Saturday, May 30, 2015

Securely Conditioned: Sanctification

I forget, sometimes, the severity of the situation.

Christ or death.

Not just a walk in the park. Not just a moment given to reflection, here and there. Not just a matter of spending a couple minutes a day, reading the Word of God.


Christ or death.

And with all the reading about predestination, lately, and about the security of the elect, the assurance of salvation for those foreordained to be conformed to the image of Christ...

...inherent all those can creep up a sense of security which then might allow self-indulgence to be fostered, unto relaxing from ardently seeking Christ.

But, no.

It's Christ or death, still.

Taking into account that we have to work out our salvation with fear and trembling, pressing on for the high calling in Christ, diligently studying as to show ourselves approved, examining ourselves to see whether we are in the faith, and being doers of the Word, not hearers only...

Friday, May 29, 2015

In Christ, Alone. Peace and Freedom.

Trusting the Lord is so very necessary, so very good.

And yet there's still a battle which periodically rages, as a desire to return to my own understanding arises again and again. 

These past few weeks, temptation has come from all sides. I've fallen numerous times, and continue to struggle. 

Even knowing on some level that it's His righteousness which matters, not mine. Because mine's insufficient from gaining any favor with God, regardless. It's Christ who makes me well, not my own efforts.

Grace. all the more reason to strive against sin, for love of Him, desire to be conformed to His image. Even as knowing that He's the means by which all good comes to and perhaps through me...means that when I do things as a matter of pursuing fulfillment of my own understanding of what He wills, without regard to His leading, then still I'm being rebellious.

There's a depth to abiding in Him which eradicates anxiety, eradicates fear, eradicates doubt, and eradicates temptation. And it came clear for a good while, during fellowship with the Spirit over course of church service, a few weeks ago.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Briefly into the ether.

There are a few things in the "outside realm" known as Real Life which presently are maintaining such a stronghold on my emotions as to fairly necessitate a refrain from internet dabblings for a while, in favor of more ardently and single-mindedly pursuing Christ.

As per His guidance, this goes.

And it will be His will, as to when another next moment comes in this space.

Which it will, I'm fairly certain. Only, perhaps once weekly. Or perhaps once, bi-weekly (either of which would be more regular than otherwise has been the case, recently). Still praying about that.

For now, though...prayer and devotion require time which doesn't at all focus on this realm, here. Some rather...serious business (not that everything which has been going on for the past year hasn't been serious, but just hasn't been this...distressing, perhaps?...wholescale distressing...even as He's keeping me in His peace, in the midst..)

Prayer will continue, intercessory. And on many counts.

Just, seeking Him outside this space...yes..will help allow thoughts to come back to a point of total hinging upon His glory, rather than distraction per thoughts of what might be done here, there, or wherever.

Seems there are variances in periods of activity. Some given to ardent, exclusive pursuit of Him. Some given to witnessing. Some given to testimony. Some given to evangelizing. Some given to studying doctrine. Some given to fellowship. And so on.

Time to just seek Him, though. Single-mindedly again, for a time.

God bless you and keep you.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Fruit vs. Works & Compromising Efforts

Drawing nearer to the Lord is such a fundamental necessity, for all good.

He's there, regardless whether we're paying any attention to Him. Regardless whether people refute His existence or neglect His sovereignty. Only, the peace and joy which He offers--wisdom and knowledge, love and patience...increasing self-control...

...all those and other blessed sanctions wholly wrought through increasing in love for Him, increasingly drive desire for further sanctification. Just to be closer to Him. To experience His love.

Just to know Him, as He truly is. Ever more clearly.

Increasingly realizing His presence and immanence. His love, His goodness, His faithfulness. All which humble and convict and lead in paths of righteousness, for His name's sake.

Growing in grace, then. Ever sufficient, as His mercies are new every day. For He never changes, nor forsakes us. He is faithful to His nature, to His word, and thus to those who are His. We can know these things, for the evidence as recorded in Scripture, but also by reflecting upon the lives of those who have markedly evidenced true saving knowledge of Him.

Even as our own lives bear those hallmarks of His faithfulness, for those who know Him in spirit and truth.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Another confession.

Battling things from within, this past round. The Lord has kept me. Mercifully.

So many temptations.

