Sometimes, there seems now an endless stream of activities. Nothing has come, new. Yet somehow there is more to do.
My time is not well structured, perhaps. Regardless, all I know is to commit this too to the Lord.
Many things these past six months, and twelve months, and twenty four months, and thirty six months...
...have been so utterly devastating and overwhelming. Yet, in the midst there has been certainty of the absolute call to trust the Lord: He is trustworthy. Even when I fear, I will trust Him.
Even when I falter and flail, I will trust Him. He is able to deliver to the uttermost.
Do not cease pressing on in pursuing truth. Do not cease committing all to Jesus. He will not fail you, nor will He forsake. His ways are not our ways, truly, and His thoughts not ours: He is good.
He is above all. Knows all. Foresees all. And will perfectly accomplish that which will be most glorifying to Him, and most sanctifying for us, as in accord with His will.
Seek to know Him. Press on.
We really...need to set aside distractions. I need to. All westernized citizens of earth surely are in need of that, unless delivered already by grace.
But He will refine. He will purify. And in those moments, there is a crushing. Turn to Him, all the more.