And, as with my family, if I can't have interactions founded upon and centered in truth...but only ones which are destructive...then, except the Lord were continuing to hold me still in the midst of that utter discord...I've pleaded for truth, I've pleaded for reconciliation, I've pleaded reconciliation with God above all. And have found no room.
The Lord described explicitly the course of steps to take in seeking to make amends when someone has wronged us, in Matthew 18: we go to them privately. Then, if they won't deal forthrightly, there's the discussion with another present. And ultimately, if that's not received honorably, elders are also informed and brought into discussion. If there's still no honest reconciliation, the relationship has been lost: all space for intimacy and trust has been eroded and ultimately denied, the bond of perceived fidelity has been broken without recourse. We no longer continue in close quarters, but are made strangers.
In that course, always the one with the charge against the other directly confronts the one considered at fault. Always. That's a directive from God. Moreover, seeking amends must first come before God, or "vertically," before then being undertaken with man, or "horizontally"--otherwise, though there can be some peace attained, the depth is only as deep as the true love of truth upon which that relationship is founded.
Moreover, honesty is central, in all things--truth matters, absolutely. Being honorable by addressing one's concerns via directly addressing the person with whom concerns rest is part of right, honest dealings. That shows respect for the person, without which the relationship is already evidenced as dysfunctional.
Apart from respect and honesty, there is no grounds for trust within a relationship--this is the core issue. Without those as central in a meaningful capacity, smoke and mirrors are in play...figments of fidelity arise, but betrayal is a core dynamic. Which is where relationship largely develops and persists, within the world--except that God is so merciful to allow retention of fragments of fidelity in some: fragmented echoes of what we were intended to be, created to be. Yet even those echoes are sin-stained and wracked with selfishness, blindness, deafness, and deadness of heart except to self. Unless God changes our hearts and gives us new ones.
I am so grieved there remains such a hardness of heart and a refusal to receive mercy, all in all. Having present knowledge that people whom I love dearly choose condemnation rather than to humble themselves before God (if they should lose life now there will be no room for excuse, the condemnation chosen would be final)...I am so grieved. I have pleaded every way I know how, and then some--but by grace. I always wish I better conveyed the reality that my pleading of that point was a factor of the depth of my love for them. Love without truth at the core is not love, but some manner of gratification unto destruction. I love these people too much to give soft platitudes. And not every word has been harsh or as bold as what I'm writing here, but somehow I suspect those are the only words which will be remembered. All the more to grieve.
Knowing this, especially knowing how worthy God is of worship, knowing how full of love and mercy He is and how wonderful--still, how can I not openly and continually plead with people whom I love dearly? Continually. Even if I am never able to speak with any of them again, after tonight, these things needed to be done.
To have defied Him is wretched beyond comprehension, in that He is good and worthy of all obedience to a degree which defies our ability to grasp or even approach unto understanding.
That's the thing about love, too--the painful things are undertaken for good. With measured, considered process. The world mimics but does not know self-sacrifice on these lines. To say no to those who are dear, to speak hard truths plainly with great grief for having done so? Having weighed the matters and praying for guidance afore and during.
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