Food has been the big one. Tentatively, hoping and praying that the Lord truly has granted me repentance, on that count. Even as it means completely restricting diet, in ways, so as to "flee temptation." Still, rather that...being so weak-willed...than allow that sort of idolatry to continue to derail pursuit of the Lord. And desire for deeper relationship with Him. Greater depths of subjugation of self, into humility, so as to serve more readily and with less hindrance to obedience. Increasingly less hindrance, moreover. 

Don't presently recall which of the recent preachers mentioned this, as analogy,'s so apt.
Fellow talked about the danger of sin. How it's like having a hole in a bucket containing oil. won't necessarily happen overnight, long as that hole's there, the oil will drain out. Maybe so slowly it's nearly indiscernable. But the oil will drain, until the bucket is empty. 

The oil, in this case, being representative of a person's desire for God.

Either it was Zac Poonen or Carter Conlon. One of those two brothers. 

But, yeah. It's been like that, with food. 

Just as a self-indulgence. Increasingly rationalizing that "it's not a big deal," to indulge my flesh just a little bit, with foods that are more tasty than nutritious (think...ramen noodles, popcorn, potato chips, bread--oh, so much bread--and any sort of dessert). Problem was, after a bout of fasting (which continually has been absolutely necessary to seeking the Lord more ardently...and for recovering my awareness of and desire for Him, while all this food indulgence has gone on outside of fasting)...after a bout of fasting, I'd start eating small portions of foods which were more of an indulgence than they were true sustenance. Starting with, say, sandwiches (and bread is seriously a major indulgence--it makes me feel kind of drugged, really, so deep is the effect which it has on my system, as if some sort of depressant), then potato chips with the sandwich. Then within a week, I'd have rationalized getting a burger/pizza/etc. at some fast food place. Then within another week, a burger/pizza/etc., plus fries/breaded-whatever. Then within another week, all of that, plus a milkshake or pie, or whatever else.

So, one right after the other. Snowballing, until it's just a matter of making plans around what sort of meal might result. 

Constant indulgence, in other words.

Living to eat. Rather than living wholly for Christ.

My belly is not my God, so it's not acceptable. And I don't care what sort of heckling I get for it, this time around, I'm going to rely on Christ to strengthen me to refrain from giving in to the peer pressure to eat just whatever, because it's convenient and less "fussy" and "respectful," or whatever else. 

If everyone else in the world can eat anything they want, in moderation or however, and still have the absolute most close walk with God, growing ever greater in sanctification unto His likeness...then, seriously--I am happy for them. But I can't. 

And trying to live that way, because of external and internal pressures to do so, as to conform to the will of the world and the will of my flesh...?

Yeah, no.

The Lord forgave me and delivered me from porn, fornication, lustful thoughts, and all the many other physical things thereabouts and thereby. And He has forgiven me and will again deliver me from this lust of the flesh, desiring gratification in whatsoever food it desires, at all hours and quantities.

Even with as wretched as I've been, allowing doubt about "starvation" and "malnutrition" to creep up, as fears which have colored my openness to the Lord's direction, in this sector of life. 

Hunger in the flesh isn't the end of the world, is the thing. What very few times, in the past, I'd "gone hungry" were by my own fault, entirely--spending all your money on alcohol, cigarettes, rent, and car expenses, to the exclusion of considering a prioritized listing of not representative of good financial management, by any stretch of the imagination (unless you're an alcoholic {or, as it was then commonly touted amongst all: "I'm not an alcoholic, I'm from New Orleans"} who's addicted to nicotine--in which case, it's the only logical order of financial priority). But, yeah. Even then, I didn't starve. I worked food-service, even in the bar I (unofficially) helped manage. There were always abandoned left-overs, plus a shift meal.

But that was always about indulgence of the flesh, too.

And first thing, last year, when the Lord regenerated me...I started "doing the paleo diet," having for years wondered if it would live up to claims for reduced joint inflammation, increased clarity of thought, decreased fatigue, and overall increased joie de vivre. I started that "diet" without a second thought, though somewhat marveling at the fact that I was actually able to stay on it, per "my own will," given that years and years of attempted diets had always prior failed the instant they were begun (within a week). (Excepting the time in high school, which wasn't a diet but a blatant devastation of my body, even resulting in weight loss--90 pounds within...6...8?...months?, yeah. Big, bad. No.)

