth becomes less and less desirable and more and more consciously obscured.

Such that even having that utterly deep knowledge of truth--subconscious, steadfast--which isn't changed, regardless of how deep the delusion...

...even then, because truth is becoming further and further submerged beneath the weight of compounding delusions (as truth is continually rejected), the conscious mind increasingly loses ability to discern between truth and delusion. The conscience is more and more deeply seared, in other words.

Because truth doesn't change with usage. It doesn't change with application nor with interpretation. But departure from truth requires an internal shift so as to maintain semblance of order, within--cognitive dissonance is one term used to describe fair the same process.

Wherever deviation from truth has arisen, fault always rests with the interpreter and not the source. So, for having deviated in any way, such enacted separation from truth (into delusion) constitutes an irreconcilable difference which self makes amends with by way of either repenting or turning further from truth. Meaning, ultimately, that except for who Christ is--God Incarnate whose desire is to save us...

...except for Him, there would be no hope.

Delusion dulls urgency unto righteousness, though. It dulls desire for repentance. And it incrementally, increasingly dulls the desire to know and be pleasing to God.

It also dulls the fervency of love for God and all others.

Sin (presently considered as departure from truth) wreaks that sort of havoc on us, though. So, ongoing sin all the more--to whatsoever extent it persists in any form, then wreaking further and deeper havoc on our minds.

Sin is a choosing to act in ways which dishonor God, rejecting His majesty--sin effectively makes the statement that God's way is not sufficient, that His will is not good, that He is not good.

Sin is effectively an enacted lie against God--sin is choosing falsehood over the truth, as unto delusion. A great deal or persistent, uncontested practice of sin would thus work a severe, incapacitating degree of delusion--the death of reason, having chosen to so dishonor truth, moreover.

Unto even a sense of total complacency in the midst of dire judgment, utmost unrest, total tragedy--like even as mentioned in Revelation, when the judgments came and yet people still refused to honor God, but only cursed Him all the more.

In the midst of utmost, worldwide calamity, as God's judgments were unleashed as never before, on all the world simultaneously...

...such that all nations suffered...

...then how deep would delusion have to be, for truth to have been severely enough despised that rather than turning in repentance to the God who would save...

...they acknowledged Him, and the truth but rather by further cursing Him, more blatantly.

It's a fearful idea, really--the thought that sin can work such corruption that even being lambasted by judgment after judgment...rather than crying out for mercy, sin is further grasped per deeper blasphemies as judgment increases.

Even now, in our present day, with what judgments are readily apparent... many are turning to Him, crying out for mercy? many acknowledge His sovereignty, in the midst of what's passing? many, instead, turn to the understanding of man for an answer--seeking, in ways, to "hide beneath the rocks" of established understanding, like as scientific understanding of meteorology and economics?

He's God of all the earth.
He's capable of saving us.

Let this be a year to seek Him, in spirit and truth.

On His terms.

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