Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Briefly Considering the Supernatural

Straight up spiritual warfare.

It's so easy to lose track of that, in the midst of all the hubbub and doings which constitute daily life. Especially given a society which either wholly discounts (refutes and ignores) or marginalizes (derides and overlooks) the reality of the supernatural.

Pertaining to which, there's lecture by prof. John Lennox on Youtube entitled "Miracles: Is Belief in the Supernatural Irrational?" (see Betteridge's law of headlines for a relevant notation)

It seems that with logic, sometimes necessity dictates a framing so as to outline truth according to what can be evidentially observed. Which...makes sense. For reals. Look at patterns, look at the way things seem to work, and use inductive and/or deductive reasoning to reach conclusions about the nature of being. Much as science works, really, only with the incorporation of active manipulation of factors as to determine reproducibility, in instances where it's possible to conduct such experiment.

But with logic, we can only extrapolate based on what's evident.

Cleanse the Temple

Implications regarding the cleansing of the temple:

What other portrait of our Lord, Jesus, so rattles the mind as the panorama of His assault upon the temple merchants? Humility, servitude, and a manner of restraint from all but the necessary (even if as according to divine, not human, precepts...) characterize so much of what we see recorded of His ways among us. Like a lamb led to slaughter, even, as Isaiah foretold--horrific though the thought, but still...apt.

So, to have witness of such a bold and unexpected show of indignation...

...all the more known, then, as ruled by passions unfathomable to those even nearest Him.

The care with which He constructed the tool, though, doesn't give indication of impulsivity. Nor of any lack of restraint. Meticulous. Diligently prepared. Mayhap reluctantly undertaken, but nonetheless a necessary statement, violent though it might have seemed to those taken wholly unawares. 

I wonder if He seemed a madman, raging, to them. I can't help but think that the terror which struck those who even saw Him approaching was like enough to completely shock their minds into utter silence, cowed and trembling, only to flee the wrath evident. 

Friday, June 12, 2015

Partial Consideration of Reality and a Right Spirit

Is He real, to you?

That's been so very...unsettling, this past week.

Is His presence abiding in such a way that you know He's right there, with you?

Or is it something hoped for, believed because of Scripture, alone?
Because He said it's true.

But is it real, to you? Is He real, to you?

Been reading through the major prophets, again. Not in their entirety, but piecemeal. Just...taking in glimpses.

And seeing so much of even the church described therein. Always, with lips that give praise, that speak highly of Him, the proclaim Him as God, as Lord alone...while hearts are consumed with jobs, family, hopes for success.

Which, I know I'm in somewhat a unique position on that front, perhaps. I'd been estranged in varying ways from pretty much my entire family. And have no "family of my own." And have increasingly, over the years, come to experience corporate professionalism as entirely deadening and hopeless. To a point of finally finding hope in Christ. In Him, only.

So, it's His people now who've become a great concern.

...I don't remember who said it, but one of the preachers I listen to said something to the effect of, "we major on minors."

And it's entirely true.

We focus on maintaining doctrine to the exclusion of realizing brotherly love.
We focus on sound theology to the exclusion of seeking to know Christ in spirit and truth.
We focus on maintaining a prayer-life to the exclusion of actuating prayer.
We focus on devoting time to studying Scripture without ever overtly realizing increased nearness to the One by whom it was composited.

We speak highly of Him, but keep Him always at arm's length. As though we're afraid to draw too near to Him.

Like with the professor--one of my former mentors--who told me, last June, not to go "all out" for Christ. Because it's good enough just to be a "normal Christian," just go to church on Sundays and not worry about all the rest. Otherwise, I'd be a target. I'd be attacked on all sides. I'd lose everything.

That probably entirely does constitute the views most folks have of the Lord:

Don't get too close to Him--you'll lose everything!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

"The Chocolate Soldier" or "Heroism--The Lost Chord of Christianity" by C.T. Studd

"The Chocolate Soldier"

or "Heroism—The Lost Chord of Christianity"

by C. T. Studd

HEROISM is the lost chord; the missing note of present-day Christianity!
Every true soldier is a hero! A SOLDIER WITHOUT HEROISM IS A CHOCOLATE SOLDIER! Who has not been stirred to scorn and mirth at the very thought of a Chocolate Soldier? In peace true soldiers are captive lions, fretting in their cages. War gives them their liberty and sends them, like boys bounding out of school, to obtain their heart's desire or perish in the attempt. Battle is the soldier's vital breath! Peace turns him into a stooping asthmatic. War makes him a whole man again, and gives him the heart, strength, and vigour of a hero.
EVERY TRUE CHRISTIAN IS A SOLDIER—of Christ—a hero "par excellence!" Braver than the bravest—scorning the soft seductions of peace and her oft-repeated warnings against hardship, disease, danger, and death, whom he counts among his bosom friends.
THE OTHERWISE CHRISTIAN IS A CHOCOLATE CHRISTIAN! Dissolving in water and melting at the smell of fire. "Sweeties" they are! Bonbons, lollipops! Living their lives on a glass dish or in a cardboard box, each clad in his soft clothing, a little frilled white paper to preserve his dear little delicate constitution.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Considering Work

Things have been so strange. Absolutely everything has changed, within the past year. Or...okay, not on the surface, perhaps--I'm still single, childless, and reasonably healthy. However--even in regard to these sorts of things--perspective has completely changed.

Becoming increasingly focused on the Lord as utmost priority, of and in all things, has changed everything, is all. Learning and understanding more about Him--now possessing a more thorough comprehension per direct experience of His nature--has completely altered the frame of reference for all things else.

Everything takes on new character, new meaning, and wholly different import, in light of increasingly understanding who He is and increasingly seeking to embody what it means to serve Him. Perhaps primarily because "self-fulfillment" as a desired end of being is now understood to require self-denial and glad submission to the will of God, where prior it was perceived as wholly self-referential and self-derived.

My idea of a meaningful life has continually shifted further and further away from wanton self-indulgence (even as evidenced by endless, self-directed academic pursuit or professional success, when excluding reverence of God) and increasingly into the desire to know and do the will of God--whatever He requires, at all times, so to draw nearer Him.

There's still a major struggle to refrain from needless fixations (minor case-in-point: my blog design has been overhauled twice within the past six months--a serious waste of time in terms of toying with nearly undetectable tweaks, such that unless restraint is now exercised, I could continue wasting endless hours mindlessly varying fonts and color combinations). There's still ongoing struggle to remain single-mindedly devoted to seeking the Lord, despite knowing that the alternative is death. This, even as spending time seeking Him--learning about Him, praying and fellowshipping, worshiping--is more comprehensively, substantially enjoyable than anything else ever prior experienced. Yet still there's a battle against constant distraction, and a continual tendency for attention to wander.

I'm still completely uncertain about what presently needs focus, in terms of research and applied efforts.

Now that something of "stability" has become a norm, a desire for concerted efforts and particular focus has arisen--this, as opposed to continuing to blindly grasp toward anything and everything which seems it might lead to another facet of understanding the Lord and being conformed to His will.