Thursday, May 11, 2023

As He Gives

 So long since coming here. This space crosses my mind, still, and there's the desire to continue sharing of the Lord's day-to-day and month-to-month leading. Yet, He's kept me quite occupied elsewhere. 

Perhaps the moreso, soon. We'll certainly see how He guides, and what He wills. Even as another will also weigh in, quite soon.

I want to wax eloquent on the goodness of God, of how He's overseen my days and guided in grace. Things will change soon, and yet such a gracious gift He is giving...

Marriage is monumental. Apart from submitting to God--which is wholly in a different dimension, ultimately--this is the next most significant commitment that can be entered. A covenant, no less. Not a mere commitment. God unites. Inextricably bound, with a portion of His Spirit given in the union. 

Man and wife. 

This Saturday, May 13, 2023, at 11:00 am EST, I will enter such a covenant. 

You are welcome to join us. 

This is us...