Tuesday, January 28, 2025

His Faithfulness

 The Lord's faithfulness and mercy are incomprehensible. I feel so ill-equipped and unworthy to speak of Him, to speak of His goodness, to reflect upon His mercy. Except to know my own worthiness is not what matters, but Christ's, alone. 

Listening to an audio reading of Galatians this morning, the passage regarding the fruitlessness of circumcision stuck out. Our attempts at piety, according to our own understanding, are so feeble and ultimately grossly out of place. We receive mercy upon mercy, new each day, in Christ's name and for His sake. Not due our actions, not as recompense for our faithfulness. No, but because of His faithfulness. Because of His steadfast love. 

He won us and bought us, we are His. Our life is in Him, now, if we know Him. We are given grace to love Him and strive after Him, strive unto holiness out of love for Him. Not to earn His favor. Not to warrant His graces. We could never. 

Yet what is so incomprehensible, even so, is that our Heavenly Father is pleased with us, delights in us, in Christ. What kindness... What incomprehensible compassion..

So much of what goes on down here, though, seems keen on honing in on and magnifying discord.

We all err. Yes, we're called to go to one another and plead with one another to repent. But not with rancor. 

James did write to the church about envy and bitterness evidencing every sort of evilness was present and active. Even to such extent that prayers were not as unto the Lord's will, but as a seeking after ways to satisfy one's own craven (even if seemingly not-so) desires. Lusts for wordly pre-eminence, security, satisfaction...are every bit as craven as any other sort. 

Who among us has not erred? 

...all the more to be humbled and rejoice that He remains faithful, for His own Name's sake, even when we are faithless. 

One of the insiduous traps around perceived personal faithfulness has been noted to be a smug satisfaction in considering myself faithful, at times. Just like the Pharisees. What a cold, biting reality that was to encounter..

We are saved by grace. And kept by grace. We have no laurels of our own to rest on, to twist a phrase...

So, why do we bicker so much? Why fling so much invective, and snide side-glances? 

...not to say, again, that error should not be identified. It should. But with such emotionalism, as though it's a personal matter? None of it is. If we see error and grasp the nature so far as to coherently address it Biblically, that is grace. If we are convicted of sin and repent, that is grace. If we have depths of insight into the Word as to exult in Christ beyond most, that is grace. If we struggle daily to remain faithful, pleading mercy day by day, clinging desperately to the hem of His garment from afar...that is grace. Mercy, all, moreover. 

And for those who will not receive a rebuke, will not repent...will not submit to God...will not entreat Christ for salvation...  The Judge of all the earth will do what is right. And, truly, it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God. 

Why do we not tremble, to handle His Word? Why do we not tremble, calling upon brothers to recant error and repent? Why do we not tremble, hearing sinners taunt Him by reviling Him openly? 

The mercy He has shown us is beyond all comprehension, again and again. He does restrain the consequences of our sin, to extents we have no inkling. 

And Christ went to that cross, in faithfulness to the Father, loving submission. Even as to secure His bride. What mercy! Such faithfulness. 

Lord, please lead us to repent. Your kindness has indeed oft led us to repent. Even as godly sorrow leads us to repentance.