I wish there were time to write of everything that the Lord has done this past year. There's a battle underway, globally, the likes of which perhaps the world has not completely seen: forces are at work to unify a global economy, as mandates have been implemented with some degree of unity in most countries. People are dying of starvation, suicide, drug overdose, and other consequents of the shifts in great numbers. Hearts are indeed failing.
Christ said this would be the case. And we can't know if this is the time and these are the events immediately preceding His return. Only the Father knows this--He told us so.
However, for Paul to have urged believers of His day to remain vigilant, to remain diligent, and to look gladly for the Lord's return (himself unsure of the time of return), all the more should we be anticipatory of His coming at any point. I've spoken with dear brethren who take the view that prophecy is not fulfilled yet. But in part, at the very least, it is. On all fronts. We don't know the extents to which the Lord will allow reverberations to echo, a recurrent rippling through time which continues to attest to His acuity, His sovereignty, the abject truth of His Word...
...so we are better to remain sober-minded and alert.
And to not forsake the assembling, especially as we see that day drawing nearer. We need one another, in His economy--to exhort, rebuke, correct, and establish one another in the faith, in all love and faithfulness.
Wise as serpents, harmless as doves. Ever as our Lord, Jesus Christ, has led and gives us grace to proceed.
On all such counts, however, this will be going in another way soon. The anonymity which is available via this venue is strictly illusory. And the Lord may allow things to become increasingly hostile to truth.
The first-century believers were led of Him to continue to witness and spread the gospel, though they did so at the cost of their own lives at times. Brothers and sisters in many countries even today have to be quiet and intentional about when and where and how to meet and speak of God's truth, for fear of death.
We're not at that point yet, in the Western world. But thought crimes have begun to increasingly be publicly persecuted, with economic ruin and social devastation increasing, and increasingly vicious threat of physical harm also has begun to be touted.
I will continue to share the truth of God publicly with all boldness as He gives grace and continues to lead in doing so. There's been opportunity for something of public evangelism regularly, for the past half year, and will continue as He allows.
But this space...will not be as it is. Will not be of the same form. In preparation.
The whole purpose here is to exalt God, moreover--pleading that others would make peace with Him, while there's time. As long as there is life and breath, make peace with Him.
Fight the good fight of faith, is the call.
And I've faltered on so many counts, despising the wretchedness of my own sin. Yet, Jesus is faithful and He will complete His work in me. He will continue to preserve me from making shipwreck, though the daily shortcomings are still so grievous. I know the abject need for diligence and being given strong encouragement in who God is and what His will is for me, thus exalting Him here that He may be glorified in some measure even through such obscure reflections, as He would lead others along.
Pray for me, though. And I pray He will continue to strengthen and guide you, as well. He is able. Those who know their God will renew their strength. Seek Him. Seek to know Him and understand Him increasingly. This is our strength--to know Him and rejoice in who He is.
His is unassailable power. His will is done in all the earth. Pray that he will grant me boldness and perseverance in times of trial. My greatest fear is to falter under the weight of adversity. Yet, all I know is that He is enough, His grace is sufficient, and even as in centuries past, then still His Spirit continues to give grace for the day and direct speech for the instance of tribulation. He secures the heart, which has been molded, given life by His hand.
If there is peace with it, I won't take this place down. But...if things go here as they are in other countries where the changes underway have borne dark fruit...then it would be better for this to be gone.
Edit, 3/8/21:
So, running in fear isn’t a thing, in Christ. He hides us in plain sight, if He wills. Rather, there seems the call to bold humility, deferring to God’s wisdom and prayerfully seeking His guidance continually, through His Word, prayer, fellowship, and the counsel of godly others. In a multitude of counselors, after all...
Many things being learned, slowly as ever, by grace. This space will remain as long as He gives leave, with the sporadic attendance as it seems. I hope to share some of those matters recently meditated upon, soon, but no idea when or how that will take place. As He gives grace.
Seek the Lord.
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