But there wasn't that same sense of self-indulgence while doing the paleo eating. I did feel more energetic. I did seem to have less pain (may have had something to do with being outside, too, though). But, mostly...there wasn't a constant sense of egregious self-indulgence. 

And it was no problem to keep up, despite years of previous failure in all such attempts (always previously completely unable to refrain from any self-indulgence which seemed "reasonable"). Until moving back to VA/WV. And being constantly tempted. Not just by being around foods. But by being told how tasty they were, repeatedly asked where I was sure I didn't want any. With all the "Mmm, this is so good! Oh, wow!" and all such as would generally be depicted to accompany that sort of sentiment, regarding food indulgence, in the last bits of tv commercials viewed as advertising foods for self indulgence.

With all the madness of the latter portion of last year, and given my then-unquestioning assumption that the ones tempting me so boldly were my spiritual superiors...I ended up caving in, rather than praying about it. Rationalizing it as temporary.

One day turned into two, then a week, then a month. Fasting became required, as to maintain focus on the Lord, even apart from fasting as to seek Him in regard to circumstances and intercession. And now, it's been...eight months, perhaps? Nine? 

And I've still been struggling. Against the idea of restricting my diet, again. Because it's so much more pleasurable to eat whatever I want. Only, that never pans out as being in any way manageable. 

So, for the sake of continuing to grow in the Lord, that has to go.


And I regret ever going back into that place of allowing my flesh to make an idol of food, unto self-idolatry per such self-indulgence. 

But it's been a learning lesson. 

Now confessed, even as those things which have been brought to my attention by the Holy Spirit have been confessed when repentance has come forth.

Knowing, still, it's not my strength that will make this go. As abhorrent as the idea of continuing in such a way now is...still, I don't trust myself. But I trust Christ. He will carry me through this.

Same as with other sins.

Which there wouldn't have even been awareness of, except that He convicted me of them, too. And brought me to a point where those, also, were reprehensible. Unbearable, even.

So, I'm not perfect. He is. I'm not.

While being under conviction for this, though, in the midst of praying through it and obtaining counsel...focus has been restrained. Weakened, by known sin.

Maybe to write of something else, tomorrow, if the Lord wills.

But this has needed to be confessed, first.
And I'm just sincerely praying that He gives grace to keep me through whatsoever difficulty of temptation arises in the days to come.

All that comes to mind is...His grace is sufficient. 

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

To the One above all others:

He is so good. So faithful.

Periodically, thought returns to His gentle leading--so tender, even in the midst of dire confusions. And perhaps He smiles softly while so patiently guiding back unto and further along His Way: Bringing back to Himself, is all. Ever as to see Him more clearly, experience His love more dearly. Bask in the radiance of His munificence and grace, even ever more humbly bound by the precious weight of His majesty.

There is something so vastly humbling about His love and the tenderness with which He guides and directs. Even or perhaps especially given how absolutely atrocious it is that we should ever look away from His wondrous mercy--distracted by the tarnished, false hopes the world proffers. Then, yet He perhaps sorrowfully sighs, before reaching again and again for our hand--mayhap even gently resting His own upon our shoulder. Nearly undetectable, except for the burning of one's heart, in so experiencing His glorious attention.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Temptation of the Public

New consideration, tonight.

Consideration which opens wide a whole new realm of respect for people God has greatly used.

Having just one small thing to tend, for God's glory, according to His major, in terms of being allowed to serve the Kingdom, whatsoever. Even if completely and utterly isolated from all of society. was probably something Bro. Washer talked about, perhaps, or maybe Bro. Poonen...some theological consideration along lines of:
 What good is it if a rose should grow in the middle of the wilderness, and no one ever sees it? How is there a point, there, if no one sees the beauty? Isn't it just meaningless? ..but...God sees. He is glorified in the creation of beauty, in the working of His will, even if He is the only one who witnesses the process and results.
And all that was in terms of having a very small portion to tend in the Kingdom, without ever coming into a position where anyone other than God is even aware of the efforts, the work, or the fruits. To such an extent, even, that it's entirely possible that the one so directed to live and to serve may not come to know the purpose or fruit of their labors, except to remain faithful to the Lord's direction, in faith--trusting His will is good and His purpose works always to good, thus continuing in loving obedience.

There's so much there. So very good. In being seen only by God. Known only by Him. And completely incapable of readily observing fruit of labor, except to experience growth in Christ. There's peace there. In Christ, moreover...ultimately.

When there are works which require interaction, such that people see the work, though...

...there's weirdness.

Because the flesh totally wants to jump up and be all "they're looking at me!" and "okay, now what am I going to do?"

As opposed to:

"Lord, I am nothing--and I am such a wretch, for ever sinning against You...yet still You have had mercy upon me, oh thank You!" and "okay, Lord, I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing, so please lead me."

And it seems perhaps that the more people who happen to be observers--even if wholly passive observers...the greater is that temptation to think and feel and act according to the flesh.

So, yeah. If it's nearly enough to completely derail, just having one or two, but the people who do great works for the Lord in the midst of masses of people...He really does such a work, to keep them true.

Alternately, experiencing even the barest sliver of temptation unto self-exaltation and self-reliance per "being observed"...makes it all the more clear how easy it would be to completely fall into that mire. Grace, though.

Except that He made it apparent that such things were as they are, I wouldn't even have been aware of the temptation as to resist it.

The Lord is so faithful. He is so good.
He does keep those who are His.

Eschatological Chaos: Errant Extremes

Another distinction which need be considered seems often given to one of some few variety of extremes (i.e., excluding Christ as primary focus):

"End-time" stuff.

Recent teaching at church did justice on this account: The matter of knowing precisely "when" isn't relevant to our lives, even as we must live believing in the ever-imminent culmination of this age, as Christ's return must be expected possible in any instant.

To the flesh, that sounds completely nonsensical, as circularly illogical: "How could it be possible or necessary to continually expect an event's immediate occurrence, yet simultaneously live as though the specific time of that event is absolutely irrelevant?"

There's a disregard for any "absolute" sense of time thereabouts which completely goes against the grain of the flesh, is all. (The flesh wants to know and to plan as to assert dominance, ultimately--it wants to live by sight, not by faith, as to maintain a sense of self-esteem sourced in the observable world.)

Monday, May 4, 2015

Walking the Line

Matthew 7:14
Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
The gate is narrow and few there be who find it. The way of/life is straight and narrow, but the path to destruction is broad.

...many are called, but few are chosen.

Bits of paraphrase, for you. In regard to present considerations.

Pray for discernment, dear friend. Seek the Lord steadfastly, with all your heart--by whatsoever means are available to you, seek Him. And pray for discernment.

In these days, even the elect would be deceived...if it were possible. Except for His hand of mercy, ever extended to those who are His. Except for the grace lavished upon those who love Him.
Except for the love of Truth which breathes so deeply from each such spirit touched and wholly transformed by His wondrous, abiding presence...the Holy Spirit, indwelling..

Similar Distinctives

There's desire to write, but no idea what.

So many things again, as always. Much consideration, still, of the spirit/s of delusion which have been allowed to permeate the religious world and society. Much consideration, still, of judgment.

Seems there's been an undercurrent of focus pervading, regarding study of the wrath of God, along those lines. The cup of His wrath, poured out.

Within the past week, two others have directly mentioned having personal, private study revolving around that idea. It doesn't sound as though their studies have been focused on that specific, in terms of the house of God, however. Nor in specific regard to observable manifestations, as warning.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Pray. Just pray.

There is so much need for prayer. Seriously. Delusion is rampant. And those who are deluded (all of us, to some extent are laboring under some amount of delusion--part of life in the flesh, as given to self-will) are in such need. Such need.

For those who spread the false teaching, perhaps even especially pray.

It's only by grace that deliverance unto clarity will come. And I don't personally comprehend quite how free will interplays with God's sovereignty when it comes to deliverance and salvation, but I believe His sovereignty certainly trumps all, especially given prayers which conform to His will. Even as His will is still (even as well delineated as it is, in Scripture)...seemingly nebulous, regarding varied expanses of what presently constitutes the world.

Pray for deliverance, is all. Fast and pray. For the breaking of bonds, freedom of captives, deliverance.

Love must be all, on our part. Led by God, Himself.